Monday, April 30, 2012

Cats Vs Dogs: Which Make the Better Pets?

The Cats Vs Dogs controversy has gone on for thousands of years, ever since they were domesticated. Which makes the best pet? The answer depends largely on the owner's personality and requirements for animal companionship. We have owned both and have made a few observations based on our experiences.

Dogs are intensely loyal to the people who feed them. They can be hostile to perceived "invaders," and a goodly number of them have shown a willingness to put their own lives on the line to protect their owners. The downside to this behavior is that they demand lots of attention. An owner can sit and scratch a dog's ears for hours and still receive a hurt look from the animal when it's time to do something else. Cats, although also attention seekers, seem much more aloof and independent. Just don't expect them to be there for you if a burglar breaks in. An intelligent, well trained dog makes a great hiking companion. Cats couldn't care less. This is why the owner's preferences are an important part of the Cats Vs Dogs debate.

Cats are complete carnivores, and can digest only meat. (You may have seen a cat eating green grass, but that was probably because its stomach was already upset by something else.) Dogs, like people, are omnivores able to metabolize a variety of foods. The difference is in the body chemistry of the two species. The bottom line when considering Cats Vs Dogs is this: although some dogs may develop a taste for some cat foods, the two types of food are not interchangeable.

The biggest factor in choosing between Cats Vs Dogs may be the environment of the prospective owner. Do not try to keep a large dog in a small apartment, even if the landlord allows it. You will all be miserable as a result. Cat urine smells worse than dog urine, is more likely to occur indoors and must be dealt with. Dogs are not adept at hunting mice, so rodent control is generally left up to cats, who will also catch lizards, birds and young rabbits. In a rural setting, however, be aware that cats are susceptible to being picked off by owls (yes, owls) and other predators.

DIY idea: fringe pockets

fringe pockets,fringe shorts,fringe diy,fringed shorts,diy,cloth diy,festival shorts,festival outfit,concert outfit,cheyenne meets chanel,
via Cheyenne meets Chanel

Take a pair of jeans, cut the legs short, sew a fringe trim around the pockets and you'll have a perfect pair of festival shorts!

Prendete un paio di jeans e tagliateli; cucite una trina di frange intorno alla tasca e in cinque minuti avrete ottenuto un paio di pantaloncini estivi perfetti per andare ad un corcerto.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

DIY idea: Alice Dellal undercut hairstyle

alice dellal hairstyle, ermanno scervino, side swept hairstyle, undercut, undercut diy, undercut hairstyle, diy,hairstyle,beauty
Alice Dellal undercut hairstyle
alice dellal hairstyle, ermanno scervino, side swept hairstyle, undercut, undercut diy, undercut hairstyle, diy,hairstyle,beauty
alice dellal hairstyle, ermanno scervino, side swept hairstyle, undercut, undercut diy, undercut hairstyle, diy,hairstyle,beauty
Ermanno Scervino spring 2012 ads
alice dellal hairstyle, ermanno scervino, side swept hairstyle, undercut, undercut diy, undercut hairstyle, diy,hairstyle,beauty
Alice Dellal DIY haircut
issa london,issa london fall 2009,fall 2009
Issa London fall 2009
Alice Dellal has the look of a rebel. Her underground style has conquered the approval of Karl Lagerfeld (who chose her for the latest Chanel campain) and of many people of the star system who started to copy her signature hairstyle. It's an haircut out of ordinary called undercut in which less than half of the head is shaved and hair are brushed on one side. While we maybe have found an easy DIY hairstyle we could make without the help of an hairstylist (Alice does it herself on the pic above) I bet only few of us would renounce to our long hair to get the look. The good new is that we can obtain an inspired look without the shaver. This hairstyle has been created for the Issa London fall 2009 show by the hairstylist Malcolm Edwards. On one side he pulled hair into a braid running down the middle of the head. On the other side he emphatized volume with curls and extensions.

Alice Dellal ha un look da ribelle. Il suo stile underground piace molto a Karl Lagerfeld che l'ha scelta come nuova testimonial di Chanel. Il suo essere diversa dalla bellezza convenzionale è sottolineato da un'acconciatura molto originale oggi copiata da molti volti noti dello star system. La maggior parte dei capelli è pettinata da un lato mentre meno della metà della testa è completamente rasata. Mentre questo taglio si presta al fai da te come pochi  e Alice stessa lo realizza da sola nella foto in alto, non molte di noi sono disposte ad operare un taglio così drastico! La buona notizia però è che un'acconciatura simile può comunque essere realizzata pettinando i capelli da un lato e raccogliendo i rimanenti in una treccia da sviluppare al centro della testa. Le lunghezze possono essere arricciate per ottenere volume che può essere enfatizzato anche dall'aggiunta di extensions.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Savvy sunnies

prada, prada baroque sunglasses, minimal baroque,trends,fashion trends, bargain,get the look,cheaper version,

prada, prada baroque sunglasses, minimal baroque,trends,fashion trends, bargain,get the look,cheaper version,
prada eyebrow sunglasses - baroque white sunglasses

For the series "get the look" I want to show you a recent purchase I'm really happy with. I found a pair of designer inspired elegant sunglasses with decorated arms at a low price. They're available at amazon for as little as $10 as well as others online shops (gojane). If you like these sunglasses  the (beautiful) famous version  is still available on Net a porter.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Neon fever

neon, neon yellow,fashion trends,trends,candy bag furla,cambridge satchel bag, neon yellow cambridge satchel bag,asos ombre suit,neon shoes,diy,christopher kane,cistopher kane neon bag,
 ombre blazer- ombre trousers - small clutch H-M - neon flats Bershka - neon plastic bag Pull&Bear - neon pumps H&M

neon, neon yellow,fashion trends,trends,candy bag furla,cambridge satchel bag, neon yellow cambridge satchel bag,asos ombre suit,neon shoes,diy,christopher kane,cistopher kane neon bag,
noir bracelet - la mer watch - neon bag - neon laser cut shoes
neon, neon yellow,fashion trends,trends,candy bag furla,cambridge satchel bag, neon yellow cambridge satchel bag,asos ombre suit,neon shoes,diy,christopher kane,cistopher kane neon bag,
Cambridge satchel bag - or look-alike here or here

free people neon bag
Maybe the neon yellow Cambridge satchel bag was the most photographed bag last summer. Those who thought that beautiful color was too wild to not go out of fashion were wrong. Neon colors are here to stay and I'm definitely not tired of them. Have been dreaming for a couple of weeks to push the buy button and grab that fantastic neon suit from Asos or a pair of  neon heels while thinking at my DIY options. Maybe dip-dying for the suit and spray paint for heels? In the meantime I collected for you some items for your well deserved, relaxing weekend shopping adventures. Is there any other way to relax? Oh yes making it a DIY weekend. Here's a couple of tutorials to add a touch of neon to your wardrobe.

1 - Candy bag inspired neon plastic bag DIY using book covers
2 - Neon glow in the dark necklace 
3 - Christopher Kane inspired  neon lace clutch DIY

Forse la Cambridge satchel bag  giallo fluo è stata la borsa più fotografata dell'estate scorsa. Quante volte abbiamo pensato che che un colore così sfacciato fosse solo un capriccio della moda di stagione? E invece no, i colori fluo continuano a piacere anzi si moltiplicano gli accessori disponibili in questi colori ultra saturi. Oggi ve ne mostro alcuni per ispirare la vostra creatività o semplimente i vostri acquisti. E se questo weekend vi rilasserete realizzando qualcosa con le vostre mani ecco qualche spunto per aggiungere un tocco neon al vostro guardaroba:
Borsa stile Candy bag realizzata con le copertine per i libri , clutch in pizzo neon stile Christopher Kane
collana in corda neon

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats

There's another great debate about the feline as a pet besides the declawing issue covered in another article. This great debate concerns allowing the feline to roam outdoors vs. living indoors. As usual, there are two sides to this debate. Should you allow your cat to roam outdoors? Let's find out.

The Outdoor Feline

Cats are essentially wild creatures, and they have always loved the outdoors. What feline owner hasn't watched their cat loll in a patch of sunshine on a winter day, or roll contentedly in the dirt in their own backyard? Cats do love the sunshine, the outdoors, and the fresh air. However, outdoor cats are susceptible to more diseases, more injuries, and more health problems. Outdoor cats may tussle with other cats, catch parasites or other diseases, or be hit by a car or caught by other predators. They can also be poisoned by pesticides, or by sadistic neighbors. They can cause problems with neighbors by using their yards as a cat box. Outdoor cats simply aren't as safe as indoor cats, period.

Indoor Cats

Indoor cats live longer, healthier lives - period. Studies prove it and common sense dictates it. Indoor cats have many advantages outdoor cats can't hope to have. Outdoor cats live on an average of 3 to 5 years, while indoor cats live an average of 12 years or more. My last indoor cats lived to be 19 and nearly 21. Indoor cats enjoy in safety and comfort. They are safe from diseases that feral cats may carry and outdoor cats pick up. They are safe from cat fights, cars, and predators. And, indoor cats won't harm other wildlife, such as birds and small animals.


There are many alternatives to the outdoor lifestyle. When kittens first come home, they should be kept indoors. If your cats miss their outdoor excursions, you might try to train them to wear a harness and walk on a leash. They will still be able to enjoy the outdoors, but much more safely. Another alternative is to create a safe outdoor area or run where the cats can go outside but cannot escape the area. There are many outdoor runs available now that connect to a cat door and allow the cat access to a run on a patio or in a backyard. You can also allow the cat outdoors on a patio or deck when you are outdoors, and only for a short time. Or, you can use a carrier to take your kitty for walks in the sunshine.

Keeping kitty indoors will keep kitty healthy, happy, and free of infectious diseases she might catch outside. Each pet owner is responsible for their own pet's health and well being. Keeping kitty inside is the choice that makes sense.

A plastic garden: Blumarine inspired flowered top DIY

blumarine diy,diy,do it yourself,my diy,blumarine,spring summer 2012,,cloth diy,top diy,fashion diy,origami,3d flowers,dolce gabbana,comme les garcons
Blumarine inspired 3d flowers DIY top
blumarine diy,diy,do it yourself,my diy,blumarine,spring summer 2012,,cloth diy,top diy,fashion diy,origami,3d flowers,dolce gabbana,comme les garcons
I covered the whole top with plastic flowers I cut out these flowers from book plastic covers and white pvc
blumarine diy,diy,do it yourself,my diy,blumarine,spring summer 2012,,cloth diy,top diy,fashion diy,origami,3d flowers,dolce gabbana,comme les garcons
one of possible uses of the top: a flower bed
I made this top with stretch fabric and  I added a cowl neck at the back

spring summer 2012,s/s 2012,dolce gabbana,blumarine,comme les garcons
3d flowers Blumarine - Dolce Gabbana - Comme Les Garcons

Blumarine s/s 2012 show has been one of my favorite: fun and feminine with girly white 3d flowers that decorate dresses, shoes and bags. I couldn't resist at making an inspired top. Today's diy is for those with green thumb. I'll show you how plant and to grow a vertical garden on a top. Incredibly such a lovely bloom won't need to be watered and will remain fresh forever (power of plastic). It is also portable. Just lay it down grass, a bed, hang if on a wall and you'll have an istant bold flower bed. There is also another use, less known but workable, you can actually wear it.  I'll show you how to make a flowered top on
Today you get for free also an italian lesson: yes instructions are in italian today (sorry!) but images will help, if not I'm here, feel free to ask

La sfilata s/s 2012 di Blumarine è spensierata e divertente. Con la primavera che tarda ad arrivare non ho resistito alla voglia di realizzare un top sul quale far sbocciare tanti fiori candidi impreziositi da luminosi cristalli. Il tutorial di oggi ha il pollice verde. Vi mostrerò come piantare e far crescere un  giardino non convenzionale che fiorisce in verticale, indossabile e sempre fresco visto che i fiori sono realizzati in plastica. Uno step alla volta potete realizzarlo anche voi. Troverete il tutorial su

Monday, April 23, 2012

#DIYBFW day 6: Phillip Lim embellished top

#diybfw, diy bloggers fashion week, phillip lim,inspiration and realisation,diy,fashion diy,cloth diy,top diy,phillip lim diy
Phillip Lim top DIY

How many ordinary t-shirts do we own? Every time we wear them we miss the chance to wear something fashionable. If you're wearing a "cover me" t-shirt don't worry because today Donatella of Inspiration&Realisation will show you how to turn it in a "look at me" kind of t-shirt using gros grain and chiffon (take a note: everything feels suddently more couture adding chiffon). Today it's day 6 of #diyfw and Phillip Lim provided the inspiration.

Quante t-shirt ci sono nel nostro armadio classificate sotto la voce basics? Ogni volta che le indossiamo perdiamo l'occasione di sfoggiare un capo alla moda. Oggi Donatella di Inspiration&Realisation ci mostrerà come trasformare una t-shirt anonima in un capo decisamente trendy utilizzando gros grain e chiffon (prendete nota: ogni cosa sembra immediatamente più couture se aggiungete lo chiffon). Oggi è il sesto giorno della settimana del fai da te della moda e l'ispirazione è stata offerta da Phillip Lim.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

DIYBFW day 5: Matthew Williamson futuristic flowers

Add caption
Today Charley of Chic Cheat shows us how to copy the intricate prints of Matthew Williamson using the screen printing technique. This is also the first project taking inspiration from London fashion week.

Oggi Charley di Chic Cheat ci mostrerà come realizzare le intricate stampe di Matthew Williamson utilizzando la tecnica dello screen printing. Date un'occhiata al primo progetto della #diybfw che prende ispirazione dalla London fashion week.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

#DIYBFW day 4: Dolce & Gabbana Flower Sunglasses

#diybfw, diy bloggers fashion week, diy sunglasses,fashion diy,dolce gabbana,diy,
Dolce & Gabbana Flower Sunglasses

We've seen how to DIY a dress, a pair of sandals, a pair of boots, a sweater and a fur vest and today it's time to customize a pair of shades.
The #DIY blogger fashion week is dressing you head to toe and I hope you're enjoying it as much as I do.
Dolce&Gabbana embellished sunglasses are so girly and delicate: in a word adorable! They're an irresistible DIY. Today Carly of Chic Steals shows us how to make them! Ready for the DIY lesson? I'll take some notes because I definitely want to make my own pair!

Abbiamo già visto come realizzare un vestito, un paio di sandali, un paio di stivali, un maglione e un gilet in pelliccia, oggi è il momento di personalizzare un paio di occhiali da sole.
La #DIY bloggers Fashion Week vi veste dalla testa ai piedi! Vi sta piacendo? Perchè io mi sto divertendo moltissimo.
Avete già dato un'occhiata agli occhiali di Dolce&Gabbana per la prossima stagione? Sono delicati, romantici e femminili, in una parola adorabili! Oggi Carly di Chic Steals ci mostra come realizzarli! Pronti per la lezione di fai-date? Io prenderò appunti perchè devo assolutamente realizzarne un paio!

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Choose a Pet: Dogs vs Cats

If you decided to purchase a pet, you must be responsible and reasonable. This may seem very easy: that`s enough to visit a pet store or bird market and to buy what you liked. However, in reality it is not so simple - in fact each animal requires a certain care and must be suitable to the owner`s temperament and lifestyle. If you plan to buy a pet for a long time, but not for a month or so, read a few useful tips.

Dog is one of the most popular pets. Faithful, loyal, affectionate, loving, ready to do anything for its owner. If you want to get a dog, be prepared to walk it several times a day, to do its training, to perceive this animal as a full and equal family member. Pay attention not only on the appearance of a dog of any breed, but also by other characteristics: features of care, living conditions, the nature, purpose (dog fighting, hunting, house, etc.). Evaluate your desires and possibilities, give yourself the answer to the question will the dog feel comfortable with you, and you.

Regardless of their breed dogs have one common point - they require greater attention, communication and love. Dogs are like children: time-consuming and are offended if they are ignored. So the dog is well suited for people who prefer active way of life, mostly young and active, single people who want to find a faithful friend, as well as those who own a sufficient amount of time to practice with the dog. Do not get a dog if you have young children.

Independent, proud, proud, capricious, tied to the house more than to its owners. The cat is not less popular pet than its eternal rival and antithesis - the dog. As is in the case with dogs, a lot depends on the choice of breed. Cat`s characters resemble to characters of the people - so it's important to choose a cat breed that matches to your temperament and lifestyle.

Despite the fact that cats are not amenable to training, pay attention to their education. It is necessary to teach a cat to use the toilet at the appropriate place, to scratch its claws only in specifically designated rug and to make it clear where in the house has "forbidden" zones.
Cats are recommended to creative and independent people; however, they must be willing to tolerate cat's willfulness.

#DIYBFW day 3: D&G inspired scarf dress DIY

#diybfw, fashion diy, d g diy, d g scarf dress, scarf dress diy, scarf dress,diy bloggers fashion week, MY DIY, spring 2012

Finally is my turn to house the party! For day 3 of #DIY bloggers fashion week I would like to show you how to turn a big scarf into a wearable dress without using any pattern.

Scarves add a chic touch to any outfit. They can be worn around the neck or wrapped around bag handles. They usually have the most beautiful prints so why don't wear them as dresses instead of accessories? D&G latest collection is built around this idea. Taking inspiration from their show I transformed my scarf into a dress basically cutting 2 armholes and sewing it at the center! See how I made it.

Oggi voglio mostrarvi come trasformare un foulard in un vestito ispirato all'ultima collezione D&G. I foulard aggiungono colore e danno un tocco ricercato a qualunque outfit. Possono essere indossati intorno al collo ma anche annodati intorno i manici di una borsa. Perchè non indossarli come abito allora? Ci sono molti modi di annodare un foulard per farlo sembrare un top o una gonna ma oggi vi mostrerò come trasformare definitivamente un foulard in un abito smanicato ritagliando due fori per le maniche e cucendolo al centro.

You'll need:
  • a rope
  • scissors 
  • a dress form (discover how to DIY a dress form with duct tape here)or the help of a friend 
  • a big scarf  how big? You have to be able to wrap it around you. Such scarves can be found in places like H&M or if you can't find one you can always sew two scarves together.

    Avrete bisogno di:
    • forbici
    • una corda
    • un manichino da sarta (potete realizzarlo da sole con lo scotch!! non ci credete? trovate il tutorial qui!)
    • un grande foulard. Quanto grande? Praticamente largo quanto la circonferenza fianchi. Dovete riuscire ad avvolgerlo intorno al corpo. Potete trovare grandi foulard ad H&M o potete cucire due foulard insieme per ottenerne uno più grande.

      this is the scarf I used.
      This is my scotch tape dress form ugly but useful.
      Appuntate con gli spilli la corda per "disegnare" il girocollo, la linea delle spalle e il giromanica.
      Avvolgete il manichino con la sciarpa. Fate attenzione che l'orlo del vestito sia dritto. Tenetelo ben fermo appuntandolo con gli spilli davanti e dietro
      E' ora di usare le forbici: toccando il foulard sentite dove si trova la corda e usatela come guida per tagliare. Ritagliate il girocollo, la linea delle spalle e il giromanica.
      Cucite la linea delle spalle e il foulard al centro! Aggiungete una zip sul davanti per indossare comodamente l'abito. Ed avete finito. Potete uscire con il nuovo vestito.
      this is how it looks on the back

      Finish the edges with zig zag stitch or with hand stich.
      This dress can be worn alone or with a belt at the waist or even using another scarf as belt.
      What do you think? Do you like it?

      Rifinite i bordi tagliati a mano o con lo zig zag.
      Potete indossare il vostro nuovo vestito con una cinta in vita o perchè no usare un altro foulard come cinta.
      Che ne pensate? Vi piace?

      Thursday, April 19, 2012

      #DIYBFW Day 2: Isabel Marant jumper and fringe boots

      diy bloggers fashion week, isabel marant, diy, fashion DIY, feed your style,diy boots,fringe boots diy,
      Isabel Marant fringe boots and jumper DIY

      Get ready guys because this is going to be a very overwelming DIY week! It's day 2 of #DIY bloggers Fashion Week and Micol of Feed Your Style inspires us not with one but with a blast of DIY ideas. Discover her Fashion attack inspired by Isabel Marant.

      Preparatevi a voler rivoluzionare il vostro guardaroba perchè durante questa settimana sarete bersagliati di idee su come rinnovarlo. Oggi, secondo giorno della #DIY bloggers Fashion Week
      Micol di Feed Your Style ci mostrerà non uno ma una raffica di DIY ispirati a Isabel Marant. Pronti per scoprirli? Cliccate qui per vedere il suo video tutorial.

      Wednesday, April 18, 2012

      #DIYBFW day 1: Dolce&Gabbana inspired Jelly sandals

      diy, diy bloggers fashion week, glitter glue,dolce gabbana,spring 2012,jelly sandals,embellished shoes, diy shoes,fashion diy, shoes diy
      Dolce&Gabbana inspired DIY Jelly sandals

      Raise a hand who starts building an outfit around shoes! Me for sure! It happens when shoes are our favorite accessories. So what better way to start the #DIY bloggers Fashion week  than with  a pair of shoes? Taking as inspiration Dolce&Gabbana s/s 2012 collections Kristen of Glitter'n Glue crafted her own pair of perfect summer shoes.

      Alzi la mano chi decide quali scarpe indossare prima di tutto il resto! Io, per esempio. Succede quando nel guardaroba le scarpe sono il tuo accessorio preferito! Secondo me non c'è modo migliore di iniziare la #DIY bloggers Fashion week che con un paio di scarpe! Kristen di Glitter 'N Glue, ispirandosi a Dolce&Gabbana ha realizzato un paio di scarpe perfetto per l'estate. Cliccate qui per vedere come ha fatto!

      Monday, April 16, 2012

      #DIY bloggers Fashion Week

      We are proud to introduce you the 
                                                                          What we liked
                                                                          What we coveted
                                                                          WE MADE IT.
                                                                          We'll show you how!

      For 1 week
      6 DIY bloggers
      with 6 DIY tutorials
      will join forces to feed your DIY inspiration.
      We'll show you how to follow spring trends and renew your wardrobe DIY style.
      Every day for a week a new DIY tutorial will be unveiled here on Matter Of Style.
      Sharpen your DIY tools, the #diy bloggers Fashion week is starting on Wednesday!

      We hope to entertain you!

      Per una settimana
      6 DIY bloggers
      con 6 DIY tutorial
      uniranno le forze per inondarvi di informazioni su come rinnovare il guardaroba secondo i trend di stagione.
      Ogni giorno per una settimana scopriremo un nuovo tutorial.
      Munitevi di colla, affilate le forbici, la settimana del fai da te della moda comincia Mercoledì!

      Sunday, April 15, 2012

      Size Really Does Matter In Training Dogs

      We've all experienced it, that instant "aww" factor when you see an adorable puppy. Bonham is a German Shepherd puppy and you couldn't resist taking him home with you. When you saw Bonham's face it was love at first site; his puppy fluff engulfing his face, gave him the appearance of a brown dust bunny.

      When dogs are puppies people can't get enough of them. We love stroking their puppy fur and have no problem approaching them and nuzzling our faces against their warm puppy bellies. Now that Bonham is full grown he no longer attracts attention from people who meet him. His large stature and strong German Shepherd features lead people to believe that he is vicious. Mothers grab their children close when Bonham trots down the street wagging his bushy tail. Under this rough exterior however lurks the heart of a lover.

      You were smart and took Bonham to simple puppy training when he was young, leaving him a very well behaved pooch. He now has no problem being around children, babies, cats or even other dogs, it's people that seem to have the problem with him. In today's society people have a tendency to take things at face value. This is very frustrating when your sister's Yorkie Shelby receives all the adulation when in fact she's the vicious one. Shelby proves that evil things can also come in small packages.

      Shelby is a little dog with a nasty disposition. Under the angelic mask of her Yorkie face is one of the meanest dogs one would ever have the displeasure of meeting. Shelby spends her days as a pampered lap dog who barks and snaps at anyone who looks at her the wrong way. Yes, this is a dog we're talking about.

      She clearly has an attitude problem yet people seem drawn to her cuteness factor. They constantly fawn over her adorable fuzzy face only to be greeted by the quick snap of her jaws. Shelby was never trained because she was small and easily maneuverable. For years people continued to buy into the fact that smaller dogs don't need training because lets be honest, most are purchased because of their cute pint sized bodies and inherent ability to fit in a trendy handbag. Buying into the fallacy that small dogs can be controlled by the confines of such a handbag results in a very ill mannered pooch. But who cares? She's so cute, right? Wrong, the cuteness factor should never outweigh a dog's nasty behavior.

      Too Big to Ignore

      It's a reality that a smaller dog's bad behavior is easier to ignore than that of larger dogs like Bonham. The fact that Shelby constantly snaps at people is seen as cute or not that big of a deal. If Bonham snaps at someone however, you could have a lawsuit on your hands. For Shelby, her bark is usually worse than her bite. However, this is not so in the case of a German Shepherd. It's obvious that smaller dogs are able get away with their bad behavior more than their larger counterparts. Bad behaviors such as jumping up on someone, growling or barking at other dogs seems less menacing coming from a 5-pound Yorkie than from an 80-pound German Shepherd. Still bad behavior from a pet is never OK, no matter the size.

      Refusing to send small dogs to a trainer allows them to develop habits like biting young children, defecating where they please and being an overall ill-mannered, overprotective nuisance. Because small dogs are often not trained, many gain the reputation for being loud obnoxious yappers who might bite at you if you get too close. In essence small pet owners are perpetuating this yapper stereotype by neglecting to train their dogs.

      If This Sounds Like You

      If you own a dog, regardless of size, he or she must get trained. It's not cute when dogs bite and whether the teeth are small or large, they can hurt. Even if your "Shelby" never bites someone, there are myriad other extremely unattractive behaviors that are the consequence of not training that even you won't want to live with. Hey, maybe you have a sibling like Bonham's owner who would be happy to share how Bonham became such a well-mannered dog.

      Puppy City has been around for over 50 years, we pride ourselves in being the home for quality puppies for sale in Brooklyn, New York. We also have all of the supplies you will ever need, from dog food, to wee wee pads, to all the treats you will ever need in a lifetime. Visit us at

      Saturday, April 14, 2012

      Pure white

      biker waistcoat, alexander wang,track trousers,spring look, white look,
      silver cuff - sleeveless waistcoat - casio watch - Alexander Wang shoes - track trousers
      wide trousers, elegant look, zara silver sandals,spring look, white look,armani privè shell clutch
      Wide leg trousers - coral blouse - silver shoes - Armani Privè shell clutch
       flower arrings, alexander wang fish shoes, lace dress,spring look, white look,
      Lace dress - envelope clutch- flower earrings - Alexander Wang fish shoes
      White make us look fat! How many times have we heard it? For those who defy the hated warning, today I put together three different looks for spring to highlight the versatility of this color: it can be romantic in the form of a lace dress or sharp in the form of a clean but strong design.  Whatever your style do wear white, just choose a cloth you feel comfortable in.

      Il bianco ingrossa! Quante volte l'abbiamo sentito dire? Per coloro che se la sentono di sfidare il temuto monito oggi vi propongo tre look che mettono in risalto la versatilità di questo colore che può essere sinonimo di delicatezza sottoforma di un leggero abito in pizzo o di essenzialità attraverso le linee di un design deciso e minimale. Qualunque sia il vostro stile non rinunciate al bianco scegliendo un capo che metta in luce i vostri punti di forza.

      Thursday, April 12, 2012

      Fun Facts about Dogs

      Let's talk about the top twelve fun science facts that surround dogs, the most loyal and the most reliable pet companions for people.

      Here are the twelve facts that you must know about your furry domestic pet:

      1. There are a total of roughly around four hundred million dogs and hundreds of different dog breeds in the world.

      2. Dogs can perform many tasks to assist humans. They can guard, hunt, do farm work, and aid people with disabilities. They can help the blind. They can also be trained to compete in breed shows which display their amazing agility. There are obedience contests, sled pulling, and racing that are meant for dogs.

      3. The domestication of dogs, which naturally live in the wild, happened around 15,000 years ago.

      4. Dogs have the same digestive systems as wolves and foxes - their counterparts in the wild. Thus, you are making it hard for them to digest pellet-based, plant-based, and processed dog foods. Dogs are meant to subsist on raw meat and bones.

      5. Domestic dogs may eat plant-based foods, but it is not necessarily good for them. Foods that are plant-based will tax their pancreas and shorten their life spans.

      6. Dogs have a spectacular sense of smell. They can differentiate odors in concentrations of around 100 million times lower than what humans can!

      7. The hearing of dogs is also much more superior to that of humans. They can hear sounds at four times the distance!

      8. According to the number of registered ownership, the most popular dog breed in the world is the Labrador. They are usually used as guide dogs and as police dogs. Labradors are extremely intelligent, obedient, gentle, and tireless.

      9. Dogs live up to ten to fourteen years. They live longer if they are fed with unprocessed and uncooked meat and bones.

      10. Dog breeders call young dogs less than one year of age as "puppies," a group of dog offspring as "litter," male dogs as "dogs," and female dogs as "bitches."

      11. Dogs tend to pant a lot because they don't have any sweat glands on their body. Their sweat glands are only at their paws!

      12. Dogs have a total of three eyelids. The third lid is called a nictitating membrane or haw; it keeps their eyes protected and fully lubricated.

      Get the latest science scoop and trivia, plus fun facts and games, to enrich your mind. How to make science fun is easy! Visit Easy Science Fun.

      Wednesday, April 11, 2012

      Animals And Penumbra

      Our April issue of Penumbra--with our animal theme--is now available!  In addition to the stories  by writers Andrew Kaye, Stuart Barton, Bruce Golden (Penumbra's first multi-contracted author), Laurie Tom, Brenda Kazar, and John Moran, this month boasts poetry from Amy Watkins and an amazing feature story, Love Gaia, Live Green by author Lyn CA Gardner.

      We are also featuring an interview with Duncton Wood author William Horwood, as well as our regular monthly features from columnists Lori Basiewicz and Richard C. White.

      Don't forget, too, that you can not only purchase Penumbra issues separately, but that we are also offering subscriptions on our website.

      And next month is our eagerly awaited Fractured Fairy Tales issue--you won't want to miss that.

      All things floral

      s/s 2012 florals

      A few years ago I wouldn't dare to wear floral prints. They screamed tapestry to me and I didn't want to look like a sofa. When I first saw Celine's s/S 2012 floral outfit (the first on the left in the picture above) I thought it was definitely over the top but little by little, watching it again an editorial after another that abundance of flower print ipnotized me. Today's trend is more for mixing prints more than matching them but I like how the top matches pants. So bottom line, I embraced floral prints and I made the top above that is maybe the first piece of a set. To DIY a peplum top follow the peplum skirt diy tutorial. Kristen of Glitter and Glue also found a clever way to create a peplum top by cutting out a flared dress. You can find floral print fabrics here or here, light weighted upholstery fabric can also be a cheaper option. Are you into floral prints yet? If not see if the pictures below inspires you.

      Oggi "fare tappezzeria" potrebbe non essere più così disdiscevole vista la popolarità delle stampe floreali. Fantasie vistose non c'è che dire che oggi però smettono di richiamare alla mente tende e sofà per comparire trionfalmente sugli editoriali delle riviste più famose. La prima volta che vidi il total look floreale firmato Celine (il primo a sinistra nella foto qui in alto) ho pensato che fosse decisamente eccessivo ma poi poco a poco questa esplosione floreale mi ha conquistato. Anche se la tendenza più diffusa è quella di abbinare stampe diverse fra loro apprezzo la scelta di continuità tra il top e il pantalone. Oggi comincio anch'io a tappezzare il mio guardaroba di tappezzeria con questo top a tulipano. Potrete realizzarne uno anche voi seguendo lo stesso tutorial per realizzare la gonna a tulipano. Kristen, autrice di Glitter and Glue ha trovato un metodo veloce per ottenere un top a tulipano semplicemente tagliando un abito svasato. Potete trovare della stoffa con stampe floreali qui e qui.
      A voi piacciono le stampe floreali? Se la risposta è no le foto di seguito vi faranno cambiare idea.

      Zara floral blazer

      Prabal Gurund spring 2012
      floral nails via nail corner

      Chris Benz Spring 2012 floral sneakers via teen vogue

      Monday, April 9, 2012

      Peplum top inspiration

      diy, cloth diy, peplum top, diy peplum top, do it yourself, fashion DIY, fashion trends, trends, H M, george,lauren conrad, celine, by johnny,warehouse,tribal
      pink waist coat - tribal peplum - open sleeves top - cat print peplum - shirt top
      Lace top Warehouse - Cut out top - Longer back top Celine
      Here's for you some ideas to craft a peplum top with the same technique used to DIY a peplum skirt. As you can see options are endless. Your top can be dressy if you upgrade a classic shirt or use lace or become more casual with a printed fabric like George's cat print top (that I'll try not to buy). Peplums can also be added to a waist coat or make a dramatic top with a tail at the back like Celine suggests.

      Ecco qualche idea per realizzare un top a tulipano con la stessa tecnica che vi ho illustrato per realizzare la gonna a tulipano. Aggiungendo un volant potete rendere elegante una classica camicia bianca. Scegliendo invece una stoffa con una stampa vivace potrete realizzare un top casual e divertente proprio come quello di George con la stampa con i gattini. Potete aggiungere un volant perfino ad un gilet oppure realizzare un top veramente elegante con tanto di coda come quello disegnato da Celine.