Monday, October 31, 2011

The cape coat


 Vintage Capes
I love the light blue one! 60s style plus pastel colors!

Cold is here in full force and it's time to buy some winter essentials like coats and jackets. I think the cape coat can be a fun alternative to classic coats!
 Its simple shape make it suitable for a diy project. I imagine it short worn with long gloves to amend the absence of sleeves. I would make my cape in checked or jacquard wool.
Look how cape can make dramatic evening looks after the jump.

 Ormai il freddo orienta il nostro shopping verso capi prettamente invernali come giacche e cappotti. Un'alternativa inusuale al cappotto è sicuramente la mantella.
La sua semplice forma a campana la rende adatta ad essere confezionata in casa. Io sceglierei una lana a scacchi o jacquard e la indosserei con lunghi guanti per sopperire alla mancanza delle maniche.
Per vedere come la mantella riesce a rendere scenico un abito da sera date un'occhiata alle foto che trovate oltre il click!

    Giorgio Armani Privè spring summer 2011
Lady Gaga in  Stéphane Rolland
Such a dramatic little black dress!

Kate Moss for Topshop

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is Your Dog Too Bored to Behave?

In our modern world it seems as though the media is full to capacity with dog owners wanting to find the answers to cure their pet's behaviour. Everybody appears to live within the confined boundaries of their family's busy and hectic life. Breakfast is rushed, the commute, the school run, shopping trips, social activities and yet more and more households still wish to own a trusted companion.

When people think of living their perfect lifestyle, there is always the picture in their minds of the family group, made complete by the adorable dog sitting by their side.

Problems occur today when the puppy matures into an adult dog. So often once a dog has been house trained, people assume the animal will be capable of staying alone for a few hours every day. Here is where the difference between modern life in today's world stands in comparison with the households of yesteryear. Just a few years ago the average house had someone at home for most of the time and the family dog was rarely left unattended.

However there is nothing wrong with today's family household owning a dog, but judging by the amount of searches made daily on the internet for obedience training, then obviously some changes have to take place in order to satisfy your pet's needs.

The problems with what the owners are classifying as disobedient stems from pure boredom on the dog's behalf. Try to imagine being stuck indoors, restless wanting to exercise and run but cannot. Suddenly anything that is close at hand, pillows, rugs, shoes provide a challenge, something that they could chew and play with. If left indoors for too long then accidental puddles will occur, not for one to blame the dog for. But there are many ways that you can help your dog to settle into a new routine, which would still include time spent alone at home.

It is vitally important that you exercise your dog before you leave him alone and this has the added benefit that you can gain an extra fitness routine. Take a look around your local pet store, there are many toys available today that are designed for dogs to enjoy when you leave the house. Several items resemble balls and objects that contain treats within; the dog is then occupied trying to work out how to release the snack.

After working on these types of projects it is quite natural for the dog to nap afterwards. If you have reason to believe that your dog cannot wait to relieve itself before you return, then training him to use paper or puppy pads left by the door should alleviate this problem.

In our busy occupied lives it is so easy to actually forget the dog is there when you are at home. How often have you spent time working at the computer or watching television, completely unaware that your dog is curled up in some corner of the house feeling left out of the family group. Try to include your dog in as many household activities as possible. Call him and stroke his head as you relax after work.

Ensure that you allow plenty of time for an evening walk, dogs do like routine and knowing that following a meal he can then look forward to a game in the park. Pets enjoy regularity, try to keep each day to the same schedule for him and you will notice how much calmer your dog will be.

For more information, check out

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cut out shirt tutorial

Here's the shirt tutorial. I took a real man shirt and then I pinched and pinned it around the waist to make it more fitted. You can choose any shirt and then follow the 3 steps to cut it out.

Come promesso ecco il tutorial per realizzare la camicia con inserti in tulle. Io ho traformato una vera camicia da uomo e ho creato due pence sul davanti per renderla più avvitata. Voi scegliete la camicia che più preferite e seguite i 3 step per trasformarla.

Wear you shirt and mark out with a pin where you want the see throught part to begin. Lay down your shirt and make a loose stitched  line that will help you to cut straight.

Indossate la camicia e appuntate uno spillo sul davanti per segnare il punto da cui iniziare a tagliare. Partendo da lì fate un'impuntura da parte a parte che vi aiuterà a tagliare dritto.

 Cut the shirt : start from the front, go around the shoulder and down to the botton line. Leave 1 cm of fabric around the edge and then fold that edge to obtain a neat border.

Tagliate la camicia: cominciate dal davanti, proseguite intorno alla spalla e poi tornate giù intorno la linea dei bottoni. Ricordatevi di lasciare un 1 cm di stoffa intorno all'area tagliata. In un secondo momento piegate quel bordo ottenendo così un orlo ben rifinito.


Reverse the shirt.
Take your light weighted tulle and pin it over the edge of the cut part.
The good thing is that you don't need any pattern, just pin the tulle on and pay attention that the tulle is well stretched out.
Now sew the tulle on the shirt, cut the excess tulle around the edge and you've done!

Mettete la camicia a rovescio.
Prendete un tulle molto leggero e appuntatelo con degli spilli sulla parte tagliata.
Non vi servirà alcun modello fate solo attenzione che il tulle sia ben steso così non farà pieghe.
Cucite il tulle sulla camicia e tagliate quello  in eccesso ai bordi e avete finito!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Man shirt makeover

Many winter looks are inspired by men style. What better than a classic man shirt to jump on seasonal trends? I spent this week examining minutely this piece of wardrobe and at the end I couldn't resist giving  it my own twist. There are many beautiful details in a man shirt: the stiff collar and cuffs,the button line so I thought it would be cool to emphasize these details and make them pop out of the shirt.  I cut out a piece from the front of the shirt and I subsituted it with a very light weighted tulle. I think I obtained a masculine look with a feminine twist, what do you think of the result? Tomorrow the tutorial!

Read the Cut out shirt tutorial now

La moda invernale si ispira al guardaroba maschile. E come non scegliere una camicia classica per interpretare il trend di stagione? Tanti sono i dettagli che rendono speciale la camicia : il colletto rigido, il bordo con i bottoni allora perchè non metterli in evidenza e farli risaltare? Ho ritagliato parte della camicia e ho sostituito il cotone con del tulle leggerissimo ottenendo così un effetto trasparenza che rende il look si androgino ma con un twist femminile. Che ne pensate? Tornate domani per il tutorial!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pet Waste At Dog Parks Can Make Your Pet Sick

Visiting a dog park or other community area is a great way to give your pet the exercise and socialization she needs to be happy and healthy. Unfortunately these places can become contaminated with deadly microorganisms found in dog waste and other bodily fluids. These are the facts about 4 common diseases spread in contaminated pet feces.


Background: Parvovirus appeared in the 1970s. Since then it has spread around the globe and is considered ubiquitous (potentially everywhere) in the environment. This virus’s rapid proliferation was due in part to its hardy nature. Parvo is often fatal so any dog that has symptoms that suggest infection should receive immediate medical care.

Symptoms: Rapid dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, high or low temperature, lethargy and/or muscle weakness, loss of appetite, pale mucous membranes in mouth. Infected animals become sick 3 to 7 days after exposure.

How It Spreads: Parvovirus is primarily spread through infected dog feces so be careful to avoid it. However other bodily fluids including urine, saliva and vomit can also spread Parvovirus. Once this pathogen gets into soil it can remain active for months and freezing temperatures don’t kill it. Parvovirus survives best in shady, cool, moist areas so the dirt near things like trees, bushes or playground equipment are favored spots for this virus.

Prevention And Treatment: Puppies receive their initial vaccination at 6 to 8 weeks of age followed by a booster shot a few weeks later. Adult dogs receive a yearly booster shot. Parvovirus can be killed with bleach on nonporous surfaces like plastic, metal or cement however it is not possible to completely disinfect porous surfaces like soil. If infection occurs veterinarians can offer supportive care until the body is strong enough to mount a successful response to clear the virus.


Background: Roundworms are the most common worm parasite that infects dogs. Adult Roundworms live in the stomach and intestines of a host and shed their eggs into the environment through the host’s feces. These parasites are several inches long and look like thin, white or light brown worms in feces. Nearly all dogs will become infected with Roundworms during the course of their lives. Infestation in puppies can lead to serious illness or even death. Dogs older than 6 months develop a natural resistance to this parasite and usually don’t suffer from severe infestations or show symptoms of infection. Roundworms can infect humans and cause serious illness in children.

Symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, stunted growth, dull coat and hair loss.

How It Spreads: Roundworm eggs are shed into the environment through the host’s feces and become infectious approximately 3 to 4 weeks later. These eggs have a tough outer shell and can remain active in dirt or sand for years. If your dog or child ingests contaminated soil or sand infection can occur. In addition if your dog eats a dead animal that is infected with Roundworms it can become infected. These parasites can also be spread to puppies before they are born or through their mother’s milk during nursing.

Prevention And Treatment: There is no known way to prevent Roundworm infection. Veterinarians can prescribe worming medicine that treats Roundworm in puppies and adult dogs.


Background: Whipworm is a common species of parasitic worm that infects dogs. They are extremely small and difficult to detect in the feces of infected dogs. Whipworms burrow into the walls of the large intestine and appendix, suck blood and lay eggs that are shed in the dog’s feces.

Symptoms: Mild infection may not produce symptoms but severe infection can cause abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and in rare cases death. Symptoms may not begin for a month or more after exposure.

How It Spreads: The only way to become infected with whipworms is to ingest a Whipworm egg. Unfortunately this is very easy for your pet to do. A dog can become infected if it eats contaminated feces, soil or grass. In addition if a dog rolls in contaminated soil it can become infected when it cleans it’s fur and ingests the eggs. Whipworm eggs have a thick outer shell that protects the core and allows them to survive for years in the environment. These eggs are best adapted to cool, moist, well shaded soil and they can survive freezing temperatures. Sun and heat can destroy Whipworm eggs by drying them out.

Prevention And Treatment: Like Roundworm there is no known way to prevent infection with Whipworms. Veterinarians can prescribe worming medicine for puppies and adult dogs.


Background: Campylobacteriosis is a common gastrointestinal disease caused by bacterial infection. Up to half of all dogs carry the bacterium that causes Campylobacteriosis but few show any symptoms. This disease is most dangerous in puppies younger than 6 months of age and adult dogs with compromised immune systems. Occasionally this disease is mistaken for Parvo because the symptoms can be similar. However unlike Parvo most cases of Campylobacteriosis run their course in 1 to 3 weeks and this disease is rarely fatal if prompt medical care is administered. Humans are susceptible to this infection so care must be taken around dog waste.
Symptoms: Mild to severe diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, lethargy, lack of appetite. Symptoms start within 48 hours of exposure.

How It Spreads: Campylobacter is not a hardy germ. It can only survive for a few days at room temperature and can’t efficiently reproduce unless it’s inside a digestive tract. Unfortunately exposure to less than a thousand Campylobacter can trigger illness. At a park the major mode of transmission for this bacterium is fresh dog waste. Campylobacter can also spread through infected food or water.

Prevention And Treatment: Antibiotics can treat this disease. A veterinarian may provide other supportive care as needed.

When you visit a dog park or other community area the number one way to protect your pet is to keep her away from strange dog feces. If your community doesn’t clean up dog waste consider having a pet waste removal company do the work. Most cities have companies that offer this service. If you suspect that your pet has become sick with any of these diseases take your dog to a veterinarian immediately. Clean or dispose of any old toys, bones and bedding to reduce the chance of reinfection and to protect other healthy pets. Exercise and socialization are important for your pet’s health and well being. So watch out for landmines and keep your trips safe and fun!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dogs VS Cats

Givenchy Panthers

Givenchy Rotweiler via NobodyknowsMarc

Are you a cat or dog type of person? Whatever your tastes regarding pets this season you won't have to choose and you'll be able to carry dogs and cats around the city printed over cloths and accessories.
See more animal accessories after the jump!

Siete più tipi da gatti o da cani? Beh qualunque siano i vostri gusti questa stagione non dovrete scegliere e potrete portare a spasso cani e gatti per la città stampati su abiti e accessori!
Altre foto dopo il click.

Givenchy Clutch

Dogs VS Cats

Schooling Dogs: An Effective & Useful Guide To Your Dog’s Health

If you want to maintain your dogs overall health, then in that case Schooling Dogs guide can be the best possible alternative. It can be the ideal solution if you want to train your dog in the most appropriate manner according to your liking. With the help from Schooling Dogs training manual, you can easily train your dog the most useful manners and etiquettes. In this way, your dog will certainly behave quite adequately as per your training. This website has a very unique compilation of useful videos, tips and other well written articles that can be of great help to pet owners.

How to train your dogs?

This question can be easily answered with useful guidance offered by Schooling Dogs. On the other hand, you can also train and look after the puppies in the most thorough manner with the advices and other tips that are written in Schooling Dogs guide. Users can easily have immediate access to secrets to dog training, do's and don'ts, eBooks, well written articles, blogs and several other details that can be of massive help while training your pet. Learn how to train dogs in the most immaculate technique with useful suggestions and other tips provided by Schooling Dogs guide.Your dog will certainly behave and respond appropriately and decently in front of your guests as per your liking. Users can have immediate access to unique dog behavior courses through this training manual. You can easily get to know about the dog's behavior through Schooling Dogs guide.

Not just that, extraordinarily for this avenue - the information accessible is absolutely dependable. Certainly, that's correct - this book is the latest kettle of fish. It is written by an experienced dog instructor, you can unwind in the details that all the suggestions and steps offered are tried and thoroughly examined.How to train your dogs? There's a rather noteworthy collection of facts written in this guide and all your queries shall be easily answered. However, it is not just the difficulty behaviors that are included: the ebook starts with new-owner direction.

Learn how to train dogs details can be easily acquired by visiting the site Alternatively, if you want to know about dog behavior courses, then you can get the information on Global Dog Obedience Training Center, 3894 Roger Street, Oyster River, BC V9W 5N0, CANADA.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Versace 4 H&M: the full lookbook

The very best of Versace for H&M full lookbook is finally out and today we can make some considerations about the collection. When it comes to low cost chains collaborations with big brands the question is always the same: will the cloths be worth the price tag? 
Below I made a selection of my favorite pieces.

E' finalmente possibile sfogliare l'intero lookbook Versace per H&M ed oggi possiamo scambiarci le prime impressioni sulla collezione. Ogni volta che un grande brand collabora con catene di abbigliamento low cost la domanda che ci attanaglia è sempre la stessa: i capi saranno all'altezza del prezzo pagato?


I put my eyes on this skirt and top since the very beginning. I hope they will be covered with real studs because looking at them closely now they seem to be made with sequin foil fabric where sequins are just dots printed on. The bracelet is my favorite piece of jewelry from the collection.

Ho inserito nella mia lista degli acquisti  top e gonna qui in alto già a Giugno quando sono state diffuse le prime foto. Spero siano coperte da vere borchie perchè in queste foto appaiono più stampate che borchiate.
Il braccialetto è dal mio punto di vista il pezzo più bello della collezione di gioielli.

I'm in love with every single piece of the items above . The black dress and jacket are in leather, the two colored dresses are made of silk.
Questi sono sicuramente i capi più belli ed anche i più costosi. L'abito nero e la giacca sono in pelle mentre gli abiti colorati sono in seta.

Here are the baroque printed pieces. The bomber jacket is really cool, its price is still unknown. I'm looking forward buying the skirt even if I would appreciate a jacket to match it. The one above is absolutely my favorite bag although the price tag is high.

Un altro classico Versace sono le stampe barocche. Sicuramente acquisterei la gonna anche se mi sarebbe piaciuta anche una giacca da abbinare; anche la borsa è bellissima anche se un po' cara.
a selection of men wear we can also like
perchè non acquistare anche la collezione uomo? Ecco una selezione di capi che potrebbero piacere anche a noi ragazze
Looking at June first pictures of the collection some clothes changed a bit
Riguardando le prime foto rilasciate in Giugno, alcuni capi hanno subito un restyling.

a couple of leather pieces have a few less studs (maybe because the price tag would have been to high?)
un paio di abiti hanno qualche borchia in meno (forse per un problema di costi?)
I would have bought with eye closed shoes at the right but the ones that will be available are slightly different.
Anche le scarpe sono leggermente diverse.

I like many pieces from the collection but since the prices aren't cheap I think that I'll decide what to buy once I'll be able to touch the quality with hand. What are your favorite pieces? Will you restist buying these pieces to save for one singol real Versace?

Concludendo direi che trovo belli diversi pezzi della collezione ma visto che i prezzi non sono bassissimi deciderò per l'acquisto una volta che avrò potuto toccare con mano i capi in negozio. Voi che ne pensate? Quali sono i vostri abiti preferiti? Eviterete di acquistare da H&M per risparmiare per un unico "vero" Versace?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Penumbra eMag and the Coffin Hop

Welcome to the Coffin Hop
Horror Author Blog Tour
October 24-31

Welcome to the Musa Publishing Penumbra eMag stop on the blog hop. We have thrilled to have you and hope you find something to your liking.

What is Penumbra?

November Issue on Sale 11/1

Penumbra is the speculative fiction eMag published monthly by Musa Publishing. At Penumbra, the Muses are clustered in the part of the psyche caught between the darkness and the light. Whether that results in hardcore science fiction or fantasy humor, psychological horror or a Steampunk poem with a twist is out of the Muses' control.

That control is in the hands of the author.

Penumbra publishes speculative fiction that always culminates in something unexpected - a flash of humor in the darkest tale or a fantasy piece that goes against the tropes - always something that hovers right on the periphery of the eclipse.

Octobers Issue of Penumbra is still on sale Click Here to get to the link.  To learn more about Penumbra please friend us on Facebook.

Also Coming Soon from Musa Publishing

From our Urania Spec Fic Imprint

Day Dreamer by Devin Hodgins publication date 10-28-11

To dream every night about the next day--Would a dreamer ever wish to fall asleep?

Steve is a "Day Dreamer:" every night he dreams about the next day. He reveals this strange power to the only person he can trust-- his ex-girlfriend, Dawn. He begs her to help him find a way to stop dreaming of the future, for all he wants is to dream a dream beyond tomorrow.

When Josie Comes Home by A.E. Stanton publication date 10/28/11

The future’s a lot like the past -- the West’s still hard on women and horses.
The future’s a wonderful place to be if you were considered worthy -- until a huge solar flare slagged the world computers. Now, over two hundred years later, the unworthies are all that’s left of humanity, and they’ve reverted back to the old, old ways.

Josie escapes from the forced sexual slavery of Horsetown, vowing to return with help to save her sisters. Ten years later, she’s not home -- but her youngest sister, Sadie, insists Josie will return, with her Hero along to help save the day.

The Gambler’s in Horsetown for reasons all his own. Who is he? What’s he really here for? And what will happen if he’s in town When Josie Comes Home?

 Deacon's Ark by A.E. Stanton publication date 11-18-11

The Green Goddess may be carrying the only normal people and animals left in the world -- good thing Josie and her Hero are on board.
Josie and Deacon have left Horsetown and are back in search of The City. Joined by Josie’s youngest sister, Sadie, they decide to travel on the riverboat The Green Goddess to save travel time.

But a plague from the Northern Wastes has been loosed on the river’s port towns. Instead of a relaxing cruise, Josie and Deacon have to protect all the people and animals on board -- because if they can’t stop the spread of the plague, they’ll be the only normal ones left in the world.

From our Thalia Paranormal/Horror Imprint

The Disciple by Jemma Chase publication date 11/04/11
*written by Gini Koch as Jemma Chase*

In the future vampires overrun the Earth, so a small cadre of vampire slayers are sent back to the pivotal moment when the vampire clans were contained to the European continent in hopes of destroying them in the past to save the future.
In the mid-24th century the vampire threat is so terrible that humanity is on the run and their numbers are dwindling. The only ones willing and able to fight the vampire plague are those in The Order.

In addition to creating specialized vampire-killing weapons, The Order has protected all the world’s leading scientists. They’re rewarded with the ultimate breakthrough: time travel. But there’s a catch -- if you return to your present time, your mind doesn’t come home with you.

Now a select team will be sent back to the Middle Ages, to stop the vampire threat before it can spread. They’re the best vampire slayers of their day and age, but once they go a thousand years into the past they’re strangers in a strange old land. Their perfect weapons aren’t working right, their numbers are too small, and the vampires seem to know who they are. It will take the ultimate leap of faith for the team to have a chance to complete their mission -- and survive.
Contest time,
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October Is Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month

There are tons of animals housed in shelters all around the country that all need a suitable home. Adopt-a-pet month begins in October and helps bring attention to their plight. Many people are relinquishing their pets for one reason or another, and there are not enough adoptions to keep up. Approximately half will end up being euthanized.

People who are looking for a dog can certainly help. Instead of buying a dog from breeder, you should consider adopting one instead. You will save a lot of money considering all dogs from a shelter have already been spayed or neutered so you will not have to pay a vet more money to do it. Most of them have already received their vaccination shots too and many have even been trained.

Although adopting dogs will help out a lot, there are certain things you need to consider before you go down to a shelter to get one. Most importantly, you will need to narrow down your choice of dog breeds. There are plenty to choose from and they all have their own personalities. Make sure the dog you choose will be compatible with your lifestyle.

Most people who adopt a shelter dog want to get a cute puppy. However, getting an older dog may be a better idea for some. You will not have to go through all the trouble of house-training them most importantly. They will likely already be comfortable being around people too.
Before you bring home a dog during adopt-a-shelter-dog month, it is important for you to prepare its new environment. You should already have all of the equipment you need such as bedding, collars, leashes, and food bowls.

It is also important to note that your new canine friend will need time to adjust to his or her new environment. You can make things much easier by spending time with your new dog instead of leaving him or her home alone all day while you are at work. If you cannot schedule any time off, then you may want to get a dog on a Friday so you can spend time with it over the weekend.
Many pet owners forgo getting insurance for their pets. With your child, you will want to have insurance in case something bad happens. It should be the same for your pet since you will never know when it may come down with a major illness. You would save a lot of money if insurance took care of the expenses so you would not have to pay them out of pocket.

Murray Hill Vet is the place to bring your dogs or cats when you are in need of a vet. They also offer pet boarding, show standard grooming services, convenient on-line pharmacy, and pet adoption program. Check out more info.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Versace inspired jeans DIY

DIY jeans
white altered blouse (a diy in progress)

I've been dreaming about a micro studded cloth for a while but the idea of inserting each mini stud by hand was just unrealizable until I found these "beads in a bottle" (doesn't it sound like something came out from Wonderland?). It's a gummy product you can squeeze onto fabric and that makes a ball that looks like a bead.  I found my "micro studding machine"! I picked the metal colors series and I started "to stud" a pair of black jeans. The inspiration is Versace. I decorated them around the lateral seam with the greek fret then I added a spiral on the front.

Ho sempre desiderato possedere un abito decorato con mini borchie ma l'idea di applicarle manualmente una ad una era semplicemente non realizzabile fino a quando ho trovato una ragionevole alternativa: perline in bottiglia (dal nome sembra un oggetto proveniente dal paese delle meraviglie). E' un prodotto viscoso che può essere applicato sulla stoffa e forma una pallina dall'aspetto di una perlina: una perfetta "macchina borchiatrice"! Ho scelto il prodotto in colori metallici affinchè la perlina sembrasse una borchia. L'ispirazione è Versace, ho decorato i pantaloni con una greca intorno alla cucitura laterale e ho aggiunto dei decori sul davanti.

a life size view of the pattern I drew, the grid step is 1 cm wide
il disegno della greca, il quadretto è largo 1 cm
I drew the pattern onto the trousers with a chalk
ho disegnato la greca sul pantalone con un gessetto
the studding machine gun is armed
 la "borchiatrice" armata e carica
 the first studs
le prime borchie
the spiral: finished and dried
la spirale finita ed asciutta

If you want to decorate smaller areas rhinestuds are a good alternative to "beads in a bottle". They are small metallic studs that can be ironed onto the fabric, you can buy ready to use decorations or loose ones.

Se volete decorare aree più piccole le borchiette piatte sono una valida alternativa alle "perline in bottiglia" . Si incollano sulla stoffa stirandole e si possono acquistare in merceria interi decori già pronti o sfuse.

A special thanks to Beth Livesay and Stampington for sending me a bag full of these special beads for my fashion experiments. Visit Beth's blog: Couture over Coffee

Un ringraziamento particolare a Beth Livesay e a Stampington per avermi mandato un pacchetto pieno di "perline in bottiglia" per i miei esperimenti di moda. Visitate il blog di Beth: Couture over Coffee.

my stock of liquid beads, still plenty left for my future projects

Cat Vocalization – What Are They Really Saying?

Some say that if humans could understand cat vocalization, they may either be a little more scared or intrigued by their feline friends. After all, does anyone really know what they're thinking as they sit there watching you sleep? They really do have quite a large vocabulary but who knows if they are telling you off, telling you that they love you or letting you know that the vacuum sucked up their favorite toy?

Expert suggests that cats are so complex that they communicate with you, other felines and other animals in very unique ways. Of course, in addition to their vocalization skills, they also communicate through a broad range of body postures as well. These are often easier to interpret than their meows are.


Nearly everyone who has had the privilege of hearing a cat purr knows that it generally translates to something good. However, contrary to what you may have been taught to believe, purrs are not always positive. This sounds that warms your heart is made when the feline breathes in and out with quick pauses occurring between breaths. The purr is created by a separation in the vocal folds caused by built up pressure. It is actually a very complex process and you should feel special if a cat directs this type of communication in your direction.
Although purring is typically perceived as a sign of happiness or contentment, cats in pain will often purr when they are stressed as well, an act that remains a mystery.


It's no secret that hissing is a warning that you should take seriously; cat bites are not fun to deal with. (If you want to correct your cat's biting behavior, here's an excellent resource:

There are different variations of hisses as well. If you startle or upset a cat, you will often be faced with a mouth open hiss. This is common if you invade their space.

If a cat is extremely distraught or fearful, a scream is often released along with the hiss. When you hear cats fighting outside and low-pitched angry growls are present, this is another form of hiss.


Now for the most confusing vocalization of them all; the meow! No one will ever know what every meow means but if you are really in tune with your feline friend, you'll begin to notice a pattern which will help you understand their needs.

Cats don't have only one generic meow. If you pay attention, you will discover that your cat will make a different sound for food, attention, boredom, if he wants outside, etc. Cats are highly intelligent creatures; they are trying to teach you what they want if you are observant. Just as humans train dogs through consistent repetition, cats train humans with their communication…not all people pick up on their daily lessons though.

It is also interesting to note that cats rarely meow to one another; meows are reserved for their human companions! If you take the time to really get to know your cat, you will learn what exactly they are asking for, when they're happy and when they are just plain frustrated.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Punk and Gold

Skye bracelets

Studs are everywhere even on the most bon ton accessories.We could call it soft punk,  it's a new mix between elegance, minimal design and punk influences. Whatever its name I really like these jewellery: gold and punkish. I would wear them maybe paired with the Vuitton peter pan collar?

Le contaminazioni con lo stile punk sono sempre più numerose e le ritroviamo anche negli accessori più eleganti, quelli in oro come questi braccialetti Skye dall'aspetto street ingentilito dal bagno dorato. Io li indosserei subito, forse abbinati al colletto in oro Vuitton?

When You Get Your New Wolf-Hybrid Puppy

By Edye Marin, Northern California Wolf Hybrid Ranch Breeder

Before you pick up your pup examine your house and yard. Check for poisonous plants and shrubs. (like Oleander - a complete list can be found at ) Also check your perimeter fence for holes where your pup could escape. If there is an opening the puppy’s head would fit through, they can escape. Your wolf pup will probably want to dig, as most pups. You can either set aside an area where they are allowed to dig or stay with them when they are outside and teach them not to dig. I encourage all new wolf hybrid owners to give their wolf a place to dig, as it is innate in their nature. Part of the reason they dig is to get to cooler dirt when they are hot. I have always kept either a kiddy pool or a large water trough for them to get into and cool off.

Next check your house and look for wires or other items they can chew. Either remove them or cover them. We have lost hundreds of dollars worth of satellite cable and hoses to wolf pups raised near the house, plus phone chargers and speakers where the wires were in their reach.

In the best case scenario you would come to pick up your pup here at the ranch. When you do it is important that you let us hand him/her to the new primary care giver/alpha of your puppy. That gives them the understanding of ownership passing to the new owner. The new owner should allow the pup to lick their face, if the puppy desires, as this indicates it sees you as the alpha. It is best if two people come to pick up the young cub so that one can drive and the other hold the pup on your lap and reassure it on the way to its new home. The first car ride is usually a scary experience for young pups. Also bring and old towel or puppy pad (large size) to protect your lap as they frequently get car sick on their first ride. It helps if you don’t allow them to look out the window as the moving scenery can accelerate the onset of car sickness.

Home at last. You have arrived in territory that is familiar and comfortable for you - not your wolfdog. Your puppy however has left his or her siblings, mom, and people he or she knows. They are now in a totally unfamiliar environment. That’s why it is not only important but necessary to have a few days, or possibly a week, to spend with your puppy. This is the time they bond with you and learn to trust you. In this time your wolfdog learns to see you as its provider and pack leader. You will be given, at the time of pick up, a stuffed toy with the scent of the litter and mom on it. Give this to them when they get fussy or at nap time so they won’t feel so lost and alone. This will also help with “separation anxiety”. This is a condition where the separation causes them to feel sick enough to stop eating or to get diarrhea. If they get diarrhea, cook them some hamburger and rice and when that cools mix mashed banana in it. Feed the rice, hamburger, banana mix for 2 days and then gradually start mixing in their dry food.

Feeding: Your puppy should be fed a quality puppy food that does not contain corn, wheat, or soy and has a minimum of 28% protein to start. Later, your wolf-hybrid will need more protein. I start them on Kirkland puppy chow and, finances permitting, I switch them over gradually to Evo which has 42% protein. Otherwise they can stay on the puppy chow and supplement with raw meat and bones to chew. Do not give them milk, unless you like cleaning up runny poop. Wolves are lactose intolerant. For the first week I would recommend feeding them three times (3X) per day, as much as they can eat. Then put the food up and wait for the next mealtime. This will help your wolf see you as its “top dog.” A wolf-hybrids’ provider decides when it eats. This also helps with house breaking as your wolf-hybrid won’t have food constantly moving through its digestive system, thus establishing a routine doing its “business” at about the same time every day. Once house broken and bonded, consider keeping food in front of them all the time. This will help to keep them from getting food aggressive.

Housetraining: The method that has worked best for me is “crate training.”

This doesn’t have to be an actual crate. Anything that will give them a small area to be in when they are napping is fine. When they wake up, they will sniff around the small area and usually decide to wait to go out to do their “business.” Frequently they will cry to let you know they need to go out. When they are loose in the house, watch for them sniffing around on the floor as that’s what they do prior to doing their business.

What to chew? Chewing is a problem with most puppies and no less with this breed. They chew to cut teeth and to develop jaw strength. I have found they enjoy chewing on pine fire wood. At eight weeks, a stick two (2) inches in diameter is about right. As they get bigger, the stick needs to get fatter. They like pine because it is soft and their teeth actually sink into it. They will chew the end off and leave pine slivers on the floor but hey it beats having them chew on the leg of the dining room table. Do not give them old shoes or old socks to chew on, as they don’t know the difference between the lovely smell of your old shoes and your new ones. Additionally, bones are good chew toys. The bottom line is, don’t allow them to do anything you don’t want a 100-pound-dog doing.

If picking up your pup at the ranch is not an option for you, and your wolfdog must be flown to you, they will be very nervous due to the flight and confined in a crate for possibly eight-plus hours. Don’t take them out of their carrier at the airport. Wait until you are in what will be their safe environment to take them out preferable in a small bedroom or bathroom where they can’t get too far away. Sit on the floor and wait for them to unwind a bit and come to you. Have some treats handy, at first they will be too nervous to eat. As they calm down they will come to you for the treat. If the flight comes in late at night, your wolf-hybrid may not take to you until the next morning. Our pups are well socialized, so they will be very friendly as soon as the nervousness wears off.

If you have paid to have your pup personally delivered to you by our Ranch Family, they will not be that nervous, even though they have had a long ride in the car. They have been in the car with people they know and trust. They will need help becoming accustomed to their new surroundings, but just keep them close for the first week or so. Your puppy will be fine.

Your wolf-hybrid will have had his or her first shots before you get your pup, so don’t rush out and get them more shots. You will receive a shot record so you will know when the next shots are due.

For more information, visit You can reach Edye Marin at Northern California Wolf Ranch at 530-990-2308 or or P.O. Box 93, Etna, CA 96027

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Matter Of Style 1st anniversary

It's been a year ago since I started to post daily on this page and to celebrate the blog first birthday my mom and my sister surprised me with this beautiful cake! Isn't it fantastic? They baked it! They added so many details! It was almost too beautiful to eat be eaten but when we sliced it was delicious too! To put myself in celebration mode I lit up the candles over my nails.

E' passato ormai un anno da quando ho cominciato ad aggiornare giornalmente questa pagina e per celebrare il primo anniversario del blog mia sorella e mia madre mi hanno fatto una dolcissima sorpresa preparando questa fantastica torta in stile Matter Of Style! Superata una certa esitazione nel tagliarla si è rivelata tanto buona quanto bella! Per interpretare lo spirito della festa ho acceso tante candeline sulle mie unghie.

Ready? Blow!