Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ways to Dispose Dog Poop

Cleaning dog poop is a major hassle if you don’t know exactly how to dispose them. It is a challenge that all dog owners around the world face everyday. However, there are many different methods that you can do to dispose your pet’s stinking waste. Many of these ways are environment-friendly and do not cost much.

Dog poop, if not disposed correctly, can be a threat to your health. When smelly dog wastes are left on the ground, harmful worms and other parasites can stay in the soil and later infect people who come contact with it. Here are some environment-friendly dog waste disposal methods that you can follow:

1. Make A Doggy Loo - You can dump dog poop into a doggy loo that is buried in your backyard. This is an economical way of disposing waste because all you need to set up is a bucket with holes in the bottom that go directly to the soil or ground. To ensure that the waste goes to the ground and breaks down, you will need to pour water with special enzyme drain cleaner into it.

2. Use Biodegradable Dog Waste Bags - For those who love to bring their dogs outside, the easiest method to clean after your dog is by purchasing biodegradable dog waste bags. Unlike standard plastic bags, these specially designed dog poop bags break down easily when exposed to heat and moisture. The waste is then converted into the natural elements of carbon dioxide, water, biomass and minerals. You can buy these dog waste bags in your local supermarkets and shops.

3. Buy A Doogie Dooley Pooper Scooper - This is one of the most popular commercial dog waste disposal systems that you can buy in pet shops today. If you don’t like exerting effort building your own doggy loo, purchasing a doggie dooley pooper scooper is the way to go. Similar to do-it-yourself dog toilets, doggie dooley pooper scoopers come with digester powder that will help in breaking the dog poop faster. It works similar to a septic system by using enzyme and good bacteria to turn dog poop into a ground absorbing liquid that is not detrimental to the environment.

4. Build Worm Compost Bins - If you want to convert dog poop into something useful, building a worm compost bins is a great way to achieve that. Nowadays, there are worm compost bins available for dog waste as well as manure worms that eat the poop and then make fertile castings for the plants in your garden.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fun Games For Your Cat

Playing with your cat is a great way to bond as well as get in some good mental and physical exercise. Here is a list of fun games to play with your cat.

1. Staircase Sprint – Stand at the bottom of a staircase and have your feline friend sit at the top. Throw a ping pong ball so it hits the back wall of a step one of or two below where your cat is sitting. The ball will bounce back and coming rolling back towards you. Your cat will follow it down the stairs trying to catch it. But the ball should reach you again before the cat can get to it, so you can keep throwing it back up the stairs until your cat is tired.

2. Bathtub Bustle – Place your cat in a clean bathtub and bounce a ping pong ball of the side of the tub to get things going. Your cat while have loads of fun chasing down the always moving ping pong ball.

3. Bubbles – Buy a bottle of bubble solution and blow them around indoors or outside. Attempting to catch and pop all the bubbles will keep your cat occupied.

4. Toys – Some recommended toys are playthings like balls with bells on them, wand toys and catnip mice. Some useful things you might find around the house are straws, boxes, crinkled up paper or bottle caps.

Contributed by Pet First Health Care
Cat Playpens
Kitten Playpens

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Choosing The Right Breed For Your Crib

The importance of choosing the right breed of pet to roam around your home is as important as your own personal hygiene. Both dogs and cats alike have an array of traceable origins and it is usually where your pet's personality may be based from.

Why is it important to look back or do a little character research before purchasing a pet? Perhaps you would also care about what will happen to your home after you leave them there by themselves.

For one, cats and dogs can be playful and sociable to their owners, your own guests, everyone. Some are good watchdogs and some are good as toy household pets. The other side of which people often neglect thinking is what happens if these pets are left home alone.

Most of the time, pets having no owners or fellow pets around the household develop a very destructive character. Expect your pets, unless well trained, to be possible home wreckers if attention is not that adequate. Perhaps one solution suggested by pet experts is to give your pet a company; a fellow breed or simply a fellow pet.

Cats and dogs need to spend time with owners in simple ways like a morning walk and other pet-owner bonding activities. When you're training or playing with them, use dog exercise pens or cat playpens to ensure their safety. If you’re planning to run down the pet shop near town, you might want to think first if you’ll be spending most of the time with your new pet or it will be just left behind like the rest of your furniture.