Safety pins are a classical
DIY material. They're easy to use, suitable for a
lunch break diy and they istantly give an
egdy look to a piece of clothing.
Safety pins are not only a
diy-er best friend. Designer have used them successfully to create incredible work of art. Sometimes they used an unbelievable number of pins or used giant ones to make a statement.
Get inspired by their work and take your crafts to a whole new level.
Le spille da balia sono molto usate nel fai da te. Sono facili da usare, veloci da appuntare e danno un tocco punk a qualunque capo. Ma non sono usate solo dagli appassionati dei lavori manuali. Famosi stilisti le hanno usate inserite ripetutamente in incredibili abiti di alta moda, a volte a migliaia in un solo capo oppure scegliendole enormi. Fatevi ispirare dalla loro creatività e vedrete che anche i vostri lavori raggiungeranno le vette dell'alta moda.
randomly placed safety pin jumper by McQueen pic via the x-styles |
McQueen safety pin dress |
Tom Binns necklace |
Charlotte Olympia sefety pin shoes and clutch pic via telegraph |
House of Sprouse safety pin top pic via imagist |
Versace safety pin dress from Met Chaos to Couture exhibition pic via shop this |
Moschino safety pin dress 1980 pic via 1stdbs |
Kirkwood safety pin shoes pic via shoelust |
Christopher Kane for Versus big safety pin shoes |
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