Thursday, December 20, 2012

What's On Your Reading List for 2013?

by Dianna L. Gunn

The new year is almost upon us, and as 2012 comes to a close many people are re-examining their lives and creating lists of "resolutions"--things they want to do to make their lives better in 2013.

I have my own list of "resolutions", but it isn't my only list for 2013. I also have another kind of list: a reading list for the year ahead. It consists of all kinds of stories, from speculative short fiction to novels in all genres. Some are books I've been asked to review on my blog, others are books by friends, still others are on the list because I believe I can learn from them. A few are on the list entirely for pleasure.

One of the things on my reading list is actually twelve things—the twelve issues of Penumbra we'll be producing next year. And I'm not just saying that because I work here—I'm planning to read the next several issues of Penumbra because I've enjoyed every single issue we've produced so far. Our editorial committee selects only the best stories, and our columns by Lori Basiewicz and Richard White are not to be missed. Most issues come with an author interview and feature article to boot, and if you're interested in finding out more about our deal with Gary K. Wolf for Who Wacked Roger Rabbit, the next couple of issues are not to be missed.

Whatever else is on your reading list for 2013, I hope you'll be adding twelve issues of Penumbra. A year's subscription only costs $36—a low price when compared to other speculative fiction magazines, made possible by our electronic model and low overhead—and if you purchase your subscription by January first, you'll get a second one free. What better way to celebrate the holidays than by purchasing matching subscriptions for you and a loved one so you can share stories all year?

To purchase your subscription now, please click HERE.

Dianna L. Gunn is a young Canadian fiction writer who specializes in dark fantasy. She also writes poetry, generally dark, which is her way of dealing with life. This insightful author hosts a website covering every aspect of fiction writing and interviews with noted guest authors.

Learn more about Dianna L. Gunn on her website and follow her on Twitter.

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