Monday, July 4, 2011

Fashion DIY ideas starring the american flag

Today for the 4th of July anniversary we can craft something inspired by the american flag! I have to admit that both the american flag and the UK one are very fashionable,it will be too difficult to think dresses and accessories based on the italian flag: who thought that bright green and red could go along together? It's so obivious that our flag wasn't designed by a woman or a gay man,now i understand why men always choose blue and hardly move from that!
What diy projects we can do with the american flag? here's some ideas:

 some pieces of the flag cut and sewn over a pair of trousers


 the flag painted over a piece of cloth with fabric colors (available even as drawing pen)

 flag nails

Sewing lovers who may want to craft more difficult projects can use the flag as a fabric to craft tote bags or even shirts and blouses.

these last two pics are from tthe 2010 Zanotti collection "American flag",aren't these shoes amazing? I really want to try to diy them.

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