Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year from The Penumbra Editor-In-Chief

2012 has been a great year for Penumbra.  Today, we're going to make the first day of 2013 even more exciting with a pair of announcements.

First off, we have now set the Best of Penumbra, Volume I anthology. A cross-section of Penumbra staffers, interns, and readers ranked their favorite stories to form a consensus top eleven.  These stories are as follows:

The Second Coming of Thogradorax by Andrew Kaye (Animals, April 2012)
Arrhythmia by Terra LeMay (Death Dec 2011)
The Jade Tiger by Rachael Acks (steampunk Mar 2012)
Song of Passing Grief by James Beamon (Steampunk Mar 2012)
The Princess's Kiss by Chuck Rothman (Fairy Tales, May 2012)
A Deed Without a Name by Nyki Blatchley (Shakespeare Feb 2012)
And When The Innocence Falls To The Floor by Damien W. Grintalis (Fractured Fairy Tales May 2012)
Cocklebur by Nathaniel Lee (Travel, November 2011)
The Square That Hides A Thousand Stories by Daniel Ausema (The Arts October, 2011)
The Reckoning by Bruce Golden (sports January, 2011)
The Memory of Huckleberries by Rebecca Birch (Native American Folklore, Sept 2012)

Musa will be releasing these outstanding stories in anthology form in early 2013. 

And second, today Musa Publishing is announcing a brand new project for lovers of speculative fiction to ponder as 2013 kicks off.

The Darkside Chronicles

 In the Empire of Dalriada lies a city of steam and electricity and aether, where mechanical horses pull carriages through the streets and grand airships float overhead, patrolling the skies--a city where alien eyes watch the world of man and enforce a great and deadly penalty for man’s uncaring treatment of the world.

Dissecting the city's spires and buildings is the Dark Cloud--a fifty-foot high wall of pollution and filth that separates Sunside from the Darkside. 

Sunside is a place of wonder and beauty, where airships made from glass as strong as steel and pride as strong as diamonds contend for supremacy of the town, floating among the peaks of the city’s skyscrapers and the nobles and the movers and shakers reside. 

And then there's Darkside, the part of the town beneath the cloud, where only the faintest stray beams of light penetrate, illuminating what little hope resides in the citizens who toil in the underground factories or the Great Steamworks that provide power to the city. As Southwatch enters a new age of conspiracy, magic, technology and war, the people who live in the shadow of the Dark Cloud must choose sides when the whole city goes up in flames. 

When the day of reckoning comes, on what side of the Dark Cloud will you stand?

Musa Publishing is pleased to announce the launch of The Darkside Chronicles, a steampunk-inspired shared world project for writers and lovers of speculative fiction.

In the tradition of great shared worlds of the past like Thieves' World, Borderlands, and The Fleet, Darkside Chronicles invites authors to incorporate their favorite speculative fiction genres into the steampunk-inspired city of Southwatch.  Musa is seeking stories from 35k and up to help expand this new universe.  The world was built by author Richard C. White (with works published in the Star Trek, Dr. Who, and The Incredible Hulk universes among others)in collaboration with multi-published fantasy author and Musa Editorial Director Celina Summers, resulting in a expansive and comprehensive bible as a foundation for the stories of Southwatch.We will consider stories of fantasy, science fiction, urban fantasy, romance, horror, and noir set in the steampunk-influenced city of Southwatch.

To request a copy of the bible, please send a query to  Please add "Darkside Chronicles" to the subject line. Submission guidelines specific to the line are included within the universe bible; otherwise this line will be treated and contracted according to the same guidelines as all the other Musa books. 

The Darkside Chronicles will open to submissions April 1, 2013.

The Darkside Chronicles will launch for readers in Summer, 2013. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Last minute New Year's Eve party ideas and free printables

New Year's bunding
New Year's bunding by The pretty blog

 Are you organizing a last minute party at home for New Year's Eve? Here are the best free printables and ideas from the web to transform the house and put your guests in the right mood to celebrate. Create a dancable playlist, press play and let the fun party begin!
Happy New Year!

Invitate pure gli amici per una festa in casa per l'ultimo dell'anno. Voi pensate al cibo, tanto ci pensa il web a creare l'atmosfera giusta. Scaricate i template gratuiti e vestite la casa a festa! L'ultimo tocco sarà la giusta playlist che inviterà tutti a ballare. Buon anno a tutti voi!


party ideas
Add balloons! pic via Paisley Petal events

new year printables
New Year printables by Catch my party
by Paper Scissors cake via Etsy
new year's eve party ideas
3d paper numbers by Lisa Storms
free new year's eve free printables
free printables by Celebrations at home
paper fortune cookies
Paper fortune cookie favors by Oncewed
Paper fortune cookies are made from a circle of paper. Fill them with inexplicable quotes.

new year's eve party hats free printable
Party hats are needed these are by elliné
new year's eve party ideas
Cupckace clock cake via Cupcakes take the cake

Thursday, December 27, 2012

How It All Began

Today, we host a short Q&A with Randy Lindsay, "Not Fragile", and Edorado Albert, "Time Hoppers". Both talented authors and their work appeared in the November issue of Penumbra eMag.

Randy, when did you first realize you wanted to pursue writing as a career rather than a hobby?

It’s entirely possible that I live in a fantasy world of my own devising. Whenever a great idea pops into my head, I am convinced that there is a market for it – somewhere. So, it isn’t as much a matter of when I decided to pursue a writing career as it is a question of when I decided to start writing.

That happened while I was reading a book. I happened to disagree with many of the story telling decisions that the author made and discussed with one of my friends how I would have written it. When I finished, I thought I had a pretty good alternate story going on and started my journey as an author.

Several years of learning the craft and dozens of failed stories later I decided it was time to get serious about writing as a career. That would have been about three years ago. I started attending conferences to network within the industry. I started my blog so it could serve as a media platform once my stories started to be published. And I started submitting my stories.

What I find most interesting is that while it took a while to get here, things are really popping for me now. Right on the heels of my sale to Penumbra I had three more stories accepted for publication and will be coming out in 2013. I appreciate Penumbra opening the flood gates for writing career.

Edoardo, when did you first realize you wanted to pursue writing as a career rather than a hobby?

The first thing I can remember wanting to be was a paleontologist. When I realised that, unfortunately and despite the hopes raised by Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, all the dinosaurs really were dead, I switched to zoology. Then, an astronaut, a physicist, the President of the United States (abandoned when I found out that, not being American, I couldn't actually be president), an engineer and various other ideas in a rather dizzying succession. However, the only constant through all of this was reading.

I read - all the time. I even got told off as a seven-year-old for sneaking a book into a lesson and reading it under the desk because I couldn't wait to find out what happened (it was one of Enid Blyton's Famous Five books and to this day I will hear no calumny against her). So, in the end, I realised there was a thread through my life: words. And I began to pursue them. It has, though, been a long, slow slog - some thirty (30!) years of learning, being rejected, learning some more, making connections, getting rejected, and, hopefully, learning even more.

Randy Lindsay worked in the Hobby-Game industry for several years as a game designer and is now a stay-at-home dad looking to establish himself as an author. He writes Fantasy, SF, and is working on a Murder-Comedy. His short fiction has appeared in City of the Gods anthology and now Penumbra with upcoming stories in the Once Upon An Apocalypse anthology and the second City of the Gods anthology.

Learn more about Randy on his website and blog where he also writes on topics related to the craft of writing and offers movie reviews.

The responses to Edoardo Albert’s work rather prove what he argues. The stories, the books, the articles, have drawn some compliments, but the best response ever, which saw a friend rolling on the ground, helpless with laughter, was a lonely-hearts ad. It was probably the bit about tickling the belly of a wolf that did it.

Find Edoardo Albert’s books (he’s particularly proud of Northumbria: The Lost Kingdom which has just been published) and stories via his website although the lonely-hearts ad will not be making an appearance in the foreseeable future). Connect with him through his blog, Twitter or Facebook.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

crafty christmas, Merry Christmas,
pic via Mini Moments

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you're having fun during the holiday break.
In this special day I just want to say thank you for reading this blog and for coming back every day. Even if this is just a web page I see it more like a  room full of people who share advices and inspiration on their passion for fashion and all things crafty. I wish a fab 2013 to each of you!

From All of Us at Penumbra eMag

We Wish You and Yours


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Last minute DIY gifts ready in time for Christmas

last minute gift ideas, diy gifts, diy christmas, gift ideas for her

Just two days to Christmas. While I'm writing a lot of people are queueing in shops to buy Christmas gifts. Christmas seems so far away until is over us. We all all busy people and we didn't have time to shop.   All we can do now is run from a shop to another to buy last minute gifts for everyone, right?  No, we don't have to! We can rely on our DIY skills to make anyone happy for Christmas. Here's a list of DIY gift ideas you can make in time for Christmas. What about supplies? Most of these DIY projects can be done with what you have at home,  fabric scraps or recycled materials. Do you have a plastic bottle at home? You can make a beautiful Marni for H&M inspired necklace, with short trims you'll DIY macramé bracelets or you can make a bag out of a top. With two days you can make gifts for everyone, you can even beat Santa Claus factory...

Ora che siete in fila in profumeria cercando di pagare i regali di Natale state pensando a come può essere successo anche quest'anno: due giorni a Natale e nessun regalo pronto. Certo, a giudicare dalla fila, non siete la sola. Natale sembrava così lontano ed ora non c'è più tempo. Niente panico. I regali dell'ultimo minuto si possono fare in casa. Ecco una lista di regali fai-da-te che saranno pronti in tempo per Natale. Sono idee regalo veloci da realizzare anche con quello che avete in casa. Avete una bottiglia di plastica? Allora potete realizzare una bellissima collana stile Marni per H&M. Con un top potrete realizzare una borsa o una collana con dei ritagli di stoffa. Con due giorni di tempo preparerete regali per tutti!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Recycle&Reuse: Transform old Christmas tree ornaments into sparkly new ones inspired by Fabergè Eggs

fabergé eggs, diy christmas, diy ornaments
fabergé eggs, diy christmas, diy ornaments

fabergé eggs, diy christmas, diy ornaments

fabergé eggs, diy christmas, diy ornaments

Maybe you bought new ornaments and you don't like old ones anymore but please wait before tossing them away. Your old Christmas decorations can get a new look with white glue, glitters and some beads. After the DIY  trasformation they'll look better than new ones. For the makeover I got inspiration from Fabergé eggs, the famous, unique jeweled russian eggs.

8 Free printable gift tags

free gift tags, printable gift tags

Adorable printable gift tags by Orange you Lucky. I like her illustrations, they are all so cute!

free gift tags, printable gift tags
Elfie gift tags by  All Sort

free gift tags, printable gift tags
Free printable gift tags by Lovely Design

free gift tags, printable gift tags
holiday printables by Sharon Rowan

free gift tags, printable gift tags
Feather Gift tags by Love VS Design

free gift tags, printable gift tags
Ugly sweater gift tag by Love VS Design
free gift tags, printable gift tags
Vintage Christmas cards via Hubpages
free gift tags, printable gift tags
3d balls gift tags tutorial by I heart2stamp

A creative gift wrapping will surprise your friends but don't forget to add a written note with your own greetings.
Cute, formal, vintage, pick your favorite gift tags, click on the link and print them, they're free.

Un pacchetto ben confezionato non può dirsi completo senza un biglietto con i vostri auguri. Scegliete il biglietto che preferite, cliccate sul link corrispondente e premete stampa, sono gratuiti!

Friday, December 21, 2012

7 Holiday make up ideas inspired by the runways

fendi fall 2012
Fendi fall 2012 pic via Pinterest (couln't find the original source)
Metallic has been so popular this year, match your gold nails with a gold foil make up

make up, evening make up, holiday make up
Black & Gold pic via Nastya Beauty

crystal make up, dior fall make up
Dior fall 2012 pic via Fady kataya
With crystals

anna sui fall 2012 make up
Anna Sui fall 2012 pic via Style Bistro

black make up, evening make up
Grunge appeal pic via Paper blog
evening make up, holiday make up
Blue and Glitters vis Ashley Holmes
chanel fall 2012 crystal eyebrows
Chanel fall 2012 pic via The Trend Report
Glitter eyebrows

Finish your party look with a unique make up inspired by fall runways.