Saturday, December 17, 2011

What's New at Urania

What's New at Urania

Urania is Musa's speculative fiction imprint and in a way Penumbra's parental imprint. There are many great stories of all shapes and sizes coming out with Urania over the next few weeks, and today I'd like to tell you about a couple that have just been released. Last week, on December ninth, we had two new releases, Sunset and The New West 2: Deacon's Ark. Today Urania releases Coffee for the Body, Flames for the Soul.

Sunset, written by Jay Caselberg, is a short story of about 4, 000 words. 'In a far flung colony world, sometimes you have to survive any way you can. ' You can buy it for the lovely price of  $0.99 here.

Deacon's Ark is a 25, 000 word science fiction novella written by A. E. Stanton.

'The Green Goddess may be carrying the only normal people and animals left in the world -- good thing Josie and her Hero are on board.

Josie and Deacon have left Horsetown and are back in search of The City. Joined by Josie’s youngest sister, Sadie, they decide to travel on the riverboat The Green Goddess to save travel time.

But a plague from the Northern Wastes has been loosed on the river’s port towns. Instead of a relaxing cruise, Josie and Deacon have to protect all the people and animals on board -- because if they can’t stop the spread of the plague, they’ll be the only normal ones left in the world.'

You can buy Deacon's Ark for $2.99 here.

And finally, Coffee for the Body, Flames for the Soul is a short, 2, 500 word story written by Michael Merriam.

'It came to the diner looking for a soul to devour.

At a late-night diner, the manager finds himself faced with a nightmare from his past: The Nalusachita, a mythical-creature of his Choctaw ancestors.

Determined to protect his customers from the shape-changing soul-stealer but unsure how, the manager sets out to clear the restaurant at closing time.

What neither manager or monster counted on was the eccentric patrons of the diner, and how they would react to the mythical creature…'

You can buy Coffee for the Body, Flames for the Soul for $0.99 here.

Go ahead and treat yourself to some holiday reading this winter season. I know I will be.

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