Saturday, September 10, 2011

Penumbra Issue 2 Line Up Announced

Moving right along in our periodical fervor, we are very proud to announce the selection of authors and stories for our death-themed November issue.

Why a death theme in November? Well, out of sympathy for the Thanksgiving turkey, of course! But this death theme isn't just your run of the mill death theme. Death in these stories follows a different path. The young, the old, the sick, the healthy--and sometimes death itself isn't the problem; what happens after death is. Or how death comes. Or even if it comes.

At any rate, we loved these stories to...pieces. (Thought I was going to say 'death' didn't you?) These fine tales from five amazing authors will be released on November 1, 2011 in Volume I Issue 2 of Penumbra.

Congratulations, authors!

Inappropriate Gifts bu DeAnna Knippling
Voices by Mario Milosevic
Cocklebur by Nathaniel Lee
Field Trip by J.C. Koch
Sand From A Broken Hourglass by Scott Overton

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