YSL Fur detail shoes

Furry boots,yes or no? The mayority of the pics you see above are from Chanel collection.I like them expecially for the heel detail, the frosted heel. I have never worn furry boots before because i didn't want to look like the yeti but this year the designer effort to make them look cool and elegant changed my mind.
Chanel's one are fabulous.
This year i found in shops a funny and clever alternative to yeti boots and it's furried socks.
Before screaming:what are you talking about?Let me explain.These are knitted long socks without the toe covered on the visible part by shaggy or plush fur and they can be worn over a pair of boots you already own turning them in winter fur boots in no time. Your new pair of boots will be chic and elegant and rather cheap. I love them,i would buy a pair in any color!
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