Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bark Control Collar Advantages

A dog barks for various reasons. Barking could be a sign of seeking attention, anxiety, stress or aggression. But whatever the reasons are, a bark collar is a universal solution to solve that behavioral problem. It is a very good option if your dog’s barking has become excessive and annoying to other people.

Contrary to popular beliefs, a bark control collar is not an unsafe electronic equipment but a very effective tool in training your dog if used properly. There are various advantages of using a bark collar. In fact, it is too effective that you can notice an enormous improvement in your k9’s barking within the first week of training.

If your dog has become too violent to the point that he scares you and your neighbors, you should consider purchasing bark collars . This tool can correct the barking problem and can make the people around you feel safer when walking by your canine pet.

Another advantage of having a bark collar placed around your dog’s neck is that your dog will not bark when an unfamiliar person visits your house. It will also not disturb your neighbors during night time.

However, first time users of this type of training collar should be extra careful. The first instance your k9 receives a correction from a bark control collar he may react in a certain way. He may yip or jump slightly. But don't worry for these reactions are just normal.

The first reaction of your dog will always be the most intense. But after a few sessions, his reaction will be minimized and he will consequently refrain from doing some unwanted things such as excessive barking.

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