Monday, January 26, 2009

Kid Friendly Dogs

Parents are smart to research which dog breeds are best for their children. Below are a few breed suggestions and tips as you consider which breed will function best in your family.
  • Labrador Retriever - Labs are a very popular family dog. Generally this breed is non-aggressive, and it's playful, easygoing demeanor makes it a great fit for children of all ages.
  • Golden Retriever - Similar to Labs in personality, Goldens are mild mannered and enjoy being around families and other people. These dogs are easy to train are gentle with children.
  • Beagle - Despite a Beagle's bark, they are also non-aggressive. Beagles are great around people, but don't like being left alone. Watch out for Beagles' boredom to lead to behavior problems if left alone for too long.
  • Basset Hound - This breed is good with children of all ages. They are known for their docile nature and gentleness. Their long backs need to be supported when they are picked up, and an eager child can accidently injure them.
  • German Shepherd - This dog is good for older children. They are playful, loyal dogs with considerable size and strength. Start training your German Shepherd early; without training they can quickly become a handful.
  • Cocker Spaniel - These lap dogs are sensitive and sweet and enjoy the attention of children. Cocker Spaniels are obedient with training and friendly around people.
  • Poodle - The standard sized Poodle is intelligent and eager to please. Labradoodles are a mix of Poodle and Labrador Retriever and can be a great alternative to a Lab for children with allergies to pet dander as Labradoodles are a hypoallergenic breed.
  • Cairn Terrier - This sturdy breed is great for families that prefer a smaller dog. Cairns are about 10 inches tall and weigh about 13 pounds and are good with children.
  • Pug - This affectionate breed loves being part of a family. Outgoing and mischievous, they make playful companions for children.
Keep in mind this list is not exhaustive. Each dog is an individual and can be an exception to the rule. With that in mind, here are a few breeds to be more cautious of around young children and toddlers.
  • Dominant and Willful Breeds - Rottweilers, Chow Chows, Coonhounds, Border Collies and Weimaraners all have personalities that make them difficult to train. These dogs may function better in homes with older children.
  • Toy Dog Breeds - Young children may play too roughly with Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas or other breeds under 10 pounds causing serious injury to the dog. Small dogs can also be more temperamental around children and may snap at them.
Contributed by Pet First Health Care
American Bullies for Sale

Monday, January 19, 2009

Guide To Raw Diets For Dogs

A raw dog diet, as the term suggests, is a kind of diet which is composed of raw and uncooked food with no hidden ingredients and fillers. It is usually a combination of raw meat, eggs, meaty bones, some types of vegies and a few portion of usual dog kibble.

There is no denying that a raw dog diet is much better than commercial dog food. Why is that so? A raw diet for dogs contains ingredients that are fresh, natural and organic. This means that you can improve your dog's health if you constantly give him raw food.

Dull coats and skin, for instance, will look more shiny and healthy looking. It is also a good way to prevent dog's bad breath. Dogs under a raw diet can also enjoy better digestion and stamina.

By choosing a raw dog diet, your dog will lose unwanted fat and increase his muscle mass. This not only makes your dog look so much better on the outside, it also boosts your canine's metabolic rate, as well as his activity levels and life span. Not only that, buying fresh vegies, bones and organ meats are a lot less expensive than purchasing premium commercial dog food. For those who want to save money, it's really a cost-effective alternative.

So what types of food are part of a raw dog diet? Any part of a chicken is good for your canine. However, do not give him the bones. These can splinter and harm his internal organs. Turkey and quail are healthy too. Beef meats should also be included in your dog's diet. Unlike chicken, you can include the bones from beef or buffalo for your dog can digest them.

Raw diets can be given to puppies but be extra careful. Puppies can't chew bones like an adult dog can. Raw dog diet will also never be complete without vitamins. Your dog will be a lot healthier if feed him vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brushing Your Pets' Teeth At Home

Importance of Oral Care

According to the American Dental Society, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by age three. This can lead to even more serious health problems including heart, lung and kidney disease. Ensuring your pet receives proper dental care from an early age is critical.

In addition to oral examinations and dental cleanings performed by your veterinarian, there are several things you can do to ensure the mouth of your dog or cat stays healthy.

Brushing at Home

Brushing your pet's teeth daily helps prevent a multitude of oral and other health problems. It is best to introduce dental home care early with your new puppy or kitten. During your first veterinary visit, request a demonstration of how to properly and effectively brush your pet's teeth.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to brush your pet's teeth at home.

1. Start with a healthy, comfortable mouth by having your veterinarian perform a dental cleaning. Existing problems may cause pain leading to an uncooperative dog or cat.
2. Start slowly by letting your pet become comfortable with you working inside their mouth with your finger. Gently rub along the gumline. Start at the front and move toward the back upper and then lower teeth and gums.
3. Pull his lip up to rub the outside of the teeth and gums.
4. Pull his head back gently to encourage him to open his mouth so you can clean the inside of his teeth.
5. Repeat on the opposite side of the mouth.
6. After your dog or cat becomes comfortable with your finger, place gauze over your finger and rub their teeth in a circular motion.
7. When your pet can handle the gauze, introduce a toothbrush during the next brushing session. It is important to make this switch because a bristled toothbrush cleans below the gumline where gauze or pads cannot reach.
8. Apply the bristles at a 45 degree angle to the surface of the tooth. Using small, circular motions, brush around the outside of the teeth ensuring the bristles get under the gumline. Brushing the sides of the teeth is not as important, as dogs and cats typically do not have tartar build-up between teeth like humans do.
9. Gradually add toothpaste designed for dogs or cats. Do not use people toothpaste or baking soda as both can upset your pet's stomach.
10. Place your hand over your pet's muzzle gently squeezing from the top.
11. Help keep your pet calm by praising your pet, speaking reassuringly and keeping the brushing sessions short. Remember, you will not always have a perfect teeth brushing session, but it's important to be consistent and keep trying.

Other Considerations for a Healthy Mouth

Hard food and teeth cleaning biscuits can help keep your pet's mouth clean in between brushings.

You should also be sure to regularly examine your pet's mouth for signs of periodontal disease. Brownish teeth, consistently bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums and pus between the teeth and gums are all warning signs. If your dog or cat has these symptoms, consult your veterinarian.

Contributed by Pet First Health Care

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tips On Training A Hunting Dog

Hunting with a dog is a very exciting sport, but the training part of it takes a lot of time, effort and practice in order to do it the right way. With the much-awaited hunting season just around the corner, it's about time to prepare your dog.

Here are some tips on training hunting dogs such as Retrievers, Beagle, Norwegian Elkhound, American Foxhound and many others:

Again, take note that training a hunting dog needs time and effort. It's not an activity for impatient people. For it to be successful, it should begin right from when your dog is still a puppy. A hunting dog, of course, should be trained before being taken out to hunt.

Basic dog obedience training should serve as the most fundamental foundation of a successful hunting dog training. You dog must learn how to follow and perform commands such as heel, sit, stay, whistle and steadying drills. It is also recommended for hunting dogs to be trained in the water. Similar to duck hunters, retrievers need to sit still for long periods of time.

Another way to prepare your dog for hunting is by teaching your dog how to be steady. One technique to teach steadiness is clay target shooting. In this type of , a bumper will be tossed but only one dog will be sent to retrieve the bumper. It also reinforces honoring. Mechanical bird launchers can also be used. The dog is taught not to seek out the bumper until after receiving a signal from his trainer. Teaching hand signals and whistle is also important in hunting dog training.

Conditioning your hunting dog should be done regularly. Expose him in the outdoors as often as possible. Allow your dog to roam around a spacious location outside your house such as parks, yards and even woods, or better yet, enrol him in dog agility training classes. By doing so, you can condition him to run fast and expose him in the climate.

Another element of training a hunting dog is to teach him to act abruptly and independently. The act of hunting requires a hunting dog to lead ahead of the hunter by great distances. Having said that, all hunting dogs need the right kind of diet. Feed him dog foods that are high in vitamins that will make him strong and healthy. Always give him a constant supply of clean water too.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Feline Bladder Infection Treatment & Prevention

Feline bladder infection is also known as urinary tract infection, FLUTD, cystitis, and many other names. You cat is suffering from this disease if you observe that she often urinates outside the litter box or cries out whenever she tries to urinate. There might also be blood in her urine.

Take not that these symptoms is caused by the inflammation in the feline bladder, not the infection itself. If your cat can't urinate at all, take her to the vet immediately to address the blockage in her urinary tract. The treatment for this feline diseases depends on the diagnosis.

There are a number of feline bladder infection treatments that veterinarians recommend to cure this illness. The most common of all is the prescription of antibiotics to treat the bladder infection. To determine how serious the problem is, tests which include a urinalysis to check for white blood cells in the urine, and a urine culture to know which bacteria is causing the problem. This test is done to know which antibiotic medicine is bet to use for the cat suffering from feline bladder infection.

Another treatment option is the use of natural and herbal remedies for feline bladder problems. The remedy usually consists of the herbs uva ursi and barberry, along with Cantharis and Staphysagris. These natural ingredients are proven to be very effective in treating bladder-related diseases.

If you want your cat from getting a bladder infection, change her diet and feed your pet wet canned food. Your cat will be more prone to bladder infection or inflammation if she only eats dry food. Your pet must also drink lots of pure, clean water always. To make sure the water doesn't have any contaminants, give him the distilled or filtered one. Minimizing your pet's stress level is also a great way to prevent and treat this urinary problem.