Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween recipe: "Black soul" licorice liqueur

Today I would like to share with you the recipe of the licorice liqueur. This is not strictly a Halloween recipe, but can be a good idea for the occasion. This liqueur has a mysterious appearance, it's black and tasty. And did you read its name? "Black soul" is pretty dark. It's an appreciated Italian liqueur usually served after meals. This is the recipe of my good friend Domenica. If you like licorice, you'll love this recipe. The good thing is that unlike some other liqueurs, you can drink this one straight after bottling, so it will be ready in time for Halloween and the recipe is easy. Keep it in the fridge and serve it cold to your guests.

from left  licorice pic via  sugar pic via


  • 1 and half liter of water
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 150 g of pure licorice pieces
  • 1/2 liter of neutral grain alcohol
Put water, sugar and licorice in a pot on the flame at low heat, keep mixing until licorice melts (it takes around half an hour). Let the mixture cool down, then add grain alcohol, mix well and bottle. Choose quality licorice because it makes the difference.

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