Penumbra has long been a dream of mine.
When I started submitting my own short fiction as a woefully ill-prepared college student, this wasn't something I would ever have thought possible. Who could have known back in those days where that newfangled computer stuff was going to take us? And then, about six years ago when I realized that short fiction wasn't something I could write but was darn tootin' good at editing, the jobs in speculative fiction editing seemed so out of reach. In my mind's eye I had an image of spec fic editors being bearded, venerable men wearing ascots and smoking pipes, flipping through a stack of submissions and applying a red-inked stamp that said REJECTED without even reading a word of each story.
Go on--admit it. You have a similar version of that image in your head.
So when we started Musa, I was fairly insistent on going big or going home. Opening a pro-rate paying e-magazine was a huge risk. Let's be honest here: a fledgling press has no business starting out at the top with a periodical. A smart publisher would have started much smaller...maybe two cents a word. That doesn't sound like a huge difference; heck, what's three cents? When you start looking at three or four thousand word stories, those three cents add up fast.
But for my vision for Penumbra, I knew that pro-rates would lead to two very important things. First off, authors of extremely high caliber would consider submitting to us. Second off, if we did everything right, we'd gain credibility with the writers' guilds--particularly SFWA.
I figured it would take a while to take off submissions-wise. I was disabused of that notion immediately. We posted our first submissions call at Duotrope and Ralan's to start out. When I opened my email the next day, I had over fifty submissions.
Welcome to the big leagues, kid.
From that point on, it was like Christmas every day. Every day, I woke up to wonderful, amazing stories. There's something inherently satisfying about putting together an issue of a magazine. You get to play with the stories, the layout--determining the best flow so the reader can derive the greatest enjoyment. In some ways, it's like a literary blackjack table. Will I stand? Will the bank hit me? Will I go bust? Or, will I get a natural blackjack and rake it all in?
Gods, I love my job.
Penumbra Vol. I, Iss 1 is now available for sale at an online store near you--including ours. You can order your copy here. Oh, and there's some other things that are really cool. You can write and leave your review of Issue 1 on the same page. Or drop me a line. Either way, I want to hear what you have to say.
Our featured Rising Talent of the month is Anatoly Belilovsky. You can read his story "A Literary Offense" and his essay about writing the story for free on the Penumbra website. Each month we'll feature a different new author from the slushpile for that issue of Penumbra.
And finally, there's the art contest. I can't determine a kid's fingerpainted place mats from a legitimate Picasso, so thankfully the art is adjudicated by Kelly Shorten, the art director. Every month, we'll put the best entries into Penumbra and you, the reader, can vote for your favorite. That way, you'll see more work from that artist, because the winners will be commissioned to do more art for Penumbra.
Musa Publishing and Penumbra are dedicated to creating a fun, engaging speculative fiction eMag every month. I am extremely proud to present to you our inaugural issue.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Moschino s/s 2012 details
Click below to discover the show in detail then watch the full runway
via moschino
Jackets are the things I liked more at Moschino show. They are so bold and heavily decorated and the hippy leather jacket is so funny! It can be a good idea to give a personal touch to our leather jacket cutting from another fabric simple shapes and then sewing them onto the jacket!
Moschino's accessories: funny hats and big head decorations, a lot of trimming details for bag, look how small is the snakeskin bag compared to the model hand!
Enjoy the full show below
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Milano fashion week: my report:
Today I'm here to tell you I went close to the source of style and fashion, where all the trends come to life: this year I had the incredible opportunity to take part to the extraordinary and glamourous Milano fashion week. I had the chance to attend some of the hottest shows and to snap a few pictures of streetstyle fashion. You can imagine how exciting it was: I had a big smile on my face all the time. Below you'll find some of the pics I took and during the next few days I'll review in detail the shows.
MoschinoSpain is the inspiration, women becomes toreadores with heavy embellished jackets, sensual mujeres with flowers headbands and cowgirls covered with fringes. The hippy, painted leather jacket is a tribute to the playful creativity of Franco Moschino.
The photographers in front of the runway ready to snap the model looks
Here the competion for a good spot is fierce and when the show is about to start they all scream: "get out of the way!" to everyone in their trajectory and "brava!" to the models that esitate a little before turning around allowing them to snap a good picture.
Antonio Marras
still color block but in matching tones
see through: another keyword of the next spring summer
aren't these furry pointy shoes cute? I think they're more wearable compared to those by Alexander Wang fall 2012
a poccible diy: a small piece of fur could be glued onto a clip to create an on/off fluffy embellishment for shoes
A view of Etro show scenery, a white space interrupted by colored pillows in a variety of different patterns!
Veronica Etro inspiration were the twenties and their flapper dresses but there's nothing retro on the runway, the clean lines of the roaring years are taken to the present and made alive by a countless number of beautiful patterns: colored,beaded and black and white. All the dresses become tridimentional with fringes that move as the models step forward.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
What is Spec Fic?
What is Spec Fic?

Believe it or not, the question I most often get from spec fic writers is, “What exactly is spec fic?” Someone sends me a manuscript, I accept it, and then a few weeks later they write me and say, in a cyber-whisper, “By the way, I was just wondering…” or “You know, a friend at work asked me the other day …” or “I’m really embarrassed to even ask this question …”
Don’t be embarrassed. Most of us grew up thinking in terms of two related genres—science-fiction and fantasy. I say related, but maybe what I mean is “inexplicably in the same section of the bookstore.” Fantasy and sci-fi tended to get lumped together, even though they were very different. Orson Scott Card once wrote that science fiction has rivets and fantasy has trees. That’s a fun over-simplification, and there’s some truth to it. Really though, most people who read traditional sci-fi fans steer clear of traditional fantasy, and vice versa. The thing that bound the two genres together—at least in the minds of booksellers—was that both were fantastical.
The question in recent years has become, what do you do with books about fantastical subjects that don’t qualify as either sci-fi or as fantasy? For example, there was a disastrous attempt several decades ago to market George Orwell’s 1984 as science fiction. It might have some science fiction elements, but it’s definitely not the sort of thing most traditional sci-fi fans recognize as sci-fi. It is dystopian fiction, similar to Orwell’s other masterpiece Animal Farm, and Robert Hugh Benson’s Lord of the World.
And what about the works of Charles Williams? Difficult to classify. Tarot cards that come to life; Platonic forms that roam the earth; Hell as a plane of existence that co-exists alongside our own. Sometimes you find Williams in the fantasy section, but that’s too easy. His books are not genre fiction; they are meaty and philosophical and full of deep theological themes.
So, what do we do with all these other books that don’t fit traditional definitions of fantasy (wizards, elves, and dragons) or science fiction (robots, machines, and space ships)? The solution has been an umbrella term: speculative fiction, or spec fic for short. Spec fic encompasses fantasy and sci-fi, but it also includes horror, dystopian and utopian fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic, alternate histories, supernatural tales, even superhero fiction … basically, anything that speculates on the apparently improbable or seemingly impossible.
The term “spec fic” isn’t an attempt to rename the old fantasy/sci-fi section. It is, rather, a way to gather all the loose clusters of related genres under one convenient term. And you’ll find all of the above-named genres published at Musa under the Urania imprint (with the exception of horror, which is handled by Thalia, our paranormal line).
So don’t be embarrassed if you don’t know what spec fic is. Writers still tend to think of themselves as working in a particular genre, and those genres still hold. It’s simply a more expansive, more inclusive term.
Believe it or not, the question I most often get from spec fic writers is, “What exactly is spec fic?” Someone sends me a manuscript, I accept it, and then a few weeks later they write me and say, in a cyber-whisper, “By the way, I was just wondering…” or “You know, a friend at work asked me the other day …” or “I’m really embarrassed to even ask this question …”
Don’t be embarrassed. Most of us grew up thinking in terms of two related genres—science-fiction and fantasy. I say related, but maybe what I mean is “inexplicably in the same section of the bookstore.” Fantasy and sci-fi tended to get lumped together, even though they were very different. Orson Scott Card once wrote that science fiction has rivets and fantasy has trees. That’s a fun over-simplification, and there’s some truth to it. Really though, most people who read traditional sci-fi fans steer clear of traditional fantasy, and vice versa. The thing that bound the two genres together—at least in the minds of booksellers—was that both were fantastical.
The question in recent years has become, what do you do with books about fantastical subjects that don’t qualify as either sci-fi or as fantasy? For example, there was a disastrous attempt several decades ago to market George Orwell’s 1984 as science fiction. It might have some science fiction elements, but it’s definitely not the sort of thing most traditional sci-fi fans recognize as sci-fi. It is dystopian fiction, similar to Orwell’s other masterpiece Animal Farm, and Robert Hugh Benson’s Lord of the World.
And what about the works of Charles Williams? Difficult to classify. Tarot cards that come to life; Platonic forms that roam the earth; Hell as a plane of existence that co-exists alongside our own. Sometimes you find Williams in the fantasy section, but that’s too easy. His books are not genre fiction; they are meaty and philosophical and full of deep theological themes.
So, what do we do with all these other books that don’t fit traditional definitions of fantasy (wizards, elves, and dragons) or science fiction (robots, machines, and space ships)? The solution has been an umbrella term: speculative fiction, or spec fic for short. Spec fic encompasses fantasy and sci-fi, but it also includes horror, dystopian and utopian fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic, alternate histories, supernatural tales, even superhero fiction … basically, anything that speculates on the apparently improbable or seemingly impossible.
The term “spec fic” isn’t an attempt to rename the old fantasy/sci-fi section. It is, rather, a way to gather all the loose clusters of related genres under one convenient term. And you’ll find all of the above-named genres published at Musa under the Urania imprint (with the exception of horror, which is handled by Thalia, our paranormal line).
So don’t be embarrassed if you don’t know what spec fic is. Writers still tend to think of themselves as working in a particular genre, and those genres still hold. It’s simply a more expansive, more inclusive term.
DIY idea: open back blazer
via Vogue
A boring blazer,a pair of scissors and lots of beads are the ingredients to copy this look from Berlin: a city that always inspires for clean and young designs.
Un blazer di cui vi siete stancate, un paio di forbici e molte perline sono gli ingredienti per replicare questo look che arriva direttamente da Berlino:una città che ispira per il design dalle linee semplici e giovani.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Simple Tips For Moving With Pets
There are questions that you should ask yourself when your moving preparations get underway. You need not leave your pets behind, right? But how are you going to approach it? Well, start with the health condition of your pets. It's important that you ensure your pet is in good health before you get out as you may find it hard at times when it comes to transporting a sick pet. Also; consider the behavior of your pet. There are those who are too aggressive hence cannot make good travelers. This will enable you put in place the right mechanisms that will enable you restrain your pet in the right way. Especially when it comes to moving with Melrose moving company, you need to let the mover know of it since this will enable them arrange for specialized transport means. Furthermore getting to know whether or not your pets will be welcome in your new destination is important considerations that will enable you know whether or not you can move with your pet.
You have to ensure that your pets gets used to travels before the actual day of moving out. It's imperative that you carry your pets more frequently in your car before you hand them over to the Melrose moving company for the specialized move. But if you are of the opinion that your pets cannot be transported as a result of their aggression, you may consider getting air ticket for a specialized move. Air transport is better since it's a smooth move that may not be as bumpy as other transport means.
However, before traveling, it's important that you get your rabies certificate ready since all animals transported by air and sea must have such certificates. This is more important if you are traveling across territorial borders since immigration offices will demand to see the rabies certificate.Furthermore,for an international move with the Melrose moving company, this certificate will still; form a major requirement that you will be asked for. This certificate should be obtained within 2 weeks before your actual day of moving out.
Your veterinary doctor should ensure that your pet gets the required treatment of any ailment that may be suffering from. You can have the pets deformed and also given some preventive injections to enable them resist any infection that may strike at their new environment. Any other injection that may be advised by your veterinarian should be administered in the right dose.
If you are not very sure if you will find your pets diet in your new station, it's imperative that you pack it and hand it over with your other stuff to the Melrose moving company. This is important as it will enable you avoid digestive setups that your pet may experience. You can also consider packing your pet's medicines and equipment for grooming an s this will make it easy for you at your new destination.
Melrose moving company can help offer you the necessary advice that's necessary to enable you move your pets well. By following it, you will make your life easier!
You have to ensure that your pets gets used to travels before the actual day of moving out. It's imperative that you carry your pets more frequently in your car before you hand them over to the Melrose moving company for the specialized move. But if you are of the opinion that your pets cannot be transported as a result of their aggression, you may consider getting air ticket for a specialized move. Air transport is better since it's a smooth move that may not be as bumpy as other transport means.
However, before traveling, it's important that you get your rabies certificate ready since all animals transported by air and sea must have such certificates. This is more important if you are traveling across territorial borders since immigration offices will demand to see the rabies certificate.Furthermore,for an international move with the Melrose moving company, this certificate will still; form a major requirement that you will be asked for. This certificate should be obtained within 2 weeks before your actual day of moving out.
Your veterinary doctor should ensure that your pet gets the required treatment of any ailment that may be suffering from. You can have the pets deformed and also given some preventive injections to enable them resist any infection that may strike at their new environment. Any other injection that may be advised by your veterinarian should be administered in the right dose.
If you are not very sure if you will find your pets diet in your new station, it's imperative that you pack it and hand it over with your other stuff to the Melrose moving company. This is important as it will enable you avoid digestive setups that your pet may experience. You can also consider packing your pet's medicines and equipment for grooming an s this will make it easy for you at your new destination.
Melrose moving company can help offer you the necessary advice that's necessary to enable you move your pets well. By following it, you will make your life easier!
What if sidereal space was a jewel?
The diamond is something perfect both for its brightness and cut. The necklace was born to emphasize the shape of a diamond, a stone bright as the stars. It is set at the centre with four mirrors reflecting its light around the space. They give a tridimensional dimension to the necklace and they look a little bit like solar panels.
The inspiration is both the sidereal space and the future. The bracelet is obtained with the repetition of a simple shape and it reflects all the rainbow colors when explose to the light.
What do you think of the result?
Il diamante è la perfezione: per lucentezza e taglio. La collana nasce con l'idea di dare risalto alla forma del diamante,una pietra luminosa come le stelle. E' posto al centro della collana con quattro specchi che ne riflettono la luce. Danno tridimensionalità alla struttura e l'aspetto di un satellite. L'ispirazione è sia lo spazio profondo che il futuro. Il bracciale è ottenuto come ripetizione di un elemento base e riflette i colori dell'arcobaleno quando è esposto alla luce. Che ne pensate?
the inspiration: satellites, shiny stars, the future,diamonds
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Importance of Doggy Daycare
When you work all day it is hard to know what to do with your dog. You could leave him in a crate or enclosed in a room in your house but is this really fair on the dog. The majority of people work nine till five or longer, therefore your dog is left for at least eight hours on its own. This can cause boredom, isolation, behavioural problems and even depression, not to mention that they can't hold the toilet for that amount of time. This means you will come home to a lot of mess in your house and also this is extremely uncomfortable for your dog and could cause bladder problems.
The best solution for your dog if you are out at work all day is doggy daycare, this is a new phenomenon where people are opening up their homes to look after other peoples dogs when they are out at work. The following points prove just how important doggy daycare is.
1. Your dog will get to interact with lots of other dogs which is vitally important for pack integration. This is even more important if your dog is a puppy as many of the behavioural problems that we see in dogs occur because they are poorly socialised when they are young.
2. Dogs that integrate just with their owners and no other dogs or people can suffer from anxiety and fear biting. This can also cause separation anxiety and cause the dog to be a nervous wreck when it does eventually for some reason have to be apart from its owners. This is very unfair on the dog as it will be suffering all sorts of negative emotions which are unnatural and wouldn't be apparent in the wild.
3. Dogs love it! They get to go to doggy daycare on a regular basis so they make friends with the other dogs and look forward to going every time. What would you prefer staying at home on your own all day or meeting up with your friends and having fun, it's the same for your dog!
4. Protect your home - if your dog is at doggy daycare having a great time, he won't be at your home, bored, causing him to chew and destroy the furniture and toileting around your home.
5. At doggy daycare your dog will get walked at least once a day where they will play with the other dogs and have a great time.
6. On the dog walks at doggy daycare your dog will get basic dog training to work on his recall, use of commands and walking on the lead. If you are in the process of puppy training this will help to reinforce that training on a regular basis.
Doggy daycare is obviously more expensive than leaving your dog on its own but is worth every penny as you will return home from work to a happy and content dog and not feel stressed and worried that it's on its own. Also it will teach your dog to be well socialised and fully integrated with other dogs and stop separation anxiety and aggression to other dogs.
4 Paws in the park is a premium dog walking and pet service, based in a family home in East Sheen, London, providing a modern and preferred alternative to kennels.4 Paws in the park is owned by Brodie Ellis. For more information please visit:
The best solution for your dog if you are out at work all day is doggy daycare, this is a new phenomenon where people are opening up their homes to look after other peoples dogs when they are out at work. The following points prove just how important doggy daycare is.
1. Your dog will get to interact with lots of other dogs which is vitally important for pack integration. This is even more important if your dog is a puppy as many of the behavioural problems that we see in dogs occur because they are poorly socialised when they are young.
2. Dogs that integrate just with their owners and no other dogs or people can suffer from anxiety and fear biting. This can also cause separation anxiety and cause the dog to be a nervous wreck when it does eventually for some reason have to be apart from its owners. This is very unfair on the dog as it will be suffering all sorts of negative emotions which are unnatural and wouldn't be apparent in the wild.
3. Dogs love it! They get to go to doggy daycare on a regular basis so they make friends with the other dogs and look forward to going every time. What would you prefer staying at home on your own all day or meeting up with your friends and having fun, it's the same for your dog!
4. Protect your home - if your dog is at doggy daycare having a great time, he won't be at your home, bored, causing him to chew and destroy the furniture and toileting around your home.
5. At doggy daycare your dog will get walked at least once a day where they will play with the other dogs and have a great time.
6. On the dog walks at doggy daycare your dog will get basic dog training to work on his recall, use of commands and walking on the lead. If you are in the process of puppy training this will help to reinforce that training on a regular basis.
Doggy daycare is obviously more expensive than leaving your dog on its own but is worth every penny as you will return home from work to a happy and content dog and not feel stressed and worried that it's on its own. Also it will teach your dog to be well socialised and fully integrated with other dogs and stop separation anxiety and aggression to other dogs.
4 Paws in the park is a premium dog walking and pet service, based in a family home in East Sheen, London, providing a modern and preferred alternative to kennels.4 Paws in the park is owned by Brodie Ellis. For more information please visit:
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The bag, a woman obsession
The lock-it bag is Marc Jacobs's answer to a woman obsession for her bag. Men have been trying for ages to figure out why we have to buy so many bags. The truth is that bags are more than a pratical accessory to carry all the necessary, they are a cult object, the design we choose tells something about our personality. Marc Jacobs ties the purse around the wrist with a chain and makes real the bond between us and our bag.
La lock-it bag è la risposta di Marc Jacobs all'ossessione delle donne per la borsa. Gli uomini si interrogano da tempo sul perchè abbiamo bisogno di acquistarne così tante e conservarle tutte. La verità è che le borse non sono solo un pratico accessorio per portarci dietro tutto il necessario ma un vero e proprio oggetto di culto e la scelta di un modello o di un altro rivela la nostra personalità . E' così che Marc Jacobs ce la lega addirittura al polso rendendo indissolubile il legame speciale che c'è già tra noi e la nostra borsa.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Good Doggy Behavior Tutorial
For most people, the number one and most essential thing you would carry out with a new doggie is place them in canine behavior training. That coaching would make them learn the way to conduct themselves in particular situations that they will certainly face someday in their lifetime. Then again, some house owners either can't find the funds for obedience instructions or decide they will perform it themselves as an alternative. That being said, this is the brief run down regarding what you might gain via that training that will help determine if your puppy dog could reap the benefits of it.
The Key Benefits Of Dog Obedience Tutorial
To start with, canines in behavior lessons rapidly figure out how to react to precise, properly delivered orders. That also suggests you will learn how to render those commands. Plenty of people disregard their side of the deal in pet ownership. They feel like the burden lies with their canine, but not themselves. Picture canine training to be a two way highway and it definitely will be alot more effective. On this page are various examples.
Leadership - During coaching, you are going to learn methods to assert your alpha role on your doggy to show them that you're the leader every time and that your dogs must listen to you. Should these types of patterns are repeated in your house, the dog can have a substantially better time following your lead. Alpha dog leadership is definitely the basis of every high-quality training.
No Gnawing or Woofing - Two of the largest complaints that a puppy can have are biting and too much barking. Different amounts of puppy coaching could address these individual behaviours as well as make certain that the puppy won't be disobedient. Biting in particular will have to be sorted out at the junior age.
Walking - Sick and tired of having your doggy pull you downtown? Through a outstanding instruction class, you'll quickly learn how to manage your puppy's motions, stop them from running around on you and subsequently show them to sit and stay when desired at road sides and when other pets wander by.
Doggy tuition is necessary in several aspects since it grants the basis for each of the concerns that may possibly occur inside your home. When a dog is still under 12 months old or simply couldn't behave correctly, give thought to a course to make it easier to progress.
Don't forget that your pets can only achieve what it is trained to do. It's essential to stay consistent, encouraging as well as good at maintaining the commands you issue. The minute you start having trouble making up your mind or forgetting to re-assert your instructions, your dog will begin to return back to the initial behaviours that you previously worked so hard to educate them out of.
The Key Benefits Of Dog Obedience Tutorial
To start with, canines in behavior lessons rapidly figure out how to react to precise, properly delivered orders. That also suggests you will learn how to render those commands. Plenty of people disregard their side of the deal in pet ownership. They feel like the burden lies with their canine, but not themselves. Picture canine training to be a two way highway and it definitely will be alot more effective. On this page are various examples.
Leadership - During coaching, you are going to learn methods to assert your alpha role on your doggy to show them that you're the leader every time and that your dogs must listen to you. Should these types of patterns are repeated in your house, the dog can have a substantially better time following your lead. Alpha dog leadership is definitely the basis of every high-quality training.
No Gnawing or Woofing - Two of the largest complaints that a puppy can have are biting and too much barking. Different amounts of puppy coaching could address these individual behaviours as well as make certain that the puppy won't be disobedient. Biting in particular will have to be sorted out at the junior age.
Walking - Sick and tired of having your doggy pull you downtown? Through a outstanding instruction class, you'll quickly learn how to manage your puppy's motions, stop them from running around on you and subsequently show them to sit and stay when desired at road sides and when other pets wander by.
Doggy tuition is necessary in several aspects since it grants the basis for each of the concerns that may possibly occur inside your home. When a dog is still under 12 months old or simply couldn't behave correctly, give thought to a course to make it easier to progress.
Don't forget that your pets can only achieve what it is trained to do. It's essential to stay consistent, encouraging as well as good at maintaining the commands you issue. The minute you start having trouble making up your mind or forgetting to re-assert your instructions, your dog will begin to return back to the initial behaviours that you previously worked so hard to educate them out of.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Leopard scupture necklace DIY
I couldn't stop thinking at Raspini's necklace. How could I make a similar one on a budget? One day the answer came into my mind: using a belt buckle! They come in various shapes and I chose this gold leopard to adorn my neck. I used a piece of fabric and a few beads to make the collar and then I added a closure!
La collana di Raspini è un vero capolavoro! Con un po' di ingegno e creatività si può realizzare una collana altrettanto imponente con una fibbia per cintura. Le fibbie per cintura sono disponibili in molte forme, io ho scelto questo leopardo dorato come centrale. Ho poi utilizzato un ritaglio di stoffa e una manciata di perle dorate per realizzare il resto della collana.
![]() |
the belt buckle |
I folded the piece of fabric
I inserted the fabric into the buckle and blocked it with metallic wire
and the closure is the final touch!
Friday, September 16, 2011
How To Take Care of Your New Kitten
The first step toward having a good pet cat is choosing a healthy kitten. Visit a litter of kittens about two weeks before they are ready to leave their mother. They will be six weeks old. Ask permission to pick up the kittens and be very gentle when to do so. Make sure that a kitten has clear, bright eyes and a shiny, full coat. Check the skin under the fur for any problems such as sores, rashes or bald spots. You want to choose a kitten that has healthy skin.
Next, make sure that the kitten is neither too thin nor too fat. A kitten that is either all skin and bones or has a bloated belly is likely to have an infection. Do not select such a kitten. Also check the kitten's nose and ears for any sign of discharge or infection.
While you are checking for signs of physical health, take note of the kitten's temperament. Carry the kitten to another part of the room and watch how it behaves. Is it nervous or scared? Does it respond to gentle petting by growing calmer? You want a kitten that adjusts quickly to you. This is a sign it has been handled by the owners of the litter, which is important in preparing the kitten for living with people.
It is extremely important to start out with a friendly cat. A scratching, hissing or terribly frightened kitten will grow up to be a difficult cat at best. At worst, the kitten will never become a friendly, loving pet.
After you have chosen a kitten that you like, make arrangements to pick it up when it is ready to leave its mother (when it is about eight weeks old). A day or two after you get your new kitten, take it to a veterinarian (an animal doctor). The vet will give it the first in a series of shots to protect it against common cat diseases. Tell the vet if you intend to let the cat outdoors. If you do intend to let it out, the kitten may need a shot to protect it against rabies.
The vet will also examine the kitten for signs of disease. Bring along sample of the kitten's dropping so that the doctor can check for worms.
If the vet gives you medicine for the kitten, make sure that you or one of your parents understands how to give medicine. Ask the vet or the vet's assistant to show the proper method. Give the medicine to the kitten exactly as directed by the vet. Twice a day is not good enough if the kitten is supposed to get medicine three times a day.
Young kittens like to eat every few hours, about four times a day. At each meal, serve a saucer of fresh milk alongside a small dish of dry cat food. For one or two of the meals, mix in canned food (meat or fish). If the kitten gets diarrhea, switch to powdered milk. If the diarrhea continues, reduce the amount of milk and the number of meals at which it is served.
Kittens love occasional treats, such as fresh liver, kidney or cottage cheese. But dry cat food is the best thing for a steady diet. Keep treats to once or twice a week.
As the kitten grows older, you can gradually reduce the number of meals. At six months, two meals each day are adequate. At one year, one meal a day is all that is needed. If your cat pesters you for a second meal, give a little more than half of the one-meal portion twice a day. The size of portions is usually recommended on the cat food box.
For your new kitten, and later your adult cat, keep a bowl filled with fresh water all times.
Although your kitten will decide for itself where it will sleep, it might enjoy a soft, snug spot you prepare for it. A fluffy, clean hand towel folded and placed in a shoe box that sits on its side, could make an attractive bed for your kitten. But the kitten may just decide to perch itself on a chair instead.
You will have to help your kitten get used to using a litter box to go to the bathroom. Getting your cat used to a litter box is usually easy, because cats are naturally clean and like to bury their droppings. A litter box is nothing more than a shallow rectangular container. The easiest kind to use is made of soft plastic. Into this you pour cat litter, which is sold in stores. Cover the bottom of the litter box with about two inches of cat litter.
About the only unpleasant task involved in owning a cat is cleaning the litter box every two or three days. If you do not clean it, the box will begin to smell.
Empty all the used litter into a paper or plastic bag and take it outside to the garbage. Then wash the litter box with soap and water. Put the newly filled box back in the same place, so that you do not upset your cat's routine.
If you plan on allowing your cat to go to outside, you may decide to let it go to bathroom outdoors. In this case, do not provide a litter box. Instead, take your new kitten outdoors to a spot where there is a patch of dirt in which it can dig and burry. After a few days, the kitten will wait by the door to be let out. Some people even install little cat doors so that their pets can come and go as they please.
An outdoor cat should wear a collar with an identification tag on it. The tag should give that cat's name as well as your name and address.
Now that you know how to make your kitten feel welcome in its new home, it is time for you and your kitten to get to know one another.
Next, make sure that the kitten is neither too thin nor too fat. A kitten that is either all skin and bones or has a bloated belly is likely to have an infection. Do not select such a kitten. Also check the kitten's nose and ears for any sign of discharge or infection.
While you are checking for signs of physical health, take note of the kitten's temperament. Carry the kitten to another part of the room and watch how it behaves. Is it nervous or scared? Does it respond to gentle petting by growing calmer? You want a kitten that adjusts quickly to you. This is a sign it has been handled by the owners of the litter, which is important in preparing the kitten for living with people.
It is extremely important to start out with a friendly cat. A scratching, hissing or terribly frightened kitten will grow up to be a difficult cat at best. At worst, the kitten will never become a friendly, loving pet.
After you have chosen a kitten that you like, make arrangements to pick it up when it is ready to leave its mother (when it is about eight weeks old). A day or two after you get your new kitten, take it to a veterinarian (an animal doctor). The vet will give it the first in a series of shots to protect it against common cat diseases. Tell the vet if you intend to let the cat outdoors. If you do intend to let it out, the kitten may need a shot to protect it against rabies.
The vet will also examine the kitten for signs of disease. Bring along sample of the kitten's dropping so that the doctor can check for worms.
If the vet gives you medicine for the kitten, make sure that you or one of your parents understands how to give medicine. Ask the vet or the vet's assistant to show the proper method. Give the medicine to the kitten exactly as directed by the vet. Twice a day is not good enough if the kitten is supposed to get medicine three times a day.
Young kittens like to eat every few hours, about four times a day. At each meal, serve a saucer of fresh milk alongside a small dish of dry cat food. For one or two of the meals, mix in canned food (meat or fish). If the kitten gets diarrhea, switch to powdered milk. If the diarrhea continues, reduce the amount of milk and the number of meals at which it is served.
Kittens love occasional treats, such as fresh liver, kidney or cottage cheese. But dry cat food is the best thing for a steady diet. Keep treats to once or twice a week.
As the kitten grows older, you can gradually reduce the number of meals. At six months, two meals each day are adequate. At one year, one meal a day is all that is needed. If your cat pesters you for a second meal, give a little more than half of the one-meal portion twice a day. The size of portions is usually recommended on the cat food box.
For your new kitten, and later your adult cat, keep a bowl filled with fresh water all times.
Although your kitten will decide for itself where it will sleep, it might enjoy a soft, snug spot you prepare for it. A fluffy, clean hand towel folded and placed in a shoe box that sits on its side, could make an attractive bed for your kitten. But the kitten may just decide to perch itself on a chair instead.
You will have to help your kitten get used to using a litter box to go to the bathroom. Getting your cat used to a litter box is usually easy, because cats are naturally clean and like to bury their droppings. A litter box is nothing more than a shallow rectangular container. The easiest kind to use is made of soft plastic. Into this you pour cat litter, which is sold in stores. Cover the bottom of the litter box with about two inches of cat litter.
Take your kitten to its litter box as soon you bring it home. Sometimes that first visit is all is needed. But until you are sure that the kitten understands, take it there after each feeding.
Sometimes cats will not use a litter box if something about the particular brand of litter is not to their liking. Occasionally they will avoid the box if its location is not private enough. Try to solve these problems if the kitten does not use the litter box from the start.
Sometimes cats will not use a litter box if something about the particular brand of litter is not to their liking. Occasionally they will avoid the box if its location is not private enough. Try to solve these problems if the kitten does not use the litter box from the start.
About the only unpleasant task involved in owning a cat is cleaning the litter box every two or three days. If you do not clean it, the box will begin to smell.
Empty all the used litter into a paper or plastic bag and take it outside to the garbage. Then wash the litter box with soap and water. Put the newly filled box back in the same place, so that you do not upset your cat's routine.
If you plan on allowing your cat to go to outside, you may decide to let it go to bathroom outdoors. In this case, do not provide a litter box. Instead, take your new kitten outdoors to a spot where there is a patch of dirt in which it can dig and burry. After a few days, the kitten will wait by the door to be let out. Some people even install little cat doors so that their pets can come and go as they please.
An outdoor cat should wear a collar with an identification tag on it. The tag should give that cat's name as well as your name and address.
Now that you know how to make your kitten feel welcome in its new home, it is time for you and your kitten to get to know one another.
Raspini necklace: bold and dangerous
I have a passion for felines: they are fierce and regal so I couldn't not like this bold necklace of giant dimensions: a leopard confortably seated on your neckline as if it was on a tree branch waiting for its prey to come across.
It looks like a vintage piece or better a timeless piece and what I like more it's the story of craftmanship behind Raspini who creates silverware since 1976. Every piece is handcrafted in Tuscany.
Click below to see other pieces from the same collection.
Altri gioielli della stessa collezione vi aspettano dopo il click.
It looks like a vintage piece or better a timeless piece and what I like more it's the story of craftmanship behind Raspini who creates silverware since 1976. Every piece is handcrafted in Tuscany.
Click below to see other pieces from the same collection.
Adoro i felini:così fieri e regali. Sarà per questo che sono stata colpita dalla bellezza di questa collana: enorme scultura di un leopardo comodamente sdraiato su di un nastro nero.
L'aspetto è quello di un gioiello senza tempo, un gioiello importante realizzato da mani artigiane esperte come quelle degli scultori di Raspini che producono argenteria dal 1976 in Toscana.Altri gioielli della stessa collezione vi aspettano dopo il click.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
How to Housebreak a Puppy
When you bring a new puppy home to meet the family, it is an exciting time for everyone involved. Your family's attention will be soaked up by your new arrival. But, as the little guy adapts to his environment, it will become obvious that with this new arrival comes the tasks of responsibility and patience.
To have the ability to train your puppy will become essential. Your new arrival will rely on you to help him adjust to his new environment. His behaviors from here on out will determine on your guidance and leadership.
The way your puppy behaves will be solely in your hands. Many puppy owners are surprised when their puppy acts untrained. The little guy is having accidents all over the house, he is chewing on items in your house you would rather him not chew on, he barks, digs and so on.
Keep in mind that training your new pup will require patience and repetition, which will be a time consuming process. This will be more then worth it though, if you are one that truly loves and care for your pup and want him to succeed in having a happy life.
Beginning with training early on and having your pup interact with other puppies will help your puppy mature into a well trained dog. Your pup will need dedication and accountability that will help him throughout his life.
To give the best possibility of success with you puppy, you will need to instill basic obedience; leash training, puppy interaction, and house training right from the get go.
The best way to train your puppy is through means of encouragement and positive interaction. As soon as you bring your puppy home, begin your puppy training by offering praise and rewards when your puppy does something correct.
To help your puppy achieve his best, it will be important to focus on creating good habits and preventing the bad ones. It is best to start your puppy off right, instead of having to correct bad habits he has learned over time.
When you are developing good habits for your puppy, it helps to be consistent. Also, begin your training with simpler commands and always follow through multiple times by developing a repetition. Keep your training exercises short as your pup is new to this and may lose focus over longer periods of time.
You will find that if you earn the trust and respect of your puppy, he will be able to comprehend and sustain the new knowledge instilled in him quicker versus using punishment or harsh corrections.
Before you know it, you will recognize your puppy wanting to be trained. The happier your pup is, the more he will be excited to be trained and have willingness to learn.
Patience in yourself is strongly encouraged as your puppy is still a young little guy and doesn't understand what exactly you are trying to accomplish in the beginning. Being realistic and understanding of this will increase his chances of successfully mastering his training.
This information will be new to you pup. Move past the shortcomings and focus on his journey, starting from where he came from when you brought him home.
This part of your puppy's life is very important. Once your puppy senses that you are enjoying the training exercises as much as he is, you will be able to create a strong, trusting bond with him that will last a lifetime.
To have the ability to train your puppy will become essential. Your new arrival will rely on you to help him adjust to his new environment. His behaviors from here on out will determine on your guidance and leadership.
The way your puppy behaves will be solely in your hands. Many puppy owners are surprised when their puppy acts untrained. The little guy is having accidents all over the house, he is chewing on items in your house you would rather him not chew on, he barks, digs and so on.
Keep in mind that training your new pup will require patience and repetition, which will be a time consuming process. This will be more then worth it though, if you are one that truly loves and care for your pup and want him to succeed in having a happy life.
Beginning with training early on and having your pup interact with other puppies will help your puppy mature into a well trained dog. Your pup will need dedication and accountability that will help him throughout his life.
To give the best possibility of success with you puppy, you will need to instill basic obedience; leash training, puppy interaction, and house training right from the get go.
The best way to train your puppy is through means of encouragement and positive interaction. As soon as you bring your puppy home, begin your puppy training by offering praise and rewards when your puppy does something correct.
To help your puppy achieve his best, it will be important to focus on creating good habits and preventing the bad ones. It is best to start your puppy off right, instead of having to correct bad habits he has learned over time.
When you are developing good habits for your puppy, it helps to be consistent. Also, begin your training with simpler commands and always follow through multiple times by developing a repetition. Keep your training exercises short as your pup is new to this and may lose focus over longer periods of time.
You will find that if you earn the trust and respect of your puppy, he will be able to comprehend and sustain the new knowledge instilled in him quicker versus using punishment or harsh corrections.
Before you know it, you will recognize your puppy wanting to be trained. The happier your pup is, the more he will be excited to be trained and have willingness to learn.
Patience in yourself is strongly encouraged as your puppy is still a young little guy and doesn't understand what exactly you are trying to accomplish in the beginning. Being realistic and understanding of this will increase his chances of successfully mastering his training.
This information will be new to you pup. Move past the shortcomings and focus on his journey, starting from where he came from when you brought him home.
This part of your puppy's life is very important. Once your puppy senses that you are enjoying the training exercises as much as he is, you will be able to create a strong, trusting bond with him that will last a lifetime.
Bananas bag DIY
I think that the Prada banana print looks like the bananas are popping out of the fabric so I wanted to make this effect real and I decided to do a fun bag with "banana fringes".
Guardando la stampa di Prada,le banane sembrano proprio venir fuori dalla stoffa! Ho deciso divertirmi a rendere questo effetto reale e a confezionare una borsetta con le banane a mo di frange.
the inspiration:Prada banana skirt
l'ispirazione: la gonna di Prada
I used an heavy yellow cotton,fabric pen,scissors,adhesive canvas,wooden beads
Cotone pesante,penna per la stoffa, forbici,telina adesiva,perline in legno
Cotone pesante,penna per la stoffa, forbici,telina adesiva,perline in legno

On the back of the fabric I've ironed an adhesive fabric so the cotton won't unthread
Ho incollato con il ferro della telina adesiva così il cotone non sfilerÃ
Ho incollato con il ferro della telina adesiva così il cotone non sfilerÃ
I've cut many pieces of cotton in the shape of bananas
A questo punto ho tagliato tanti pezzi di cotone dalla forma di banana
A questo punto ho tagliato tanti pezzi di cotone dalla forma di banana
I used a fabric pen to draw the outline
Ho tracciato i contorni con una penna per la stoffa
Ho tracciato i contorni con una penna per la stoffa

I've cut the bag in a "fish bowl" shape and I've pinned onto it all the bananas
Ho deciso di dare alla borsa una forma arrotondata e ci ho appuntato con degli spilli tutte le banane

Alla fine ho usato delle perline in legno molto grandi per realizzare il manico della borsa.
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