Sunday, December 21, 2008

Top 10 Holiday Dog Gift Ideas

Christmas day is fast approaching; the big question is, have you bought something for your dog? Are you still looking for that perfect Holiday dog gift to make your pet’s Christmas fun and exciting?

If you want to spoil your dog, here some holiday dog gift ideas for you:

1. Dog accessories such as dog training collar, dog leash, and pet jewelry are great Holiday dog gift ideas that you can buy for your pet this holiday season. Not only are they not costly, they are also stylish.

2. Purchase some gourmet treats for your dog from your local bakery stores and pet shops. If you have the time, cook homemade dog treats or bake healthy and tasty doggie cookies or cupcakes with no added preservatives or artificial ingredients.

3. If you want to have the cutest pooch on Christmas day, prep up your dog with a fashionable holiday dog costume, Santa-inspired sweater or jacket with a collar ruff. Attach some jingle bells too.

4. Pamper your dog and take him to a dog grooming shop where he can enjoy a nice bath, shampoo, massage and other services.

5. Make a personalized dog gift basket which contains fun dog toys, treats and anything inside.

6. Purchase an edible dog holiday card. This holiday dog gift is unique and cheap.

7. Build a nice wood dog house. During winter, your dog needs an insulated house where he can stay warm.

8. To provide your dog with comfortable eating experience this Christmas, buy him new elevated feeders or similar feeding bowls.

9. There's no better way to put your canine to sleep on Christmas eve than in a new stylish, comfortable dog bed.

10. Are you traveling with your dog this holiday season? Consider buying dog strollers to carry your pet more easily.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

How To Prevent Cat Hairballs

Cat breeds with long fur tend to develop hairballs than those with short hair. Hairballs in cats shouldn't be taken for granted for it poses many serious problems if left untreated. If your furry friend cannot rid itself of a cat hairball through defecating or vomiting, she might suffer from a blockage in her digestive system. Severe cases of cat hairballs are life-threatening and need to be removed though surgery. Among the common signs if your cat has hairballs is the loss of appetite or if she is having erratic bowel movements. A cat with dreaded hairballs usually suffers from constipation.

Though there is no exact cat hairball treatment to cure common cat hairballs, there are many preventative ways that can be done before doing any costly surgery. Remember that the formation of hairballs in a cat's stomach is caused by a behavioral problem. Often times, cats that develop hairballs are either compulsive, bored or stressed out. You can prevent your cat from ingesting her fur by redirecting her energy and attention to fun activities such as playing in the park or giving her cat treats and toys.

Here are some simple cat hairball treatment tips to control or minimize the chance of getting cat hairballs:

1. Regular is an effective way to prevent cat hairballs. Comb your cat's fur as often as possible to get rid of dead hair. By doing this step, you will lessen the instances of too much ingestion of hair. After brushing, wipe your cat's fur using a moist, clean towel to remove excess dead fur.

2. If cat hairballs continue to bother your pet's life, use a special lubricant to help your cat digest the offending cat hairballs through her digestive system.

3. Buy special hairball treats for your feline friend. Nowadays, you can purchase a wide variety of edible cat treats with particular components that are designed to break up cat hairballs. Many of these cat treats consist of mineral oil.

4. If your feline shows problematic behaviors like retching or lack of bowel movements, bring her to the vet as soon as possible. She needs to undergo a thorough medical examination to determine the best possible treatment method to get rid of dreaded cat hairballs.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Best Dog Training Tips

Do you own a lethargic dog who barks a lot and doesn't obey you? If you're looking for the best dog training tips, read on. There are many dog training methods out there that you can implement depending on your goals or what you want to achieve. If you want to control your dog in public spaces such as parks and streets, then your dog needs to undergo dog leash training. This kind of dog obedience training scheme is highly recommended for all dog trainers.

Here are a few best dog training tips for you:

1. Positive reinforcement matters a lot. It's easier to train a dog if you do it in a positive manner rather than in a strict and punishment-based way. Reward your dog when necessary.

2. Patience is a virtue in any dog training method. Dogs, like humans, have different learning abilities. You must be able to adapt to your dog's learning pace. Some dogs tend to pick up commands than the others. If your dog is a slow-learner, you need to allot more time and attention for him to understand everything. Never rush things!

3. Choose a training method that has worked to you before or someone you know. Consider the breed too for it is a also a big factor to consider in training.

4. All dog's behavior problems are acquired. Start training your dog when he's just a puppy. Most bad habits such as excessive barking, chewing and jumping can be controlled and stopped with a little foresight and consistent training.

5. The best dog training method must be a fun activity. Make your training session as lively as possible. Allot a schedule everyday for you and your dog to bond and play. Training your dog for 20-30 minutes will be good enough.

6. To further help you in training your dog, you can use training aids such as training collar system, remote trainer and many others. Make sure that every gadget you're using is proven to be safe and effective and is applicable to the age and size of your dog.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Pet Shampoo For K9s and Felines

A healthy state of being should be found both from inside and out. Same principle goes with proper hygiene. This fact is very important not only to humans but to household pets as well.

Given that pets have uncontrollable habits of playing around and sneaking into different places around the house, bacteria, germs, and other harmful elements may cling to them and bring about bad effects to both pets and owners. Hence, the introduction of pet care in the form of pet bath came about; specifically shampooing for K9 or feline pets.

Pet shampoo is a very important component to help wash pests out. Most of these infestations are free gliding through the air, waiting for a host. Although shampoos bring about a clean feel to your pet, it is also crucial to choose which one would really work.

Some products can be very harmful that instead of bringing good hygiene, they end up providing allergies and other illnesses. In this case, proper consultation and research on the ingredients of the pet shampoo you’re purchasing are important.

Water alone will not wash out those pests from your pets. So better get a good shampoo and let your K9 or feline buddy run around happily with a good mane and wellbeing.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Canine Lupus Treatment

Canine lupus is a disease that results to discoloration of a dog's nose. In rare instances, it can also affect other portions of dog's skin. Until now, the real cause of this health problem has not yet been determined by scientists. However, genetics may play a big role. There are specific dog breeds, usually big in size, that are usually affected by this health problem such as, to cite a few, Siberian Husky, German Shepherd, and Collie.

There are two kinds of canine lupus, namely Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus and Discoid Lupus. If not treated, canine lupus can result to other complications such as disease of the skin, kidneys, joints, blood and many other vital organs.

If you dog has lupus, you can observe the loss of pigment around his nose. Your dog may also be lethargic and weak because of muscle pains. Skin irritations like lesions and crusting can also be seen in your dog's skin. If it's not addressed immediately, your dog can develop scaling of nasal tissue and sores which are a bit painful and irritating for your canine.

The canine lupus treatment options vary depending on how advanced it is. Mild cases can be treated using a topical ointment. Severe cases, meanwhile, need corticosteroids.

It is also be useful to add some vitamin E in your dog's diet. Take note that dogs with canine lupus are highly susceptible to other bacterial infections so you need to boost his immune system. Herbal supplements and plant sterols are proven to be effective in making your dog healthy and in preventing other complication of canine lupus.

Veterinarians can also perform other canine lupus treatment therapy like gold salts or azathioprine to treat canine lupus. Since exposure to sunlight worsens skin lesions, vets recommend the application of sunblock or sunscreen on affected pets.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping

A jumping dog who calls for your attention looks adorable at first. However, if this becomes a habit already, it can be both frustrating and irritating. The good news is, there are several methods to curtail this common dog's behavioral problem. Yes, you can totally stop your dog from jumping too much by using appropriate training techniques.

The primary key for successfully stopping your dog from excessive jumping is "consistency" in training. When your dog jumps up a lot, ignore him for a while. Don't reach down and fetch your dog from the ground. This kind of response will encourage your dog to continue from jumping.

For instance, if you've just arrive to your home after a tiring day from work, don't greet your canine and stay calm. If you act too lively and run to the house, your dog can get too excited that he might associate your hand gestures as signals that you want to play with him. Put a little bump with your leg and say "No!" or "Stop!" using a commanding voice.

Every time your dog jumps unnecessarily, do this kind of exercise again and again until he finally understands you. You must also hold your canine's training collar under his chin and pull it downwards. To make the training even more effective, give your dog some positive reinforcements whenever he obeys you and stays on the ground by rewarding him with dog toys and treats.

Meanwhile, if you don't want your dog to disturb your visitors, you can put him a dog leash. Also train him to follow the Sit command. When your dog barks and jumps, advise your visitors to just ignore him. If your pet tries to jump up, tell him to sit . Don't shout at him for it will only excite him more.

These training methods, however, can only be successful if all the members of your household follow the same rules. Avoid giving mixed signals. Make sure the same training method is employed all family members to totally curtail your dog's jumping problems.

Monday, December 1, 2008

How To Treat Dog Ringworm

Ringworm in dogs is a contagious skin illness caused by fungi affecting various parts of a dog such as the scalp, body and feet. This fungal infection can be transmitted by direct contact between infected and non-infected dogs.

Contrary to popular beliefs, ringworm does not having anything to do with a worm. The term "ring worm" originated from the red ring that can be seen in the dog's skin.

Depending on how severe the infection is, there are a number of treatment options that you can do to treat dog ringworm. One way is by bathing your canine with anti-fungal soap or shampoo and rubbing neem oil onto the dog skin. A pet bath must be done 3 times a week or every other day.

Veterinarians also recommend griseofulvin. This medicine is given daily to an infected dog for about 30 days. Topical anti-fungal medicines may also be applied to your dog's skin to kill the fungi. The area around the lesions may be also carefully clipped down close to the skin. Be cautious when doing this in order to prevent skin irritation and infection. Another dog ringworm treatment method that is proven to be effective is a lime sulfur dip. This procedure is usually initiated twice a week for the first 2 weeks, and once weekly for 4-6 weeks.

These treatments, however, do not make immediate results. During the first few days of treatment, you will observe a sudden increase in your dog's hair loss. In the next weeks, the hair loss should stop. If not, have your dog checked again by a veterinarian for further diagnosis.

Still, the best way to prevent dog ringworm is to keep your surroundings clean at all times and to groom your canine regularly. Bad hygiene and dirty environment are the main sources of fungi that cause ringworm in dogs.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dog Ticks Treatment & Removal

Dog ticks are quite a common pet infestation among dogs. They can get these parasites anywhere, be it inside your house or when you roam around the park. There are various dog ticks treatment options that you can do to eradicate these nasty fleas from your dog's fur and skin.

One popular dog ticks treatment is the use of herbs and creams. You can also use anti-tick powders and oils especially made for canines suffering from ticks. However, though creams and lotions can kill ticks, they don't have the capacity to totally eradicate them. In fact, dead fleas end up still attached to your dog's fur.

Never attempt to remove dog ticks using tweezers. This is such a bad ticks removal practice that can cause infections and worsen the problem. Tweezers may burst the tick's body, poisoning your dog even more. If you're not aware of, there are specific dog ticks that can cause blood poisoning.

The safest dog ticks removal method to get rid of these parasites is by using your own hands. When you're doing that, remember not to put too much pressure on the ticks as their body could suddenly burst. You must do it carefully. The process of dog ticks removal might be a little painful for your pet. Once the dog ticks are out, you can dispose them by crushing them using newspapers. You can also put the ticks on a bowl filled with shampoo or bleach and flush them in the toilet bowl.

You can also opt for natural dog ticks treatment options. There are natural dog tick repellents that are proven to be effective in removing parasites that you can buy in the market today. You also can use garlic and vinegar to kill ticks. Simply add these natural ingredients in your pet's drinking water.

For severe cases of dog tick infestation, veterinarians usually recommend topical and oral medicines and antibiotics to administer your k9.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Benefits of Dog Parks

Dog parks are not a peculiar thing to see at any state. To date, there have been quite a lot of parks suitable for your K9 buddies that are built to promote a healthier living and lifestyle. Aside from the basic purpose of established dog parks, what else can one benefit from taking your dogs to a simple walk in the park?

Since health is the number one priority, dogs and even cats need some time to breathe some fresh air and get their joints moving. Humans are not the only ones that need a jog or brisk walk at the park. Exercise is crucial among pets especially with the growing number of diseases that both dogs and cats encounter.

Safety wise and talking about comfort, taking your pets on a simple stroll down the neighborhood can be the easiest thing to do but not the safest. We can’t neglect the fact that cars or bikes may bring about accidents both to neighbors or your own pets. Among anything else, not all neighborhood pets are friendly.

It really is beneficial to go to dog parks or pet parks not only for your pet but also for other pet owners. Most of the time, interaction with fellow pet owners start here wherein they can talk about taking care of their pets, what to do on some cases concerning the health of pets, and others. Funny as it may sound, you may be building new friends of your own while your own pet does the same thing too.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Canine Acne Treatment

Dogs, similar to human beings, can get acne too. It is a common infection among dogs that is caused by bacteria or allergic reactions to food, medicine, chemicals and other elements. Normally, it can be seen as bumps on a dog's chin. A dog suffering from canine acne has swellings and scabs on his skin. Dog breeds that are usually affected by this disease are short-coated canines such as bulldog, boxers and doberman pinschers.

Although canine acne is just a minor problem, this disease can develop into severe infections. Acne in dogs cannot be totally be eradicated, but rather controlled. Here are some canine acne treatment methods that you can do:

To control the formation of acne in your dog's skin, you need to determine some predisposing factors such as underlying dog allergies. Different dog breeds react to certain kinds of food and product, so you better avoid them.

Another effective canine acne treatment is regular cleaning. You can use anti-acne solutions such as Benzoyl Peroxide or mild anti-seborrheic soap or shampoo to minimize the bacterial load of the skin and eradicate cellular debris that block the pores of your dog. Proper dog grooming is an effective way to control canine acne. Hair should be removed with scissors to allow discharges to distributed further in your dog's skin.

For severe cases of canine acne, take your dog to the vet for proper medication. Usually, your dog will need to take antibiotics for 3-4 weeks. If your dog scratches his face a lot, an anti-inflammatory medicine will help alleviate the discomfort.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tips On Caring For Older Dogs & Cats

Older dogs and cats, just like humans, need special care. Paying courtesy to their needs will prolong their life. By giving him or her a little extra attention, your senior companions can be with you for a very long time. Aging of pets can be a major challenge for all pet owners but there are a few ways that you can do to make the life of your older pets safer and comfortable.

You know your pet better than anyone else. If you observe any indications of pain or changes in behavior, consult your vet immediately. Here are some tips on how to take good care of adult and aging cats and dogs:

1. If your dog has arthritis, you need to set up a safety gate across stairways to spare aching joints. Buying elevated feeders is also also a good idea so that your dog doesn't have to bend down to drink or eat. Put him or her also in a comfortable and soft bed.

2. Feed your old dogs and cats with "senior" pet foods. In this way, you can ensure that your pet gets the right nutrition. Your pet might also need some specialty diets. Select a diet that is low in calories but high in fiber.

3. Groom your pet occasionally. When brushing and grooming your senior dog or cat, check for any lumps, sores, and ear discharges. If you see anything unusual, bring him or her to the veterinarian.

4. Older pets are more susceptible to illnesses. Keep up to date on your pet's vaccinations.

5. Don't take for granted even the simplest indications potential medical conditions. Weight loss and change in their bowel movement, for example, indicate that something wrong to your senior pets.

6. To keep your pet healthy, give him or her multivitamins or supplements that are proven effective and safe for pets.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dog Training Techniques For Beginners

Let's face it, training a dog to obey you isn't a piece of cake. If you're new dog owner, you will definitely find yourself frustrated when your dog seems to be lethargic and uncooperative.

When it comes to dog training, there are tons of techniques out there. Many of these techniques are built on ideas that have been implemented by many dog owners for so many years. But whichever training procedure you choose, always remember that it requires spending quality time with your dog. Training your dog will be useless if you don't build a good rapport and strong bond with him.

Below are some dog training techniques for beginners that you can follow:

Don't Yell.
Many beginners face difficulties in getting their dogs follow what they command. Well don't be impatient. It takes time and practice before you can fully understand your dog's behavior and establish a good relationship with him. When you're commanding him, the tone of your voice matters a lot. It must be firm but non-threatening. Remember, you need to establish who is the authority or leader in the right way. You will not be able to establish dominance by yelling at your dog. It will have a bad impact on him.

Praise Your Dog.
You need to do possible reinforcement techniques on your dog. Praising him during training sessions is the most effective method to successfully train your k9. Dogs have feelings too, so they can pretty much understand the difference between right and wrong. Without the proper reinforcement, your dog will have a hard time understanding the difference between these two.

Start Early.
For better results, it is advised that you train your dog between the age of 3 to 16 weeks. Experts day that it is the best time to start training your canine. It is during this age when the bond between the dog and the owner will take hold.

Reward Him.
Rewarding your dog for being obedient is also one of the most important dog training techniques for beginners. A simple reward can go a long way. When your dog successfully executed your command, give him a dog treat. You can also show your gratitude by saying "good job!" When giving treats, keep them in small amounts, so as not to fill your dog's tummy when he is in a dog agility training session.

Practice Makes Perfect.
Training your dog to be obedient doesn't happen overnight. Your dog needs to practice a lot. Be patient and repeat the exercise many times until he gets it right. You need to include the training session with your k9 in your daily and weekly activities.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Why Enrol Your Dog In A Doggie Daycare Center?

Enrolling your dog in a doggie daycare center is a good solution to improve his socialization skills and well-being. Daycare centers for dogs are established to provide assistance and care to canines in a friendly atmosphere conducive to learning and entertainment, allowing dogs to interact with each other. In such a social environment, your dog will be able to enjoy playing with other dogs! Doggie daycare center can also help you with potty training your puppy, whereas hyperactive dogs are given an entertaining outlet for all that energy. Other daycare centers even offer grooming services such as pet bath to pamper your dog while you're away.

If you're busy with work, the best way for you to do to ensure that your dog will be well taken care of is to drop him in a doggie daycare. You can leave him in the center in the morning and fetch in the evening after your work. You can still be occupied with other important tasks while being assured that your dog is safe and having a blast with other dogs and puppies.

Most doggie daycare centers have large and open spaces that have separation system for different sizes and temperament of dogs. As you might be aware of, dogs are social animals who like interacting with other pets and people. Dogs would prefer to be around other dogs instead of being home alone all day.

With the help of doggie daycare, you will gradually observe a in your dog's behavior. Since he's able to socialize with other dogs along with the help of skilled caretakers and pet sitters, he will turn from a disobedient dog into a well-mannered companion. Doggie daycare can curb all the negative dog behaviors and turn them into positive ones. For instance, if your dog has separation anxiety, that behavior will likely be solved if you enroll him in a daycare center. His mental ability and confidence level will be stimulated.

Friday, October 31, 2008

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dog Fences: Types and Benefits

There are various reasons why you should put up a dog fence. Besides the flair it can add to your yard, a pet fence, be it in the form of wood, vinyl, chain or metal, is beneficial for safety and security purposes. But whichever fencing system you choose, there are certain types that will best harmonize with your garden or landscape. By installing the right dog-proof fence, you will be assured that your k9 stays safe all the time even if you're not around to monitor him.

Below are a few common types of dog fences and their benefits:

Wood Dog Fence
This kind of fencing system is traditionally used as a decorative fence to provide privacy and set boundaries for your dogs. You can paint it in whatever colors you desire.

Chain Link Fence
This is one of the cheapest types of dog enclosure. You can buy long rolls of chain link fences at a very low price these days.

Vinyl Dog Fence
Vinyl dog fence is a new and maintenance-free type of fencing. It can usually be bought in forms similar to both wood and rail fencing. Vinyl fences will not fade even during the harshest weather condition.

Electronic Dog Fence
This is a good choice who wants a pet containment without any visible sign of a fence. An electronic dog fence comes with a boundary wire, a transmitter and a dog collar. You can form the fence into shapes you want. As compared to wood fences, an underground fence is less expensive and easier to install!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dog Pens Benefits

Dog training is an essential part of making your k9 stay fit and healthy. If you're a dog owner, you may find it difficult sometimes to control your dog to stay within a specific boundary when you're training him or playing with him in the park or the backyard.

A dog pen, often called as an exercise pen, is a great solution to contain your dog while allowing him to roam around and exercise. It is a type of dog containment system which consists of fences usually made of gauge wire forming a safe space for your dog both in indoor and outdoor environment.

Here are some of the benefits of dog pens:

1. Your dog will feel secured in a territory which he can call his own while giving him as much freedom as possible.

2. For both beginners and experienced dog trainers, the use of dog pens is a very cost-effective way to provide your dog with a safe and spacious enclosure where he can exercise regularly.

3. These pet containment systems are
so portable and easy to set-up. You can move a dog pen from one place to another with ease.

Studies show that dog pens provide good effects to the psychological disposition of your dog. When he is a around a dogpen, he will not feel isolated. As a result, his behavioral problems such as nuisance barking will eventually be minimized if not totally solved.

5. Another benefit of dog exercise pens is that they
can create an environment conducive to transforming an aggressive dog into your most behaved best friend. With the use of dog pens, you can make a familiar space for your k9 when you are too busy or not around to monitor him.

6. Dog pens are versatile and can be used for other purposes. Some dog owners utilize dog exercise pens along with a dog crate. A dog pen is not only for dog, it can also be used to contain rabbits and other small animals.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Patio Pet Door Buying Guide

Are you planning to buy a new pet door for your beloved canine but on a tight budget? This patio pet door buying guide will help you get the best deals in a dog door:

1. Assess your budget. Shop around before buying anything. You can surely find pet doors at affordable prices in the internet. Do comparison shopping!

2. You need to determine the height of the patio door track. Before purchasing a pet door, measure the track from top to bottom with the use of a measuring tape. Take note of the adjustments that may be needed and compare it to the actual height of desired pet door.

3. Check the color of the framing. As much as possible, select the colors that will match the interior of your house.

4. Consider the climate in your area. If you live in a location where climate is tough, choose the toughest patio pet door. Make sure that it is made from sturdy materials that can withstand even the toughest weather conditions.

5. Choose a patio pet door that is applicable to the size of your k9. The ratio of your dog to the door must be proportioned.

6. Also check if the materials used on your walls will match the components used for the dog door you want to buy. A pet door can either be made of wood or plastic materials. If you think installing it will not work with your patio, look for other patio pet door products that will be applicable to your preference.

7. The product you are purchasing must include a limited lifetime warranty and installation manual which will guide you in properly installing the patio dog doors onto your wall or patio.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dog Prostatitis Treatment & Symptoms

Dog prostatitis is a disease common in male dogs characterized by the inflammation of a gland near the urinary bladder or prostate gland. It may develop by hematogenous spread of bacteria or by extension from the urinary tract and may either be acute or chronic.

There are various dog prostatitis treatment methods that veterinarians recommend to solve this problem. Since this canine disease is caused by bacterial infection, it is usually controlled by medications and antibiotics. Vets often choose an antibiotic based on the likelihood it will work for prostate infection. Antibiotics are typically given for a minimum 4 weeks. If the antibiotic drug seems futile, insisting on a culture is another recommended dog prostatitis treatment. In the case of acute prostatitis, intravenous fluids may be required. Neutering will probably not help much but it may be helpful if chronic dog prostatitis is present.

Prostatitis in male dogs can also be treated or prevented if you neutere your dog while he’s still young. If dog prostatitis symptoms are determined, diagnostic testing needs to be done to establish a dog prostatitis treatment course that is most appropriate. Remember, prostatic infection is very fatal and can lead to death so it must be dealt with immediately.

So how will you determine if you dog is suffering from dog prostatitis? Below are are some of dog prostatitis symptoms. You will know if your canine friend has prostatitis and needs to be checked by the vet if you see any of these signs:

1. Fever
2. Arched back due to pain
3. Dripping pus or blood from the penis or urine
4. Pollakiuria related to urinary tract infection (UTI)
5. Stiff back legs
6. Short intermittent spurt
7. Lack of appetite

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cat Door Installation Tips

Looking for ways to allow your cat to go in and out of your house safely? Tired of going back to your main door always to close it as your stubborn kitten keeps on opening it? The installation of cat doors is a good solution for you! A cat door is easy to install and the process of building one can be accomplished in less than a hour. All you need to have is a lot of patience. Read the cat door installation tips below.

Here is the step-by-step installation procedures of properly installing a cat door:

1. First, remove the door from hinges using a hammer and screwdriver.

2. Measure the belly height of your feline friend, then layout the measurement on the outside of your door.

3. Cut the desired cat door opening. You can draw a square or rectangle. The opening should be atleast 2-3 inches above the bottom of the door, and it needs to be about 2 inches larger than your largest cat.

4. Proceed to making a cat door frame. Measure the inside part of the opening. Construct an "L" shaped frame to fit the inside dimensions.

5. Use fasteners to secure frames to the cat door.

6. For an added flair to the cat door, put some colorful paint or finish to it.

7. The cat door installation end with putting a simple mini-curtain as cat barrier. You can use any fabrics for that, even old towels and curtains. Make sure that that the mini-curtain is 2 inches bigger than the opening of he cat door.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Where's The Beef? B.A.R.F. Feeding For Dogs

Dogs are prey animals that existed in the wild as carnivores eating primarily raw meat and bones. Wild dogs rarely ate grain and that helped them to stay lean and mean. Dogs today are our beloved pets but they are still carnivores and many people believe that they should be fed the same diet that wild dogs once ate. Unfortunately, most commercial pet food is filled with grains and chemicals that experts say may account for the rising rate of skin allergies, gastrointestinal problems and cancer.

An alternative to chemical laden commercial foods that poisoned pets in 2007 is the B.A.R.F. (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) Diet. The B.A.R.F. diet is controversial yet millions of people have switched to this way of feeding their dogs. Read on to discover some of the facts and controversies surrounding this popular method of feeding dogs.

What Is The B.A.R.F. Diet?

A Veterinary Surgeon in Australia, Dr Ian Billinghurst, created the B.A.R.F. diet and recommends that owners feed their dogs bones, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs and dairy. His theory is that it is better to feed a dog completely raw food, imitating the types of food eaten by their wild ancestors.

What Food Can I Feed My Dog On The B.A.R.F. Diet?

There is much controversy in the B.A.R.F. community about what is included in the diet. Dr. Billinghurst states that vegetables and fruit are appropriate food to feed but others disagree. Most would agree that raw, meaty bones meat are a staple of the diet and that includes beef, chicken, deer, duck, game birds, goat, pork, lamb, fish, rabbit and veal. Some of the more controversial foods include eggs, vegetables, fruit, dairy, cooked cereals and supplements.

What About Handling Raw Food?

You should wash your hands before and after handling raw meat just (or wear disposable gloves) as you would while preparing food for humans. Be sure to disinfect cutting boards and countertops where meat is prepared. Many people believe that the dog digestive system is not as susceptible to salmonella, e-coli and parasites as humans. Many vets disagree.

How Much Food Is Fed Each Day?

On the B.A.R.F. diet dogs are fed according to their energy level. If your dog is very active it should be fed 2 to 3 % of their weight every day. A less active and more sedentary dog would get fed approximately 1% of their weight every day. This is not a precise measurement so it should be adjusted as your dog adapts to eating raw food. You should plan on feeding three or four times a day and preparing meals in advance.

What Are The Benefits Of Feeding Raw?
There is no scientific evidence that supports added benefits from feeding your dog raw food, but there have been many studies showing that commercial food is poisonous to our pets. People who are feeding their dogs raw food report that they save money and their dogs have less body odor, less bowel movements, cleaner teeth and reduced illnesses and medical costs.

Can Every Dog Eat Raw?

The simple answer is no. Most healthy dogs can adapt to raw food but dogs that are very old or that have chronic and serious illnesses may not be appropriate candidates for this type of diet. Some dogs will simply refuse to eat raw food. You should talk to your vet before the switch but be prepared for the doctor to discourage you from making this decision. Some veterinarians are heavily influenced by commercial pet food companies because they make a great deal of money selling the product. Ask your vet if any patients feed their dogs raw food and ask if they experienced problems adjusting to the change in diet.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Again, this is anecdotal information but many people report a detox stage in feeding raw food. This means the dog is adjusting to the diet and getting rid of toxins in their body. Symptoms your pet may display include vomiting, diarrhea, bad breath and itchy skin. Supplementing your pet with Vitamins C and E may help. If your dog has these symptoms for more than three days after switching diets, take them to your local vet. Ask your vet about the best method for changing your dog's diet.

Raw feeding is not for every dog nor will it work for every owner. Be careful whenever you change the diet of your pets. Some proponents of raw food insist that a "cold turkey" switch is better but most vets will disagree and say changes should be made gradually. Educate yourself by doing research and reading some of the great books available on raw feeding before making the switch.

© 2008, Davis Virtual Assistance. All rights reserved. Reprints welcomed so long as the article and byline are not changed and all links are made live.

Bonnie Jo Davis is an animal lover who is active in animal rescue. She is the author of "50 Fantastic Recipes For Dogs" and "50 Fantastic Recipes For Cats" and created these downloadable cookbooks for those people who want to feed a more natural diet but do not want to handle raw meat. More information is available at and other recommended pet e-books are available at

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Preventing Pet Arthritis

Pet arthritis is very much possible to occur. Animals also suffer this kind of illness and it is very common specifically among cats and dogs. These two household pets are exposed to some high endurance activities like running, jumping, and playing which can lead to the wearing and tearing of their cartilages. When this happens, arthritis comes in. Come to think of it, humans are not the only ones straining their joints everyday. Also, when you pet cat or dog is already old, expect it to be prone to arthritis. So, does exposing your pet on an active lifestyle help in preventing this illness?

Actually, pets become more up close to the illness if they take the lead in an active lifestyle. Possible signs that your pet may start to have arthritis is when it is lively before and now, it becomes lazy and doesn’t even want to move a paw. Your will also notice that your cat or dog agility skills are lowered as compared before. Change of mood is another a sign.

Here are three easy ways to prevent pet arthritis:

1. Visit the veterinarian
The signs of pet arthritis mentioned above are just a few signs that can contribute to distinguishing whether your pet is suffering from the illness. However, there are times too that it does not lead to arthritis.

2. Treat the arthritis
The illness itself can be treated without surgery. There are prescribed drugs that can be taken in by pets as advised by veterinarians.

3. Change your pet’s living environment
Having a pet is just like having a child run around your home. To somehow help prevent you pet from suffering from arthritis; make your household a safe place to stay in. Accident prone areas like slippery floors contribute to a much better lifestyle of your pet.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Traveling With Pet Strollers

There are many good reasons why a dog stroller is an important piece of equipment. One of them is for travel purposes.

Traveling with your puppy or dog will be a lot easier when you use dog strollers. You can transport your dog from one place to another without worrying that he might get lost or run away from you. Besides being carriers, pet strollers are also ideal crates where your pet can rest or get nap when he gets tired from walking.

A stroller can be very beneficial for dogs with disabilities or those who are just recuperating from an injury or surgery. This equipment will let you carry your canine easily and comfortably anywhere you wish to go. An old dog who gets tired from walking can still roam around if you put him inside a stroller, while also creating a confined space away from possible dangers and accidents in the street like fast raging cars and road hazards.

It is also practical to use a dog stroller when you are transporting a litter of dogs and puppies. You can put them all inside a single stroller, preventing them from escaping inside the mall or at the yard. Pet strollers can really give you quality time with your dogs allowing you to travel with them in various places, more than what dog leashes or other kinds of pet carriers allow.

You can show the beauty of the outside world if you take your dog around town inside a stroller. More than being fashionable, pet strollers offer undeniable comfort for your dogs or puppies without any worries on your end.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dog Constipation Treatment

It's easy to determine if your beloved dog is suffering from constipation. If you observe that your k9 is having a hard time and looks in pain when trying to pass feces, he might be suffering from this illness. The presence of hard and dry stools is a also sign of dog constipation. Just like in humans, constipation in dogs is commonly due to dietary issues. The lack of fibers in the diet is among them. Ingested solid objects such as bones can also disrupt your k9's digestive system, resulting to constipation.

Having said that, the best dog constipation treatment is to change your dog's diet. Feed him with nutritious foods that are natural and high in fiber. Increase your dog's fiber consumption can help in fighting constipation. Try adding some oat bran on top of his dog food. Anywhere from half a teaspoon to 2 tablespoons is good enough depending on the size and weight of your dog.

You can also give him two teaspoons of canned pumpkin every day or a tablespoon of mineral oil to help make his bowel movements more regular. A fresh supply of water can also solve dog constipation.

Another dog constipation treatment which can help soften his dog poop is by adding psyllium to the dog's diet. Half a teaspoon of this medicine 2x day, plus plenty of water, will be very helpful. You can also buy some herbal supplements that are invented to cure dog constipation. Among the components found in these herbal medicines include aloe ferox, psyllium husk, and natrium mariaticum.

Besides making some changes in your dog's diet, you must also increase the amount of exercise your dog gets. Regular dog exercise helps a lot in keeping the bowels more regular. Dogs need to be walked twice a day while maintaining a well-balance, high-fiber diet.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Doggy Hair Day: Preventing The Shedding

Dogs have been a reliable household buddy for ages and almost every family in town has one. Perhaps one of the reasons why the few others who resist in keeping dogs as pets is hair shedding that has been a common concern among pet owners. Though common, this does not really impose any threat to the family, unless they are very particular about tidiness around the home or members of the pack with allergies.

Setting aside these concerns and focusing on how to treat hair shedding among dogs, it can all be taken care of. By simply using proper tools to brush your dog’s hair makes it all better. It is advised that you really shouldn’t start to this healthy grooming habit as soon as you see some pile of shedding hair on the carpet, sofa, or rug… you can start early. Preventing shedding is a much better practice that keeping it off your dog’s hair. The mars rake is one particular dog brush that can help you up with the task.

When taking your dog for a bath, it is always best to apply shampoo but not just any type of shampoo. The shampoo manufactured in markets for human use has a different PH balance which can be harmful for your K9 buddy thus allowing moderate to excessive shedding. Buy the ones that are really meant for dogs. Talking about the bathing water, hot and cold does no good so use tepid temperature water.

After giving your pet some pet bath, don’t just let ‘em run around wet. Dry your dog at air temperature. There are blowers for dog parlors but these gadgets do not use any heat. Let the hair dry and the air flow at the direction opposite the growth flow of your pet’s hair to get rid of some of the loose ones.

If excessive shedding still occurs, check on your dog’s diet and food intake as these can also contribute to your dog’s hair condition.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Types of Dog Leash

Most dog owners underestimate what a dog leash can do for their beloved pooch. They fail to understand that dog leashes are more than just straps or accessories made from nylon or leather, but rather essential tools designed to control your dog and correct his negative behaviors. It can also give you and your k9 a less stress-free and comfortable lifestyle.

Nowadays, you can buy dog leashes made from various materials with luxurious styles and fashionable designs. Here are some of the common types of dog leash:

Nylon dog training collar is popular because of its high melting points, excellent clarity and stiffness. Another type of dog leash is the retractable dog leash. This type of pet leash, which has adjustable features, is commonly used to increase your dog’s confidence. By using it, your dog will have the freedom to roam around wherever and whenever he wants to. Since a retractable dog leash varies in length and features, you can use in many different ways.

A leather dog leash is also a popular choice for dog owners because it look stylish. For this design of leash, the ideal length is usually about six feet to give enough length for your k9 to roam with great deal of control.

There is also a bungee dog leash. This type of pet leash maintains tension through the length of the 6-foot leash so that there is less pulling on your arm as you run outside or walk in the park. Given the bungee takes up the slack, you will prevent the leash from tripping up your k9’s paws.

You can also purchase a hands-free dog leash. This type is highly convenient especially for pet owners who are always busy. The state of the art design of this leash will allow you to walk in the park with your dog without using your bare hands to assist him and walk along with you.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cleaning Your Dog's Ears

Cleaning your dog's ears is an essential part of grooming. You should check your beloved pet's ears periodically to know if they have wax, fungus, and ear mites on them.

Like humans, dogs also need to have their ears cleaned. But before anything else, there are some precautionary measures that you need to do to prevent possible ear infections. Always make sure to use the right cleaning products.Bear in mind that the outer and inner parts of your dog's ears are very delicate. Be extra careful and ensure that you are doing the right procedure.

It is advisable to use an "ear wash solution" specifically created for dog ear cleaning. Soak a cotton ball in the formula and squeeze out excess liquid. Then, place the wet cotton ball in your dog's ears, starting at the base, and gently rub it.

Gently message the outsides of the ears for about a minute where you put the cotton ball. This will help the solutions to get down in the ear and your k9 will enjoy the ear rub. Allow your k9 to shake off excess moisture.

Never use a q-tip in your dog's ears for it could damage his eardrum!

Try to check your dog's ears at least once a week whenever you give him a pet bath. Infected dog ears can result to other serious health problems. If you dog's ears are dirty and infected, he may suffer from an ear hematoma by breaking blood vessels when shaking his head due to irritation and discomfort.

If you see any lumps in his ear or if his ear canal looks abnormal, better consult a veterinarian. It could be a sign of more serious ear infections or tumors.

Friday, September 19, 2008

How To Select Nutritious Pet Food

The ingredients in your dog or cat food, be it packed, raw or organic, may shock you. What is even more surprising is that even the premium pet food brands don't contain the right nutrients that will sustain your beloved pet's health.

And what are some of these important components? For both cats and dogs, a nutritious pet diet must have vegetables and fruits. These organic foods contain antioxidants, as well as fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients. Your pet's food should also have direct-fed microbials which are commonly found in yogurt. Omega-3 fatty acids must be added in your list for they can keep pet's coat shiny.

Don't feed your dog with foods like corn, soy, or wheat, especially in large amount. Such foods are not sufficient sources of protein and your pet will get a hard time digesting them, resulting to colitis and urinary tract infections. As much as possible, purchase a nutritious pet food that has grain and uses ingredients like brown rice, oats, barley, or other easy-to-digest components.

Whenever you buy a pet food in the supermarket, make sure that it contains the "complete and balanced" label. These dog foods have met the standards established by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).You can visit to know more tips on selecting nutritious pet food.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How To Treat Dog Diarrhea

Diarrhea in dogs is a disease that should not be taken for granted for it can be very fatal and can cause dehydration and loss of fluids. It should be given the proper treatment so as not to worsen the condition of your pet.

There are various causes of dog diarrhea. The most common of all is when your dog eats foods that are contaminated or contain harmful bacteria. So everytime you give something to your dog, make sure that what he’s getting is clean and cooked well.

Parasites such as worms can also be a cause of dog diarrhea. In such a case, giving him enough water will help you to flush the parasites out of his system. Give your dog water during the first 24 hours you noticed the problem. By so doing, you will be able to clean the stomach and eradicate the bacteria, parasites, or even viruses that may be present in there. Water treatment can also counter the dehydration caused by the canine diarrhea.

You can also treat the disease by feeding your dog with a bland diet. This kind of diet means that you will only feed you k9 with boiled rice and skinless chicken. All the foods should be free from oil, preservatives, and salt.

If you see there is blood in your dog’s poop, you should take your dog to the vet immediately for tests. More often than not, it could be an indication of a severe case of diarrhea or something else. The veterinarian can address the problem and prescribe certain antibiotics.

So how will you know if your dog is suffering from diarrhea? Well, the symptoms are pretty simple to determine. If you notice that your dog has watery stool and you rarely see solids in his dog poop, chances are he is enduring diarrhea. You will also notice a sudden change in his appetite and he might act lethargic.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cat Ear Infection Treatment

Chronic ear infection is a common health problem among cats that needs to be consulted with the veterinarian. One of the most prevalent feline ear infections is called “otitis externa” or the inflammation of the external ear canal. This kind of infection must be examined carefully for it might be a sign of more serious issues such as polyps, ear mites and even tumors. But there’s no reason to be anxious for this can be resolved, prevented and cured with the proper care, medicine and consultation with your vet.

A cat suffering from otitis externa has an external ear canal filled with fluid and debris. Depending on how bad the infection is, a diagnosis may either need a simple ear cleaning technique or very thorough ear-cleaning under anesthesia.

So how can you determine if your cat has an infected ear? The answer lies in the behavior of your feline pet. Most cats with infected or inflamed ears look and act uncomfortable. They often scratch their ears with their paws as well as shake their heads all time. You can also notice that your pet looks irritated and has a lop-sided appearance because of the painful ear.

You can save your cat a great deal of discomfort if you have her or him checked by the vet. You must do that to avoid other possible dangers from happening caused by ear infection if not cured immediately. Cats who scratch their heads relentlessly may break small blood vessels within the external ear flap, resulting to dramatic swelling.

Treatment for otitis externa in cats may be as simple as applying a few drops of ear medicine, in liquid form, prescribed by your vet, or as involved as pursuing the root of an allergy or addressing an underlying illness. Since the causes differ, cat ear infection treatment also varies. Your veterinarian will advice a treatment plan targeted specifically for your cat.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tips in Buying Dog Doors

Before buying doors for your dog, there are various factors you need to take into consideration, including the materials, measurements, styles and, of course, budget. Here are some tips that you must follow to get the best deals in a dog door.

First of all, you should determine the height of your door track. A common mistake of many dog owners is that they only make an assumption or estimate on the measurement of the dog door. What they usually forget is calculating all the portions of it, from top to bottom, using a measuring device. Remember that adjustment ranges for every dog door.

Be particular with the design too. Check if the color of the framing is appropriate to the design of the dog door. An eye for detail and harmony can make or break your over-all interior. Most designers recommend the use of neutral colors like aluminum white and bronze as they can easily blend with other colors inside your house.

It also pays a lot if you inspect the materials used on your walls. Assess if they match the materials of the patio dog doors you want to purchase. If you think installing them will not coordinate with your patio, better not do so. For sure, you can find other alternative dog door options that will suit your preferences.

Determining the measurement of the door flap must also be done. Make sure that it is big enough so that your canine can easily pass through it. You must provide a huge amount of space to allow possible adjustments in the futre. Add at least an inch in every side of the minimum width.

As regards to flap dimensions, know the the flap height and rise. If the height of the flap is measured accurately, you will make the life of your dog easier as he will not to hunker down in order to pass through the patio pet door.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to Properly Socialize Your Puppy

Properly socializing your puppy is all about exposure.

Dog ownership can sometimes be related to experiences that we have as humans. For instance, when a child is going to the dentist, to school, a zoo, or any other environment for the first time, or meeting someone new, there can be apprehension and discomfort; even fear, as a result of experiencing these new events. However, we do not shelter our children from these events: we encourage them to interact with the world, and we encourage the world to interact with our children. This is known as socialization, and is a vital part of healthy functioning in any social hierarchy- including in the world of dogs.

Numerous studies have shown repeatedly that there is a peak period for socialization in puppies, typically from three to twelve weeks of age. Although socialization is a lifelong necessity, it is during this important time that a majority of the behaviors your dog displays in social situations will be determined. So how do you socialize your puppy? You take them everywhere with you, and you introduce them to as many different sights, sounds, smells, and other creatures that you possibly can.

Even the first few days with a new puppy are about socialization. They will be investigating their new home, getting to know you, and coming to understand their role in your family hierarchy. During this time, and over the next several weeks, slowly expose your puppy to everything in and around your home. Run household machinery like the dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, or a generator. Introduce your puppy to your other pets and family members. While experiencing these things, try not to focus on your pup too much. Act as you normally would when around these people or pieces of equipment. Be certain to give lavish praise when the encounter is over and your puppy acted favorably.

Take your puppy for frequent walks, both on a leash and off, depending on the safety of your environment. Brush your puppy on a regular basis, and handle his feet, tail, ears and lips. Expose him to a crate or kennel, and encourage him to sleep or simply relax in it.

Bring your puppy out into the world. Take him for regular car rides, and expose him to the radio, to the beep of a horn, and to the sound of wind rushing in through an open window. Your pup should be exposed to a farm, and be introduced to various farm animals. City parks, walking trails, dog parks and beaches are all great places to expose your dog to a wide variety of stimuli. You should beware, however, to keep your puppy away from strange dogs, or dogs that appear wounded or ill. Remember that your puppy's immune system is still quite young, and that not everyone vaccinates their dogs.

Socialization with your puppy should never be rushed or forced. In addition, you should be mindful that you are rewarding the right behavior, and correcting undesired behavior. Your pup should never be soothed when it is acting unfavorable. Soothing is a form of praise, and therefore there are situations where you can actually be "praising" your dog for being neurotic, fearful or aggressive.

Like humans, dogs go through different psychological phases as they grow older. Their personalities change, and the way they respond to their environment can change. This is why it is important to continue your dog's socialization for its entire life. Besides, that's what your puppy wants anyway- to go with you and experience everything you do!

Geoffrey A. English is the Founder of, the internet's premiere online magazine dedicated to hunt dogs. Visit their site for a large selection of electronic dog collars; including brands such as Tri-tronics, Innotek, SportDOG, and Dogtra.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dog House Buying Tips

All dogs need their own space where they can play, exercise and sleep. There are tons of canine shelter that you can purchase for your dog these days. The most common of all is a dog house. But before purchasing one, better read this article to help you decide which doghouse is best applicable for your canine pet.

The first thing you need to consider in buying a dog house is the size and breed of your dog. You should determine how much space your dog really needs. You can choose a shelter that is made of either plastic or wood materials. Plastic dog houses are popular because they can be washed easily and are very durable and portable. Some people choose the wood dog house type because it can be customized and painted in different vibrant colors.

But whatever design you choose, always bear in mind that there should be enough room inside where your pet can sleep, roam around and exercise. The bigger the dog house, the better it is for your pet!

Dog houses, ideally, should be large enough so that your k9 can lie down there comfortably. The design should also give comfort for your k9 in both the extreme cold and hot weather. It must be durable and well built to give your dog the utmost protection and comfort in extreme weather conditions.

Moreover, you must ensure that your pet’s shelter has good insulation. It is a good idea to have a canine house with removable roof because it will give you better access to the house and you can clean it easily.

For outdoor dogs, a sturdy dog house is recommended to protect them from elements and improve their quality of life. If you want to give your dog with the necessary care and protection he deserves, then purchase a dog house now!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dog Treats Guide - How to Choose Dog Treats

Dogs are just like people when it comes to liking something. They have different tastes and feelings towards different things. Certain dogs may like one taste of dog food while another may not even give it a chance. The only way to know what your dog will like for dog treats is to try different ones and go from there.

There are so many different kinds and tastes when it comes to dog treats. The different flavors may not be as agreeing with all dogs. The only way to know if your dog will like a certain dog treat is to give him one and see what the dog's reaction is. If the dog likes this particular dog treat, then he will surely let you know by wagging his tail, and licking his lips.

If the dog hates this dog treat, chances are he will drop it to the ground, sniff it and walk away all after he gives you a very dissatisfying look. This is how most dogs would react. Some dogs may even bark at you as if to say, "what were you thinking". However, this is the only way that you will ever know if the dog agrees with your choice in treats or not.

If you have more than one dog, you may find that they all like a different treat. If this is the case, then you will have to buy more than one brand of dog treat. When this happens, it may be hard to keep them straight especially if you have a few dogs. The best way to keep the dog treats separate and know which one is for what dog, you will have to put them in separate containers and mark them.

There is crunchy, soft, sweat, and salty dog treats available. There are so many that you will be sure to find a few dog treats that your dog will love.

Keeping the dog treats in airtight containers with lids will keep them safe and secure from the dogs as well. They will not be able to help themselves when they feel like it. Use clear plastic or glass containers and write the dogs name on the outside of the container so that you know what dog treats are for what dog. This will make your life a whole lot easier because you will not be mixing up the treats. That will make your dog just as happy and satisfied as you are.

For more about dog treats and how you can provide the best for your dog, please visit:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bark Control Collar Advantages

A dog barks for various reasons. Barking could be a sign of seeking attention, anxiety, stress or aggression. But whatever the reasons are, a bark collar is a universal solution to solve that behavioral problem. It is a very good option if your dog’s barking has become excessive and annoying to other people.

Contrary to popular beliefs, a bark control collar is not an unsafe electronic equipment but a very effective tool in training your dog if used properly. There are various advantages of using a bark collar. In fact, it is too effective that you can notice an enormous improvement in your k9’s barking within the first week of training.

If your dog has become too violent to the point that he scares you and your neighbors, you should consider purchasing bark collars . This tool can correct the barking problem and can make the people around you feel safer when walking by your canine pet.

Another advantage of having a bark collar placed around your dog’s neck is that your dog will not bark when an unfamiliar person visits your house. It will also not disturb your neighbors during night time.

However, first time users of this type of training collar should be extra careful. The first instance your k9 receives a correction from a bark control collar he may react in a certain way. He may yip or jump slightly. But don't worry for these reactions are just normal.

The first reaction of your dog will always be the most intense. But after a few sessions, his reaction will be minimized and he will consequently refrain from doing some unwanted things such as excessive barking.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How To Solve Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety is a common behavioral problem among dogs which can be solved and prevents with the proper training. In order for your k9 to overcome his anxiety glitch successfully, time and repetition are the key things you need to implement.

There are lots of methods to minimize separation anxiety in dogs and to prevent this frustrated behavior from being out of control when you’re not around.

One method that you can do is making sure your dog is ready whenever you go outside. It is a common mistake of dog owners to pay too much attention to their pet before they leave. You need to prepare your canine friend before you step outside the house but not in an overacting way. Spending a few minutes to play with him will help a lot, instead of kissing your dog goodbye.

Don’t pamper your dog too much. Initiate some measures to prepare your dog for your absence. You can do that by intentionally decreasing interaction with your canine before your departure. Avoiding to say goodbye and ignoring him for a while prior to leaving the house will decrease the level of separation anxiety of your dog. You need to repeat this method again and again until your dog gets used to it.

Another effective method to solve separation anxiety in dogs is the use of pet supplies to distract or entertain them. Dog toys can help a lot in diverting the attention of your dog and allowing for a transition from your presence to his alone time. In the long run, your dog will associate your departure with a playing with a toy instead of making him lonely.

Besides dog toys, you can also use other objects to distract him. As we all know, dogs are very affectionate and they tend to crave human contact at all times. And there are ways to maintain his contact with humans even if you’re not around. Dog trainers say that exposing your dog to radio or television will avoid separation anxiety. Letting your dog watch the TV or listen to the radio is a good way to reduce feelings of loneliness and stress.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Overweight Hunting Dogs

Despite their athletic nature, hunting dogs can be overweight dogs and can fall into a sedentary nature if not provided with enough exercise. Without an exercise program, these otherwise fit, energetic breeds can become lazy and inactive.

An estimated 40% of dogs are considered to be overweight or obese. The most common cause of overweight dogs is obvious, their caloric intake is greater than what is burned off in a day. Excess calories turn into fat, and over time this causes the dog to gain weight.

Hunting dogs fed a high calorie, protein dense food for athletic dogs are at particular risk for canine obesity, as their exercise level must be kept high in order to “use up” the calories that they are being fed. A dog being fed a high performance diet must adhere to strict exercise regimen, in order to prevent excessive weight gain. Fat dogs out hunting is not a pretty sight!

Veterinarians use a standardized Body Condition Score system to categorize overweight dogs. The scoring system runs from 1-9, with one being extremely thin, and 9 being morbidly obese.

As a general rule, the “ideal” range for the body condition score for dogs is between a 4 and 5.

At a Body Condition Score (BCS) of 4 and 5, the dog should have ribs that can be easily felt under the skin, but not seen. The dogs should have a waist (a narrowing of their width behind the ribcage), as well as an abdomen that is “tucked up” when seen from the side.

Dogs with a BCS of 6 and 7 are too heavy. Their ribs may be just barely felt under the skin.

Instead of a waist, they are “flat” from ribs to hindquarters. Overweight dogs in this category should have their exercise level increased, and caloric intake decreased. With a BCS of 8 or 9 they are considered morbidly obese or are commonly called fat dogs.

Their ribs cannot be felt over the skin, and have areas of fat deposits over their back, base of the tail, chest, neck or legs. Instead of a waist, they have an abdominal bulge and are wider in the abdomen than in the hips.

Their abdomens may appear distended and enlarged, and hang below the level of the ribcage. These dogs should be evaluated by a veterinarian for underlying health problems, as well as begin a weight reduction program under veterinary supervision.

Beware of Diabetes in dogs and other health ailments. Overweight dogs at this level are at risk for a variety of health problems: severe joint, muscle and ligament problems, as well as respiratory and cardiac complications. Diabetes in dogs is also a threat.

It is important to remember that just because your dog was bred for an athletic lifestyle, his energy level and fitness depend on you.

Keep your dog fit, healthy and not overweight. Dogs can then be assured good health and hopefully a long life.

About the Author:
Lizzie Novotny R.N has a researched and informative website about dogs, especially the sporting dog breeds. She raises, trains and shows dogs and horses, and is familiar with all aspects of their care. Find answers to your dog-related questions by visiting her website. So click on

Monday, August 11, 2008

Harmful Dog Food You Need To Know

Dogs in cartoons are often portrayed as stereotypical bone lovers. But did you know that bones can be very harmful for their health? Bones, when they chew on it, munch and then swallow, can eventually puncture their sensitive digestive organs. As much as possible, you don’t want this to happen to your dog, right?

So what needs some big check mark on harmful dog food types? Make bones as the number one item. This may sound a little too much babying for your K9 fellow but it will be good for him; since dogs are known to be carnivores, meat will always be irresistible for them. Although it doesn’t really take contribute to them having a well balanced diet, it would be enough to clear the meat from bones and skin for turkeys or chicken meat.

Vegetables, known to be healthy and nutritious to our body, have some types that are considered harmful. Onions and garlic are just some examples of harmful dog food. These can be very toxic to their health and bring about some complications in their kidney’s function. So if your dog is already allergic to onions and garlic, don’t force it to eat such. Also, since chocolates were mentioned earlier, would you think that your dog will be happy if you hand it a bar or a piece? One sure thing is that they’ll munch on it. But how chocolates affect dogs are somewhat similar to humans, although dogs don’t get fat unless given in their race. Chocolates slow down a dog’s metabolism and contribute to having heart failures and kidney ailments.

On cases when you have some leftover food, don’t just throw these on your dog’s plate. It may contain some harmful stuff too. If you’re planning to serve leftover food to your dog, make sure that it can be easily digested. Most of the time, what you feed on your pets contribute to the way they behave. Remember how they obediently follow you when you hand them a doggy treat on training them or teaching some simple tricks? That’s one proof for you to consider.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How To Prevent Canine Heartworms

Heartworms among dogs are a very dangerous form of pet infestation that takes up residence in the heart of your canine. It can lead to serious and fatal illnesses such as seizures, lameness, and even loss of sight. Vital internal organs such as lungs, liver and kidneys will also be affected if this disease is not solved immediately. So if you don’t want your pet shorten his life span, better act now to solve and prevent dog heartworms!

The common sign of canine heartworms is when your dog suffers from habitual soft cough. Do not dismiss this cough and take him to the veterinarian for tests. Commonly, radiographs on dogs are done to detect the presence of heart worms in the heart and lungs. This X-ray test can also look into the amount of internal damage caused by heart worms.

There are many ways to prevent canine heartworms infestation. It can be prevented by the use of medicines such as ivermectin tablets or liquid ivermectin. Your dog must intake such drugs once a month for better results.There is also a drug called diethylcarbamazine which is given daily.

Such medicines are very effective in killing parasites and heart worms and eliminating larvae of the worms before they reach the heart.

Mosquito control is also one of the best ways to break the transmission cycle of heartworm diseases. Veterinarians advise the implementation of a heart worm prevention program which includes various strategies in guarding your household against the mosquitos. You should keep your dogs away from places infested by mosquitos which carry harmful bacteria and eggs of heartworms.

The application of insect repellents on your dog all especially when he goes outdoor will be of great help to hamper the infestation of canine heartworms.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Eliminating Dog Odors on Carpets

Bothered by the nasty odors in your carpet caused by stubborn dirt and pee of your dog? Before turning your home into a gigantic dog house, better read these tips on how to eliminate pet odors on carpets.

If you own a dog or puppy, you most probably have observed how your dog’s not-so-good smell can heavily stick to your precious carpets. Since they are made of fabrics, carpets tend to easily pick up foul odors than the any floor surface in your house. Dog odors caused by dirt and pee are very stubborn and cannot easily be removed from the carpet fibers. In most cases, ordinary detergent powder or cleaning agent might be futile and heavy duty vacuuming is not enough.

The best way to fix this problem is to implement strategies to prevent your dog from creating mess in the carpet. As much as possible, don’t let your dog enter in carpeted rooms. If you think that’s impractical, just make sure you keep your dog well-groomed at all times. Bathing your dog frequently will make your dog odor-free. Make sure to use pet bath shampoos to kill the bacteria on your pet’s scalp and fur which causes the unpleasant odors. Remember, an odor-free dog is a clean, healthy dog!

In cleaning carpets, baking soda is the most effective solution. To eliminate dog odors, sprinkle layers of baking soda over the carpet. Let it sit for 2 to 3 hours depending on your preference. You can also leave the baking soda overnight if you want to. After that, you can vacuum it up. Basically, the baking soda will do the job for you. It will absorb all the dirt as well the unnecessary pet smells from the carpet.

If you don’t want the long waiting time in the application of baking soda, renting a steam cleaner is another option. This machine will suck all the bad odors as well as stubborn dirt out of the carpet. You will be amazed at how clean your carpets are if you use steam cleaner.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Confining Your Dog Using Indoor Fence

Does your dog enjoy playing in the backyard? Does he have a habit of jumping over or digging under your fences? Worried that your beloved pet might go away and cause troubles whenever he’s outside? Indoor fence is a great solution to control and confine your dog!

Confining your canine friend with the use of this type of containment fence system will take your worries away. It will prevent your dog from damaging the plants in the garden or ruining your furniture inside and outside your house.

Indoor fence can assist you in controlling your dog within desired premises. Owners with aggressive or stubborn dogs can benefit a lot from this fence. If you don’t want your neighbors complaining about your dog attacking them or their pets, indoor fence is a simple yet effective way to avoid that problem.

Indoor fences are also a lot cheaper than containment fences that are made of woods and bricks. Indoor fence can occupy less space and you can do the installation by yourself. You don’t need to hire professionals or carpenters to do the job for you which saves you money for installation services.

Not only does it contain your dog, it can eventually train him to have discipline and behave properly. Indoor fence is a good way to effectively teach your pet to roam around and play only on restricted yet safe boundaries that you desire for him.

Like other wireless dog fences, an indoor fence is easy to set up. Once you’ve installed this fence, you can ensure the safety of your dog as he is contained only within specific boundaries. Your days of paranoia that your dog might get into trouble will be over if you opt for this type of fence.

Most importantly, this is a humane way to manage your canine pet. You no longer have to install barbed wires that are very dangerous when dogs get jammed on it.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Why Dog Grooming is Important

There are a plethora of reasons why every dog owner should groom their dog frequently. Such practice is highly important for it will make your canine pet be in good shape, physically and emotionally.

If your dog is clean and well-groomed all the time, he will be free from germs and bacteria. His fur will be a lot nicer and not be infested by nasty fleas and ticks and, most importantly, you will keep him away from any canine diseases at bay, making him more active.

A clean dog is more well-behaved than the dirty ones. Dogs plague-ridden by fleas, for instance, are always irritable and bad tempered, and tend to show signs of bad dog behaviors such as excessive barking. True enough, the physical state of your dog has a big impact on the way he feels and reacts to people around him.

Dog grooming is a responsibility of every owner that is not that hard to do. Giving your dog a good pet bath once a week is one of them which obviously doesn’t take that much time. It is the easiest and most effective method to make your dogs clean and eliminate the dirt he got from playing outside. In bathing your pet, the use of anti-fleas shampoo and conditioner is recommended to ensure the absolute removal of these pests on your pet’s fur and skin.

Moreover, grooming your dog will definitely give an enormous comfort on him. It is also a great bonding time between you and your dog. Besides bathing him, take time to trim his nails regularly and brush his hair daily. Brushing your dog’s hair on a daily basis is an important part of every pet’s hygiene for it reduces shedding and promotes healthy skin. You can also boost the energy level of your dog by grooming him. Taking him to the salon where he can be pampered by professionals will allow the rejuvination of his senses.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Techniques in Dog Leash Training

Training your dog to get used to wearing a leash may take some time. They might get irritated the first time you pull and tug them. Here are some techniques that you can follow to leash train your dog with ease.

1. Start Early
It is recommended to start the dog leash training during the puppy days of your dog. Attach a lighweight leash to your puppy’s collar whenever you go outside. As days go by, drop the leash and let the puppy drag it around. If you do this several times, you will observe that your puppy won’t notice the leash attached to his collar anymore.

2. Hold The Leash Properly
The manner on how you hold the leash also matters in dog leash training. You should hold this tool with both hands to control your pet. One is on the loop while the other holds the leash about halfway to your pet’s neck. You can easily maneuver the direction where you dog is heading if you hold him this way.

3. Divert His Attention
At times when your dog gets too defiant whenever he wears the leash, never yell at him. Instead, give him treats to eat or dog toys to play. This is a good trick to divert his attention and maintain control.

4. Reward Your Dog
When it comes to training your dog to walk on a leash, never ever pull your dog for it might irritate him. Just walk with your dog and give him enough freedom as much as possible. But as your dog begins to walk in a different direction, that’s the only time you should make a little tug. Reward your dog everytime he follows you.

5. Good Communication Matters
Dog leash training can only be successful if you command your dog properly. Good communication is also very important. As in other forms of dog training, it is essential that you build a strong bond with your canine pet. If your dog trusts you, he will follow you. But in cases where the dog becomes too defiant, dog leash serves a great purpose to correct your dog’s behaviour.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home Alone Dogs

It is a bit much of a hassle to have your dog tagged along with you wherever you go. It may be your best friend to protect you from evil doers but most places really do not allow dogs in public places. So other than making your dog a jogging companion every morning, it would probably be best to stay that way.

Since most dogs are left at home, chances are, you don’t know what may run on their heads. You don’t want to be surprised that your home transformed from cozy to crazy right? Just like babysitting, your dog may be comfortable with other people like your neighbor or a friend you can call to come over. Instead of leaving them alone, you can ask others a favor of watching them for you while you’re away.

Dogs can be trained and disciplined. Perhaps part of dog training is removing from them the habit of destroying things. Expose your dog in a healthy environment especially while inside the home so that it would have a head start on what and what not to do inside the home.

If you don’t trust your dog that much, you can let the dog stay in dog pens or in his own little wood dog house. This way, it would be protected from those outside and vise versa. Still, having someone to come over and check how your dog is doing will be much advisable.

Wherever in the home you plan to leave your dog; indoor or outdoor, provide a place where it can rest. Just like leaving a kid to play in a pen. Eventually, you’ll find them fast asleep, tried from all the playful work they did to entertain themselves.

Dogs have emotions too. Don’t just leave them behind easily. It would be best to spend some time with them first before you leave them. Upon arriving share some extra time with them again to create that bond. It is in this way that your dog will be obedient to you and expect to have less damage inside your home.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tips on Bathing Your Cat

Bathing your cat is probably one of the most challenging tasks you could ever encounter as a pet owner. Most cats are hydrophobic and hate water and bathing them is not that easy. So if you don’t want the fuss of bathing your cat, better read these tips which will help you bathe her with ease.

Training your cat to bathe as early as possible would make the bathing session effortless in the long run. If you start bathing your cat while she’s still a kitten, she will get used to it.

Bathe your cat on a regular basis, atleast once a week. It’s not only hygienic but also a fun way to bond with your cat. Bathing her at an early stage will prevent your cat from getting the fear of getting wet because she will be accustomed to the water.

One of the common mistakes that pet owners commit when cleaning their cats is that they tend to act anxious. Just relax. Being calm when bathing your feline friend will make the job more trouble-free and faster.

If you are calm enough and not frightened, and most especially, happy with what you’re doing, your cat will experience less anxiety. Remember to loosen up and massage the shampoo gently into your cat’s fur. Rinse it well too. Also make sure that the room is quiet throughout the bathing period. Running water from the faucet while you’re bathing your pet might cause a struggle or distraction so better turn it off.

Another technique is that you bathe your cat as quickly as possible. Prepare the essential things such as shampoo and a large towel beforehand. Always use products that won’t irritate the eyes and fur of your cats.

Adding a non-toxic wetting agent to the water will also help a lot. It is also advised that you use diluted soap instead of ordinary feline soap for faster bathing.

These simple cat bathing tips will only make your life easier but will also make your cat healthier, preventing her cat from getting fleas and ticks and other infestations.