Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Penumbra Issue Three & Subscription Challenge

Penumbra Issue Three & Subscription Challenge

Penumbra's third issue, the extra special December issue, has just been released. Inside you will find wonderful stories centered around the theme of travel, stories that take you beyond the usual definition of the word and explore all its possibilities. But that's not all; this issue is full of surprises and new content.

What makes this issue so special?

Well, this issue was organized by Musa's lovely team of interns(I happen to be one), with the supervision of our Editor-in-Chief and some help and input from cover artist Lisa Dovichi. Over the course of the month we looked for ways to make this issue shine, to stand out from what we've done before. Our need to distinguish ourselves as a team from the regular Penumbra team—who are, by the way, just as awesome as we are—led to the addition of two non-fiction features, an interview with Homer Eon Flint's granddaughter Vella Munn and an article on Krampus, the evil anti-Santa.

It's been both an honour and an excitement to work on this issue of Penumbra and to be part of such a wonderful team. I am proud to say that I am an intern with Musa Publishing, and on a whole other level, I'm proud to claim my part in creating this issue of Penumbra.

What is the Subscription Challenge?

You might have noticed that the title of this post is 'Penumbra Issue Three&Subscription Challenge', and you're probably wondering what the subscription challenge is.

Well, as a new eMagazine, Penumbra is just beginning to build its subscriber base. Our lovely editor-in-Chief came to us while we were working on the December issue of this magazine and gave us a challenge to get 500 subscribers for this wonderful eMagazine.

Why subscribe to Penumbra? Well, a one year subscription will feed you with great stories from the authors you love until this time next year, and at the low price of $36.00 for the whole year, that's a great thing. These stories will make you—or any speculative fiction reader on your Christmas list—a happier person for the whole year. You get to support the authors you love and read the stories you love, all for $36.00.

But that's not all. Until January first, we are offering the first two issues of the magazine free with your one year subscription. Consider it our way of saying thank you for having faith in our small new eMag.

You can get your subscription here: Penumbra Subscription.

DIY idea: shirt collar necklace

Ranjana Khan via Veon Galore

The recipe for a unique necklace: sew the ends of a chain to a shirt collar. Repeat this step to your taste until a dramatic effect is obtained.

Ricetta per ottenere un accessorio unico: fissare una catenella al colletto di una camicia. Continuare ad aggiungere catenelle fino ad ottenere un effetto drammatico.

Voting Ends Today

Don't forget to vote for your favorite art piece for Penumbra eMag. Voting ends at 12:00 am central.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Favorite accessories

Fanciful accessories are always the best to enlighten a winter outfit. To obtain a bold effect they can be worn one onto another. Below some pics of my favorite jewels right now.

Se gli outfit invernali vi sembrano un po' grigi perchè non illuminarli con degli accessori eccentrici?
Se ne avete il coraggio provate a sovrapporli ottenendo dei risultati sorprendenti.
Ecco la lista dei miei accessori preferiti.

Who doesn't like felines? They are a perfect theme for a stand out accessory
A chi non piacciono i felini? Sono un soggetto perfetto per un accessorio che conquisti l'attenzione
a couple of romantic pair of earrings
un paio di piccoli orecchini romantici
I like these beads they look like clear spike studs
Una collana eccessiva e un po' rock
I'm wearing a lot this red enamel necklace recently. It evokes the sea and summer and I plan to buy some other sea themed accessories in the future, I bet they will be on trend next spring.

Questa collana smaltata è quella che indosso più di frequente, evoca il mare e l'estate. Mi piace così tanto che sono alla ricerca di altri accessori dal tema marino, sono sicura che saranno molto trendy la prossima primavera.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Everything dogtooth

Ferragamo dogtooth pumps,Anna Dello Russo in Ferregamo dress, Asos sequin skirt, Kookai coat, Sicily bag, Miu Miu patent boots

Sunday inspiration: glossy black patent leather and dogtooth print on everything.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Out with the gold skirt

It's the first day out of the closet for the gold skirt.  I  put together this outfit trying to mix day wear with evening wear.

E' il primo giorno fuori dall'armadio per la gonna dorata. Ho pensato questo outfit mixando elementi del guardaroba da giorno con altri presi in prestito dalla sera come la pochette in perline.

skirt Diy - leather jacket Asos - boots Office - the beaded clutch it's a gift from a very good friend of mine

Thursday, November 24, 2011

DIY idea: shoes with mustache

Studio Rain via

 "Our shoes make people smile" says Yagmur Caner Alzayat,turkish shoe designer and I agree with her. The shoes she makes are funny and creative. This shade of blue is just perfect! I too want to add a pair of mustache on my shoes, I'll cut a piece of felt or suede and I'll glue it on them! 

"Quando guardano le nostre scarpe le persone sorridono" dice Yagmur Caner Alzayat, designer di scarpe turca e mi trovo d'accordo con lei, le sue scarpe sono divertenti e creative (e questa tonalità di blu è perfetta). Mi ha fatto venir voglia di aggiungere un paio di baffi anche sulle mie scarpe, ritaglierò la forma in feltro o in camoscio e la incollerò sulla punta di un paio di decoltè.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The pleated skirt DIY

I love everything metallic right know. Either if you're going to spend the party season between  social events or with your friends and family there is only one rule to obey: sparkle! I start putting some glitters in my wardrobe with this skirt I made, a pleated one. It doesn't require any pattern; I hope you'll like this tutorial I made for you.

Sia che passiate la stagione natalizia tra eventi mondani o con famiglia ed amici c'è una sola regola da osservare quest'anno: brillare. Io ho cominciato ad aggiungere lustini nel mio guardaroba con questa gonna che ho realizzato. Si può realizzare senza modello, spero che vi piaccia il tutorial che ho confezionato per voi.
the inspiration

the "pattern"

 You'll need:
1 long rectangle of fabric to make pleats 
1 short rectangle of fabric to make the belt
an elastic band 

Vi serviranno:
1 rettangolo di stoffa lungo per la gonna a pieghe
1 rettangolo di stoffa basso per la cinta
un elastico

To make this skirt I chose a gold lame fabric. You have to cut a rectangular piece of fabric 3 times longer than your hips cincumference. The height of the rectangle is the skirt height (you choose it),leave a little extra lenght to make hems. Cut your piece of fabric and hem it at the bottom.
We'll need another rectangle of fabric that will become the skirt belt. We'll insert an elastic band into the belt to obtain a perfect fit.

Per realizzare questa gonna ho scelto una stoffa dorata in lamè (si può trovare in merceria in vari colori) da cui ricaverete un rettangolo lungo 3 volte la circonferenza fianchi. L'altezza del rettangolo è invece la lunghezza della gonna,sceglietela a piacere,contate un margine per gli orli. Tagliate il rettangolo e orlatelo sul fondo.
Un altro rettangolo ci servirà poi per realizzare la cinta della gonna in cui inseriremo un elastico ottenendo così il fitting desiderato.

In order to make the pleats pinch and fold the fabric
Make every pleat 3 cm wide
Check the top and the bottom of your rectangle and make sure the pleats width is the same on both sides

Per ottenere le pieghe sollevate la stoffa e piegatela. Realizzate pieghe larghe 3 cm.
Controllate che sopra e sotto che siano della stessa larghezza.
Fasten pleats with pins so they won't move.
Baste the pleats and then sew them at the top. 

Fermate le pieghe con degli spilli in modo che non si muovano.
Imbastite le pieghe e poi eseguite la cucitura in vita per fermarle.
The skirt is almost done.
Let's make the belt.
Cut a rectangular piece of fabric long as your hips circumference. Its height is up to you and depends on how tall you want to make the belt. For example to make it 3 cms tall, make the rectangle 6 cms tall plus a little extra for hems.

La gonna è quasi fatta.
Realizziamo la cinta.
Tagliate un rettangolo di stoffa lungo quanto la circonferenza fianchi . L'altezza del rettangolo dipende quanto volete che sia alta la cinta. Se volete una cinta alta 3 cm l'altezza del rettangolo deve il doppio. Ricordatevi di lasciare un bordino per gli orli.

Reverse the rectangular piece of fabric and pin it over the top of the skirt then sew it.

Mettete la striscia a rovescio e appuntatela sopra la gonna (a dritto); poi cucitela sul bordo della gonna.

 Turn over the skirt and hem the rectangle.

Mettete la gonna a rovescio e orlate il rettangolo.

Fold the rectangle over and sew it on the skirt.
You've now obtained a horizontal pocket where you can insert the elastic band. Attach a big safety pin to the band,it will help you inserting it into the belt.
Cut the elastic band a little shorter than your low waistline. Sew the elastic band ends together.

Piegate il rettangolo a metà e cucitelo sulla gonna.
Abbiamo così ottenuto una "tasca" in cui inserire l'elastico. Appuntate una spilla da balia grande sull'elastico e cominciate ad infilarlo. La spilla vi aiuterà a completare velocemente l'operazione, poi rimuovetela. Tagliate l'elastico un po' più corto della vostra circonferenza alla "vita bassa". Cucite gli estremi dell'elastico insieme.

Now it's time to close the skirt. Fold in half your rectangle and make a lateral seam and you've done!
 I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial, share your thoughts and advices :) sorridente.

E' ora il momento di completare la gonna. Piegate il rettangolo a metà a rovescio ed eseguite una cucitura laterale per chiudere la gonna. Et voilà!
Spero che il tutorial vi sia piaciuto; se avete dei consigli da condividere sono bene accetti :) sorridente.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Houndstooth nails DIY

After a coat of white take a pin (or a nail pen if you have) and draw and fill little squares with black polish. Connect those squares with a / (slash) and your Houndstooth manicure is done!
The strong black and white contrast will make your nails the center of attention,give it a try!

Dopo aver applicato uno strato di bianco prendete uno spillo (o una penna per la decorazione delle unghie) e disegnate dei piccoli quadratini equidistanziati con lo smalto nero. Connettete i quadratini tra loro con una diagonale, disegnate uno / e la vostra manicure pied de poule è pronta!
Il forte contrasto del bianco accostato al nero metterà in risalto le vostre unghie mettendole al centro dell'attenzione, provare per credere.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Versace for H&M review

Yesterday I went to H&M for their latest designer collaboration. We've been talking about it since June and the moment to touch and buy the clothes is finally arrived. As you can imagine the queue was stressful. I think that shopping and stress should never go along together since we usually shop to relax but I waited patiently in line to shop the collection. I know that Versace for H&M will launch in US and Canada only tomorrow so I thought to share my opinion with you hoping that will be someway useful for your shopping.

two chokers, two bracelets
my sister bought this statement choker
the shopping bags

What we (me and my sister) bought yesterday: a skirt,a greek chocker and bracelet each and a beautiful scarf

 Studded pieces are amazing in real life especially the colored ones! This pink one is really beautiful and detailed. Even the back is fully studded, the zipper has a round puller with the greek fret. The front have 4 or more different kind of studs on it, it's definitely worth the price tag! I was surprised by the blue dress you  see on the left. It wasn't my favorite on the lookbook but when I tried on I changed my mind. It' perfectly tailored, it's smaller at the waist, it really follows the curves plus it has a funny hem: shorter on one side then longer and pleated on the other. What I loved the most of this collection are the bright colors. They're energetic and saturated. I know some people would judge them as too flashy but I like colors!

What I couldn't get my hands on: the black studded skirt (even if looked a little toyish in real life) and the baroque bag

The shopping experience:Pros and Cons


Donatella wasn't parsimonious with lenghts! There are no very short mini skirt! Every dress and skirt are long enough!


H&M stocked enought dresses for everyone. If you've been to previous designer collaborations you may know that  by 11 am the collection was almost sold out and there were "3" pieces of clothing left for the poor girls without the bracelets! This is not going to happen this time! Yes, maybe when your turn arrives the most wanted pieces will be sold out but there will be still a lot of clothes to choose from and to buy. I was surprised because even in the afternoon the bomber jacket, the red and purple lace dresses,the fringe dresses and all those printed ones were still available to buy for everyone.
No, it's not that the collection wasn't a success in sales because it was (I saw people going out of the shop with a lot of bags filled with clothes!) I think that this time they produced more clothes! I'm not suggesting you to go shopping late, I know that London sold out really fast, I think it will depend on demand too.

I know I'm not the first saying this: the quality of clothes is higher than regular H&M, prices are higher but even quality is! If you're a fan of it I read that belts are made in Italy.

I think that fitting is regular H&M for most things. I heard someone complaining on the fitting of some dresses like the black one with gold buttons and the purple babydoll, they said they needed a larger size than their regular but I think it depends a lot on bodytype. As always choose what flatters your bodytype.

Queue management
If you've never been at other designer collaboration you maybe not know how the queue is managed: the first 280 people arriving at the store get a bracelet and they can shop the collection in groups of 20 before other people. Unlike other years, this time the staff continued to manage the queue allowing only 20 people at a time to enter the fenced area even after the end of the bracelets groups. This allowed people to have a more quiet shopping experience.

No queue for men's collection
Men don't need to queue (isn't that frustrating?) so if there's a place to shop when you arrive in shop and you don't have the bracelet is men's collection!


Not every store will have home and men collection. If you check the store locator section in h&m website you'll notice that there are still different categories women, men and home. If you are interested in buying men's clothes be sure to check if the store you choose have them.

Beware that maybe not the whole collection is available in shop! Many of the dresses from the collection weren't available to buy in the H&M I've been to and not because they were sold out but because they never reached the store! Even the black studded leather dress wasn't available, I mean how could they ignore that one, it was the emblem of the collection! Maybe this won't happen in your store but I found it very frustrating! Here's a list of all the unavailable pieces in the store I've been to:the leather dress, the heavy leather jacket and the leather trench, the metallic dresses even the black boots and the pink shoes.
I think there was a lot of unjustified confusion on prices. The buzz for the collection started on June but H&M website didn't load all the prices of clothes neither the night before the launch(at least not on the italian website). Plus some of those they loaded weren't right! The bomber jacket cost 99 euros and not 129 like they wrote, the studded skirt was 99 euros and not 149 and the men leather jacket was 299 euros and not 349. Prices on these items have been lowered and this is a good thing but this last minute change can create confusion on one who decided not to buy those pieces because of their price tag. I hope you won't have the same problems with US and Canada websites.
 Limited time and other strange rules
  1. You get only 10 minutes  to shop in the fenced area so try to get everything you would like to try on. When the time ends you have to get out. If you got a wrong size you can go back and ask the staff to change it but you have to give them back the cloth you tried so you can't really compare a size with the other.
  2. You can have a different size but not something different! If you want something you didn't get the first round you have to queue again!
  3. Each person can buy only one of everything. 
Did you know?
Dresses with hearts print have Gianni Versace signature on them!
The bomber jacket, the home pillows and the baroque bag are in velvet.

Bottom line :my personal shopping advices

  1. get the skirts: they're really well made and tailored, for example pleats don't go up till the belt and this avoides fullness at the top giving a more slim figure; every pleat is decorated with a gold point and I love this details
  2. get the scarves! They're soft with beautiful prints and aren't too expensive
  3.  get the pink studded dress
I hope this little shopping guide will be helpful and don't forget to tell me what you bought tomorrow!
Donatella Versace opening Regent street H&M in London. She is wearing a fitted version of the studded pink dress(It doesn't have the same style of the one sold in stores, but I think it's even better)

    Wednesday, November 16, 2011

    Shirt overload

    Zara November Lookbook

    This winter I'm little obsessed with shirts, I would buy them in any pattern and any color.