Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cover for February Issue and News!

As we draw nearer to the February Shakespeare-themed issue, we've got a lot of news to share.  But, because  the covers are where things are at, let's take a gander at the new one:

Isn't she a beauty?

This cover art, called "Titania Sleeping" was done by the amazing Rebecca Treadway.  You can check out more of her work at http://atrtink.com/index.html.  Stop by and sign her guestbook and by all  means, give her a shout out for this lovely painting.

More February issue news--

In addition to the Back of Beyond mythology and folklore column of writer and editor Lori Basiewicz, Penumbra is adding another feature columnist to our line up.  Author and Writer Beware sage Richard C. White will be bringing his expertise to Penumbra in a monthly world building feature. We are very excited to add Richard to the Penumbra family.

The February issue is a powerhouse magazine, and one that's very personal to our former Shakespearean actor-turned-editor, who is also contributing an article on Shakespeare in context--namely, Shakespeare on stage. With stories based upon Shakespearean plays, characters and--in some cases--the Bard himself, the issue is packed cover to cover with great reading.  Nyki Blatchley's tale "A Deed Without A Name" is the featured story, accompanied by works from Stan Hampton Sr., William Meikle, Barry Rosenberg and Genevieve Taylor.

And, of course, this month's issue will serve as an official welcome to those Realms of Fantasy readers whose subscriptions Penumbra has assumed.  If you are an electronic RoF subscriber, you'll be receiving our welcome packet and the November, December and January issues within the next couple of days.  If you are a print RoF subscriber, send us an email at editor(at)penumbra.musapublishing(dot)com, and we'll get you added to our mailing list. We have a few special surprises for our new readers that you won't want to miss.

So get ready--the Penumbra Shakespeare issue comes out in two weeks.  And while you wait, be sure you go over and check out our Rising Talent stories.  January's talent to watch?  Writer and fellow theater addict Nghi Yo, with her story "Which is Sebastian?" based upon the slapstick Shakespearean frolic Twelfth Night.   This story is a wonderful hor d'oeurve to the main course coming out on February the first.  And keep an eye out for Nghi--you'll be hearing more about her in the spec fic writing world in months and years to come.

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