Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting to Know Larry Ivkovich, author of The Turin Effect

Hello Everyone. My name is Larry Ivkovich and I write science fiction, fantasy and horror. My dark fantasy, "The Turin Effect," is the featured story in the debut issue of Penumbra, which is a great thrill in itself. In addition, this is my first pro-rate sale, and I want to thank Celina and the staff of Penumbra for taking a chance on my work. I still haven't descended from Cloud 9 yet!
I've published several short stories in various online and print markets and my debut novel, THE SIXTH PERCEPT, is being published this month by IFWG Publishing. It's an urban fantasy with science fiction and horror elements, part of it taking place in contemporary Pittsburgh and part in ancient Japan.
Writing has always been like an "alternate state" to me. It's like when you zone out while driving and wonder how you ended up where you did. Sometimes I'll read what I've just written and can't believe it came from me. I have no set rules for writing - for the most part, I just sit down with a germ of an idea and start and see where it takes me. It's a passion I hope to continue for a long time to come and to share with anyone who wants to tag along for the ride.

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