Zipped jacket
Kate Cusack zipped jewelry

large cape made of zippers

Zippers used as necklaces

Zipped shirt crafted by Brassy Apple
From jewelry to clothing and accessories as you can see zippers can be very versitile.
Here's for you some other pics for inspiration.
First we have a Couture example,the jacket from Gianfranco Ferrè: there zippers are fully functional and change the appearance of the jacket once closed,an example of fine art and creativity.
Then a jacket with soft ruffles emphasized by zippers. I love the look on the back, there's a "fake" cleavage on the back and 2 zippers on shoulders.
The clutch you see is from YSL,here zippers make ruffles,this is one project that can be done at home!
Have you seen the zipped collar?Fun and easy to replicate!
large cape made of zippers
Zippers used as necklaces
Zipped shirt crafted by Brassy Apple
From jewelry to clothing and accessories as you can see zippers can be very versitile.
Here's for you some other pics for inspiration.
First we have a Couture example,the jacket from Gianfranco Ferrè: there zippers are fully functional and change the appearance of the jacket once closed,an example of fine art and creativity.
Then a jacket with soft ruffles emphasized by zippers. I love the look on the back, there's a "fake" cleavage on the back and 2 zippers on shoulders.
The clutch you see is from YSL,here zippers make ruffles,this is one project that can be done at home!
Have you seen the zipped collar?Fun and easy to replicate!