Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Confining Your Dog Using Indoor Fence

Does your dog enjoy playing in the backyard? Does he have a habit of jumping over or digging under your fences? Worried that your beloved pet might go away and cause troubles whenever he’s outside? Indoor fence is a great solution to control and confine your dog!

Confining your canine friend with the use of this type of containment fence system will take your worries away. It will prevent your dog from damaging the plants in the garden or ruining your furniture inside and outside your house.

Indoor fence can assist you in controlling your dog within desired premises. Owners with aggressive or stubborn dogs can benefit a lot from this fence. If you don’t want your neighbors complaining about your dog attacking them or their pets, indoor fence is a simple yet effective way to avoid that problem.

Indoor fences are also a lot cheaper than containment fences that are made of woods and bricks. Indoor fence can occupy less space and you can do the installation by yourself. You don’t need to hire professionals or carpenters to do the job for you which saves you money for installation services.

Not only does it contain your dog, it can eventually train him to have discipline and behave properly. Indoor fence is a good way to effectively teach your pet to roam around and play only on restricted yet safe boundaries that you desire for him.

Like other wireless dog fences, an indoor fence is easy to set up. Once you’ve installed this fence, you can ensure the safety of your dog as he is contained only within specific boundaries. Your days of paranoia that your dog might get into trouble will be over if you opt for this type of fence.

Most importantly, this is a humane way to manage your canine pet. You no longer have to install barbed wires that are very dangerous when dogs get jammed on it.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Why Dog Grooming is Important

There are a plethora of reasons why every dog owner should groom their dog frequently. Such practice is highly important for it will make your canine pet be in good shape, physically and emotionally.

If your dog is clean and well-groomed all the time, he will be free from germs and bacteria. His fur will be a lot nicer and not be infested by nasty fleas and ticks and, most importantly, you will keep him away from any canine diseases at bay, making him more active.

A clean dog is more well-behaved than the dirty ones. Dogs plague-ridden by fleas, for instance, are always irritable and bad tempered, and tend to show signs of bad dog behaviors such as excessive barking. True enough, the physical state of your dog has a big impact on the way he feels and reacts to people around him.

Dog grooming is a responsibility of every owner that is not that hard to do. Giving your dog a good pet bath once a week is one of them which obviously doesn’t take that much time. It is the easiest and most effective method to make your dogs clean and eliminate the dirt he got from playing outside. In bathing your pet, the use of anti-fleas shampoo and conditioner is recommended to ensure the absolute removal of these pests on your pet’s fur and skin.

Moreover, grooming your dog will definitely give an enormous comfort on him. It is also a great bonding time between you and your dog. Besides bathing him, take time to trim his nails regularly and brush his hair daily. Brushing your dog’s hair on a daily basis is an important part of every pet’s hygiene for it reduces shedding and promotes healthy skin. You can also boost the energy level of your dog by grooming him. Taking him to the salon where he can be pampered by professionals will allow the rejuvination of his senses.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Techniques in Dog Leash Training

Training your dog to get used to wearing a leash may take some time. They might get irritated the first time you pull and tug them. Here are some techniques that you can follow to leash train your dog with ease.

1. Start Early
It is recommended to start the dog leash training during the puppy days of your dog. Attach a lighweight leash to your puppy’s collar whenever you go outside. As days go by, drop the leash and let the puppy drag it around. If you do this several times, you will observe that your puppy won’t notice the leash attached to his collar anymore.

2. Hold The Leash Properly
The manner on how you hold the leash also matters in dog leash training. You should hold this tool with both hands to control your pet. One is on the loop while the other holds the leash about halfway to your pet’s neck. You can easily maneuver the direction where you dog is heading if you hold him this way.

3. Divert His Attention
At times when your dog gets too defiant whenever he wears the leash, never yell at him. Instead, give him treats to eat or dog toys to play. This is a good trick to divert his attention and maintain control.

4. Reward Your Dog
When it comes to training your dog to walk on a leash, never ever pull your dog for it might irritate him. Just walk with your dog and give him enough freedom as much as possible. But as your dog begins to walk in a different direction, that’s the only time you should make a little tug. Reward your dog everytime he follows you.

5. Good Communication Matters
Dog leash training can only be successful if you command your dog properly. Good communication is also very important. As in other forms of dog training, it is essential that you build a strong bond with your canine pet. If your dog trusts you, he will follow you. But in cases where the dog becomes too defiant, dog leash serves a great purpose to correct your dog’s behaviour.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home Alone Dogs

It is a bit much of a hassle to have your dog tagged along with you wherever you go. It may be your best friend to protect you from evil doers but most places really do not allow dogs in public places. So other than making your dog a jogging companion every morning, it would probably be best to stay that way.

Since most dogs are left at home, chances are, you don’t know what may run on their heads. You don’t want to be surprised that your home transformed from cozy to crazy right? Just like babysitting, your dog may be comfortable with other people like your neighbor or a friend you can call to come over. Instead of leaving them alone, you can ask others a favor of watching them for you while you’re away.

Dogs can be trained and disciplined. Perhaps part of dog training is removing from them the habit of destroying things. Expose your dog in a healthy environment especially while inside the home so that it would have a head start on what and what not to do inside the home.

If you don’t trust your dog that much, you can let the dog stay in dog pens or in his own little wood dog house. This way, it would be protected from those outside and vise versa. Still, having someone to come over and check how your dog is doing will be much advisable.

Wherever in the home you plan to leave your dog; indoor or outdoor, provide a place where it can rest. Just like leaving a kid to play in a pen. Eventually, you’ll find them fast asleep, tried from all the playful work they did to entertain themselves.

Dogs have emotions too. Don’t just leave them behind easily. It would be best to spend some time with them first before you leave them. Upon arriving share some extra time with them again to create that bond. It is in this way that your dog will be obedient to you and expect to have less damage inside your home.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tips on Bathing Your Cat

Bathing your cat is probably one of the most challenging tasks you could ever encounter as a pet owner. Most cats are hydrophobic and hate water and bathing them is not that easy. So if you don’t want the fuss of bathing your cat, better read these tips which will help you bathe her with ease.

Training your cat to bathe as early as possible would make the bathing session effortless in the long run. If you start bathing your cat while she’s still a kitten, she will get used to it.

Bathe your cat on a regular basis, atleast once a week. It’s not only hygienic but also a fun way to bond with your cat. Bathing her at an early stage will prevent your cat from getting the fear of getting wet because she will be accustomed to the water.

One of the common mistakes that pet owners commit when cleaning their cats is that they tend to act anxious. Just relax. Being calm when bathing your feline friend will make the job more trouble-free and faster.

If you are calm enough and not frightened, and most especially, happy with what you’re doing, your cat will experience less anxiety. Remember to loosen up and massage the shampoo gently into your cat’s fur. Rinse it well too. Also make sure that the room is quiet throughout the bathing period. Running water from the faucet while you’re bathing your pet might cause a struggle or distraction so better turn it off.

Another technique is that you bathe your cat as quickly as possible. Prepare the essential things such as shampoo and a large towel beforehand. Always use products that won’t irritate the eyes and fur of your cats.

Adding a non-toxic wetting agent to the water will also help a lot. It is also advised that you use diluted soap instead of ordinary feline soap for faster bathing.

These simple cat bathing tips will only make your life easier but will also make your cat healthier, preventing her cat from getting fleas and ticks and other infestations.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Important Facts About Cat Hiccups

Cats and kittens can also get hiccups like humans do. The sound may be different but the reason why they get them is scientifically the same. Cats like humans have diaphragm muscle too that can suddenly contract and involuntarily react to irritation, resulting to hiccups.

While it is a normal behaviour among cats, a cat owner should also be cautious because not all noises or hiccup-like sounds that your feline pet creates are actually hiccups. Some may be a cause of more serious health problems of your cat.

Here are some important facts you need to know why your cat gets hiccups.

1. It is normal for cats to get hiccups.

2. Cats get hiccups commonly just after eating.

3. Ocassionally, it can happen if your cat didn’t chew her food thoroughly or gulped it too fast.

4. Hiccups can sometimes be a sign that your cat is sick.

5. If the coughing or hiccups persists for a long period of time and she looks distressed, better take your cat to the veterinarian.

6. Hiccups among cats can be attributed to a anatomical problem at the back of your cat’s throat. This can be cured by your vet.

7. Kittens can get hiccups more often than cats.

8. Cats can get hiccups because they are allergic to dusts or grass.

9. It can also be a sign that your cat has something stuck in her throat. Hairball is the common thing that a cat swallows that results to that.

10. The nerves extending from the neck to the chest of your cat may also be irritated that’s why she gets hiccups.

So how can you prevent your cat from getting hiccups? To control or minimize it, next time try to elevate her food dish or cat bowl. Since your cat exerts more effort to get her food, it will make your cat eat it slowly.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Benefits of Being a Dog Owner

Adding a dog to your home can bring a lot of physical and even emotional benefits to you and your family. Dogs are the most faithful and loyal pets you could ever have. Whatever happens, even at times of trouble, whether you’re depressed or in high spirits, your pooch will always be there for you. No wonder why a dog is called as a “man’s bestfriend.”

Dogs are not only domesticated animals but they can also be an important part of a family’s life. Many people consider the task of taking good care of a dog as being the most rewarding hobbies in the world. Who don’t want to have an ever-loyal and sweet companion?

Dogs can bring you joy at times you’re feeling down. In fact, they can be even very sensitive to your feelings. If you’re having a tough time, a dog can feel that emotion and he will surely snuggle his head into your lap.

Scientific studies even reveal that dog owners have lesser risk of heart problems than those who are not. Dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure because pets can relieve anxiety or stress.

Another benefits of owning a dog is that they can act as your security guard against burglars. Dogs, especially the big ones, can bark growl and bark loudly, making a thief think twice before entering your premises.

Dogs are also great companions if you want to exercise and if you want to feel safe outdoor. Walking outside is more enjoyable if you are accompanied by your canine friend on a leash. Exercising outside or walking with your dog is an an effective cardio workout that can improve your blood circulation. It will improve both your stamina and the dog agility of your canine pet.

If you are the silent type or someone who just wants to catch the attention of others, dog ownership is an opportunity to meet new friends. Having a dog by your side while walking on the sidewalk or roaming around the park enables you to meet a lot of dog walkers and eventually friends.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Natural Flea and Tick Eliminator Recipes

Is your pet suffering from flea and tick infestation? Are the shampoos, powder and other expensive flea eliminators recommended by your veterinarian not working? Then, it’s about time that you try these simple recipes that will help you eliminate the undesirable fleas and ticks on your pet’s fur.

With these natural flea and tick eliminator recipes, you will notice how wonderful your dog or cat’s fur will become.

Natural Flea and Tick Eliminator Recipe #1

1 teaspoon of garlic powder
(you can also use 3-4 garlic capsules)
1 heaping T. brewer’s yeast

It’s pretty simple, just mix the ingredients together. The combination of garlic powder and yeasts produces an odor through the pet’s fur and skin which fleas and ticks find offensive. These ingredients will also make your pet’s blood taste awful which discourages ticks, ear mites and other pests.

Natural Flea and Tick Eliminator Recipe #2

1 cup burger meat
1 chopped clove of garlic
1 egg
1 tablespoon heaping T. brewer's yeast

Grill or fry the hamburger meat until browned. Mix the egg, garlic, and brewer’s yeast together then add to the burger meat. Feed it to your dog. For positive result, it is advisable that you do this once a month to minimize and control your pet’s fleas and ticks.

Natural Flea and Tick Eliminator Recipe #3

Fresh lemon

To make a citrus flea and tick repellant, cut a fresh lemon into quarters and put it in a jug. Then pour boiling water and let it sleep overnight. Put the mixture to a spray bottle.