Saturday, September 3, 2011

Penumbra Inaugural Issue Available For Pre-Order Now!

Penumbra's first issue is now available for pre-order!  If you go to our main website, you can go ahead and place your order for our inaugural issue.

We're very excited about Penumbra, and with the extraordinary and amazing stories we're offering for our readers.  We hope that our readers are as excited as we are.

Penumbra's inaugural issue is a collection of speculative fiction stories that encompass the arts--the arts we love and revere. Some of these stories deal with the arts we're familiar with. Some create arts we haven't thought of. And some resurrect arts buried in the depths of the past.  And yet, all of these offerings celebrate the creative process, which makes them a fitting theme to launch Penumbra.

When memory becomes art, a downloadable commodity, what happens to the artists?
--Butterfly by Tom Brennan

When an artist's greatest painting suddenly disappears, who--or what--is responsible?
--Vivid Rendering by David G. Blake

When a man chucks away his old life to become a painter in Venice, he purchases a tapestry with a woman so perfectly depicted that the image haunts him--in more ways than one.
--The Turin Effect by Larry Ivkovich

When a songwriter creates lyrics about his perfect woman, his song takes a surprising detour.
--Inked Upon Thee by Courtney Crites

When a temple worked is sent to retrieve a mythical artifact, he completes his mission--and the mission completes him.
--The Square that Hides a Thousand Stories by Daniel Ausema

So run and pre-order your copy of Penumbra today!

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