Saturday, August 13, 2011

Penumbra Art Contest

Send in your art.

Every month, the Art Director at Musa Publishing will evaluate speculative fiction art entries. Five entries will be chosen from each month's batch. Those five pieces of art will be used in an issue of Penumbra, and the readers will vote on their favorite.

The readers' choice artist will win $50 and the opportunity to create a featured art piece to be published in a subsequent issue. For details and to enter, please submit your art to the art director.

What to Send:

  • Name
  • Address
  • City, State, Zip
  • Email
  • website/blog
  • File: jpg, gif, or png file, no larger than 600px in any dimension, at 72 dpi resolution
If you are sending in a camera photograph of your art, please make sure the image is clear and details stand out. Digital and physical mediums are accepted.

Also, please let us know how you found the contest.

Thank you for entering!


Art Director ~ Musa Publishing

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