Thursday, July 5, 2012

Asking Jamie Lackey

Who are three authors you admire--and why do you admire them?

1. Bruce Coville

Bruce Coville writes middle grade science fiction and fantasy books. I've been reading his books for most of my life--many of them over and over again. Whenever I'm tired or stressed or depressed, I can pick up one of his books, finish it in a couple of hours, and feel better about the world.

They're fun stories with engaging characters, and they have really rich themes. His books shaped me into the person I am today.

2. Lois McMaster Bujold

Lois McMaster Bujold writes both fantasy and science fiction novels. Her Vorkosigan series is set in one of the most interesting science fiction universes I've ever read, but her real strength is in her characters. Everyone in one of her books feels like a real, rounded person. Her Hugo and Nebula-winning Paladin of Souls is one of my very favorite books.

3. Peter S. Beagle

I've loved The Last Unicorn for longer than I can remember. I made my parents rent the movie over and over again. I love the beautiful, lyrical, poignant nature of his writing. His fiction, both novels and short stories, all come alive through his almost magical prose.

Jamie Lackey earned her BA in Creative Writing from the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. Her fiction has been accepted by over a dozen different venues, including The Living Dead 2, Daily Science Fiction, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies. She reads slush for Clarkesworld Magazine and is an assistant editor at Electric Velocipede.

Learn more about Jamie Lackey on her website. Follow her on Twitter, and like her on facebook.

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