Sunday, September 30, 2012

Penumbra turns 1

WELCOME to the MUSA Anniversary Blog hop stop for

Penumbra eMag the Spec Fic e-magazine

Not only is Musa Publishing turning one but so is Penumbra. And with a year of Spec fiction stories out their from issues on Shakepeare, Steampunk, Animals and Politics we still get asked what is Spec fic?

Not only can you find Penumbra at Musa Publishing but also at Magzter. So if you are looking for great short stories at a better price check out Penumbra.

Editor Matt Teal has a great answer.

"Believe it or not, the question I most often get from spec fic writers is, “What exactly is spec fic?” Someone sends me a manuscript, I accept it, and then a few weeks later they write me and say, in a cyber-whisper, “By the way, I was just wondering…” or “You know, a friend at work asked me the other day …” or “I’m really embarrassed to even ask this question …”

Don’t be embarrassed. Most of us grew up thinking in terms of two related genres—science-fiction and fantasy. I say related, but maybe what I mean is “inexplicably in the same section of the bookstore.” Fantasy and sci-fi tended to get lumped together, even though they were very different. Orson Scott Card once wrote that science fiction has rivets and fantasy has trees. That’s a fun over-simplification, and there’s some truth to it. Really though, most people who read traditional sci-fi fans steer clear of traditional fantasy, and vice versa. The thing that bound the two genres together—at least in the minds of booksellers—was that both were fantastical.

The question in recent years has become, what do you do with books about fantastical subjects that don’t qualify as either sci-fi or as fantasy? For example, there was a disastrous attempt several decades ago to market George Orwell’s 1984 as science fiction. It might have some science fiction elements, but it’s definitely not the sort of thing most traditional sci-fi fans recognize as sci-fi. It is dystopian fiction, similar to Orwell’s other masterpiece Animal Farm, and Robert Hugh Benson’s Lord of the World.

And what about the works of Charles Williams? Difficult to classify. Tarot cards that come to life; Platonic forms that roam the earth; Hell as a plane of existence that co-exists alongside our own. Sometimes you find Williams in the fantasy section, but that’s too easy. His books are not genre fiction; they are meaty and philosophical and full of deep theological themes.

So, what do we do with all these other books that don’t fit traditional definitions of fantasy (wizards, elves, and dragons) or science fiction (robots, machines, and space ships)? The solution has been an umbrella term: speculative fiction, or spec fic for short. Spec fic encompasses fantasy and sci-fi, but it also includes horror, dystopian and utopian fiction, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic, alternate histories, supernatural tales, even superhero fiction … basically, anything that speculates on the apparently improbable or seemingly impossible.

The term “spec fic” isn’t an attempt to rename the old fantasy/sci-fi section. It is, rather, a way to gather all the loose clusters of related genres under one convenient term. And you’ll find all of the above-named genres published at Musa under the Urania imprint (with the exception of horror, which is handled by Thalia, our paranormal line).

So don’t be embarrassed if you don’t know what spec fic is. Writers still tend to think of themselves as working in a particular genre, and those genres still hold. It’s simply a more expansive, more inclusive term."


If you haven't read an issue of Penumbra this is your lucky day. To celebrate 1 year we are giving everyone who comments here a copy of the 1st issue just tell us what format you would like it and the email address to send it to. Also when you comment here you are also entered again to win the Kindle Fire and swag bags.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Studded mouse flats DIY tutorial

marc jacobs mouse flats diy, mouse flats diy, mouse flats, fashion diy
studded mouse flats diy

marc jacobs mouse flats diy, mouse flats diy, mouse flats, fashion diy

You've seen them on famous feet and everywhere on the web, the cuteness of mouse and cat face flats is irresistible! Chic and eccentric the Marc Jacobs mouse flats have been a success season after season. The latest version is covered with studs and that is all you need to make your own.
Put back in the wardrobe your classic pumps and have fun wearing these  shoes with a simple dress or a pair skinny jeans. A lot of curious looks will follow your steps!

Prendete borchie e un barattolo di colla, il tutorial per reallizare le vostre ballerine con il musetto di topolino vi aspetta su!

Friday, September 28, 2012

DIY from the runway: get ready for plastic chains

versus spring 2013, spring 2013 trends, milan fashion week, versus
A plastic chain around the edges of a jacket. A young version of the Chanel jacket!
versus spring 2013, spring 2013 trends, milan fashion week, versus, spring 2013 shoes
Versus spring 2013
versus spring 2013, spring 2013 trends, milan fashion week, spring 2013 accessories
Versus spring 2013

No half measures: hot pink, electric blue, red and yellow these are the strong colors of Versus spring 2013 collection. The main theme? Chains printed on dresses and used as decorative element. They are sewed around collars, on bags and shoes , they are necklaces, belts and then cover entire pieces of clothing like tops and skirts. Plastic chains are colored and light weighted; they can be a wonderful element to create a spring accessory.

 Fucsia, blu elettrico, rosso giallo:colori accesi senza mezze misure per la collezione primaverile di Versus.
Tema principale della collezione? Le catene riprodotte sulle stampe degli abiti ma soprattutto utilizzate come elemento decorativo. Adornano colletti, scarpe, borse, cinte poi diventano vere e proprie collane e cinte fino a ricoprire interamente top e gonne. Christopher Kane ci offre molti spunti per il fai da te. Le catene in plastica, leggere e colorate ben si prestano a diventare degli splendidi accessori per l'estate.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DIY from the runway: a bag full of buttons

fendi, fendi bag, fendi bag spring 2013, spring 2013 bags, milano fashion week
Fendi spring 2013
fendi, fendi bag, fendi bag spring 2013, spring 2013 bags, milano fash
Fendi spring 2013
diy, fashion diy, button bag
bag decorated with mother of pearl buttons.

The Fendi  new baguette bag is covered with beads and sequins. When I saw the colored version I thought that it would be fun to make a DIY version of it using small colored buttons. You can look for shirt buttons in your stash or buy them in bulk on internet, they're pretty inexpensive.

La nuova baguette di Fendi è ricoperta di paillettes e perline. La versione colorata ci offre lo spunto per un divertente fai da te: perchè non decorare una borsetta con dei piccoli bottoni? I bottoni per camicie andranno benissimo, cercateli nela vostra scatola del cucito o comprateli in stock su internet li troverete a prezzi vantaggiosi.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

DIY inspiration from Milano Fashion Week

See through and cut out 

etro, just cavalli, versace,mfw,milano fashion week
Etro - Just Cavalli - Versace

Time for fashion weeks. Get inspired by the coolest looks for spring 2013.

Take a look to Just Cavalli fashion show. You'll discover a contemporary collection for a young cosmopolitan woman. What make this collection so up-to-date is a mix between style and functionality. Clothes are original and easy to wear. The see through shirts are modern and reflect a look that can be considered worldwide cool. I can see a an italian and an american woman both happy to wear this collection.
Get inspiration from the jacket with tulle inserts to update your wardrobe to spring 2013.

Tempo di fashion weeks. Fatevi ispirare dai look più cool per la primavera 2013.

Vi consiglio di guardare lo show di Just Cavalli che ci propone una collezione molto contemporanea per una donna giovane e cosmopolita. Ciò che rende questa collezione così attuale è il mix tra stile e funzionalità. I capi sono speciali ma facili da indossare. Le camicie trasparenti sono chic e moderne e  rispecchiano un look considerato cool a livello mondiale. Credo che una sia una donna italiana che una newyorkese sarebbero felici di indossare questa collezione di Just Cavalli.
Ispiratevi alla giacca con inserti in tulle per aggiornare il vosto guardaroba alla primavera 2013.

 60's and graphical

moschino, fay, mfw,milano fashion week
First from left Moschino - 3 looks from Fay
We're back to the sixthies at Moschino and Fay. They play with graphical effects, vertical lines and black and white contrasts. The color contrast pockets are on almost all Fay's dresses. The pastel colors chosen are all irresistibles, the melon orange is my favorite, energetic and refreshing.

Ispirazione anni sessanta per Moschino e Fay che giocano con effetti grafici, linee verticali, contrasti bianco e nero. Bellissime le tasche e pattine a contrasto, scelte da Fay come filo conduttore della collezione. Tutti irresistibili gli abiti nei toni pastello, impossibile sceglierne solo uno, forse il mio preferito è quello arancio melone, colore estivo e rinfrescante.

Perforated and Laser cut 

richmond, blumarine, just cavalli, mfw,milano fashion week
John Richmond - Blumarine - Just Cavalli
Obtain a modern look with perforated, laser cut fabrics. Use a pair of scissors or an knife over a leather garment.
If you're looking for knitting inspiration check out this beautiful sweater from Just Cavalli with very unusual sleeves.

Stoffe tagliate a laser o effetto intaglio per un look moderno da ottenere con solo con l'uso delle forbici su un capo in pelle.
Le appassionate di maglia apprezzeranno molto il capo in cotone di Just Cavalli leggero e traforato con maniche decisamente insolite!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Recycle & reuse : how to make a crystal bracelet with vase fillers

The thing I enjoy the most is take something around the house and transform it in a wearable piece.
Today I'll show you how to use then so called vase fillers. They are irregular pieces of plastic that look like crystals that are used mostly as a decoration element.  I enjoy wearing crystal clear pieces of jewelry right now so the only thing I had to do is pierce the plastic crystals turning them into beads and insert them in a elastic piece of thread. Voilà a new bracelet is done!

You'll need
elastic thread
a driller

La cosa che più mi diverte è utilizzare degli oggetti trovati qua e là per realizzare capi e accessori indossabili.
Oggi prenderemo in prestito dal salotto dei cristalli in plastica per realizzare un bracciale. Li potete trovare nei negozi tra i complementi d'arredo, sono utilizzati principalmente a scopo decorativo per riempire ciotole e vasi.  Basterà forarli per trasformarli in perline irregolari. A quel punto non resterà che infilarle in un filo elastico per completare il bracciale

Vi serviranno
cristalli in plastica
filo elastico
un trapano
crystal rocks vase fillers

 I used heat to pierce them but you can also use a driller. Don't worry if you pierce them in different spots because this will help you to give movement to the bracelet. Be very careful when you use these kind of tools.

Potete usare un trapano per forarle oppure un saldatore. Fate molta attenzione nell'usare entrambi gli utensili.
 Non importa se i fori saranno in punti diversi. anzi contribuiranno a creare movimento.

Once pierced they can be inserted in a plastic thread.

Una volta forate infilate le perline nel filo elastico e annodatelo.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Gucci wants you to DIY their it-bags

fashion diy, facebook contest, gucci

Have you ever desidered an it bag? Have you ever touched a super luxury bag with a thrill of excitement? What if you could design the it bag of your dreams? Gucci makes available to the public the paper patterns of three of the most famous Gucci it-bags and launches Cut&Craft, a facebook contest 
  • Download the patterns.
  • Customize the bag as you like and upload the pictures on their facebook page.
  • The most voted bags will be the cover of the Gucci facebook page.
This is a chance to put our creative and design abilities on trial for fun.Yes the pattern can only be used to make a bag made of paper but who knows what your creative mind can do with it!

Ogni appassionata di moda che si rispetti ha sognato di spendere lo stipendio per una it-bag, una borsa dal prezzo insensatamente alto per la quale c'è magari anche una lista d'attesa. E se poteste addirittura disegnarne una? Gucci pubblica sulla sua pagina facebook i modelli di carta di tre delle sue borse più famose invitando gli utenti a partecipare al contest Cut&Craft.
  • Scaricate i modelli
  • Realizzate la borsa in carta, personalizzatela e uplodate una sua foto
  • Le borse più votate diventeranno la copertina della pagina facebook di Gucci
E' un'occasione per mettere alla prova le vostre abilità creative per gioco. Sarà pur vero che i modelli sono utilizzabili solo per realizzare una borsa di carta ma non si può mai prevedere come le vostre menti creative riuscirebbero ad usarli!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Get into fall trends : how to make a leather fringe skirt

leather skirt, do it yourself, diy, fringe skirt, tutorial, how to
fall 2012 trends, leather trend, lanvin, valentino, givenchy
Valentino - Lanvin - Givenchy fall 2012

Fall collections are all about leather: coats, dresses, skirts, trousers and accessories, they are all made of leather. If you're a fan of the dark allure leather can evoke this is your chance to wear it head to toe.
Today I'll show you how to make a leather fringe skirt. All you need is 60 cm of black leather or faux leather fabric to cover  a 40 cm long skirt. Get a pair of scissors and read the full tutorial here

I designer non hanno dubbi riguardo al trend dominante della stagione invernale: è la pelle su vestiti, cappotti e accessori. Caliamoci allora nel mood dark di stagione creando una gonna con frange in pelle per una dark lady che non si prende troppo sul serio con un look giovane e divertente.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

6 solutions to your fabric storage problems

via Treasure 4 Tots

To know if you have a sewing addiction check these symptoms:
  • You buy fabrics everywhere you go
  • You buy fabrics even if you don't know what to do with them yet
  • You have ecstatic visions of the clothes you'll make
If the descriptions above fit you your addiction has already gone too far. The consequences of this illness are mainly the build up of piles and piles of fabrics around the house. You filled chests then drawers and in acute crisis you can end up taking off the clothes from your closet to put fabrics in it.
If we can't cure your sewing addiction (please don't watch fashion shows to avoid serious crisis) we can at least cure its consequences. I'm here to suggest some clever ways to store fabrics that will help you save space and money.
Do you have other ideas to store fabrics? I'd love to hear your solutions!

              1. Hanging folders

The first idea to organize fabrics I found on Sew many ways is simply brilliant. Fabrics are  rolled around hanging folders and stored in drawers as they were documents. Check out their webpage for the tutorial.
Isn't it clever? Fabric stored with hanging folders via Sew many ways

              2. Cloth hangers

The second way to store fabrics is keep them in the closet on cloth hangers. This is a good idea because it keeps fabrics away from the daylight that is responsible of color fading. We can also use cloth hangers for scarfs in order to use all the vertical space we have.

via Paper work Genie

via Everything Etsy
3. Cardboard

This is the solution I'm going to use. Every piece of fabric is just rolled around a piece of cardboard and then stored on shelves. The cardboard makes the roll stiff so you can easily take it from a pile, it's a very inexpensive solution and since the fabric is tidily wrapped you can save space. The Quilt board  tells us how big is the piece of cardboard and treasure 4 Tots shows us how to add a couple of tabs that keep the fabric in position. If you don't feel like diy them you can even buy fabric organizers here.

via Treasure Tots

via Quilt board
 Mail organizer, cassette holder and jars

Storage solutions 4, 5 and 6 are for fabric scraps. If you love patchwork techniques you'll have a lot of them. These are ways to store also all the remainder pieces of your sewing projects. The author of Living with kids stores her tiny pieces of fabrics into a mail organizer while Tonya Staab uses a old cassette holder but nothing decorates more than jars filled with colored fabrics.
mail organizer turned fabric holder via Living with kids
cattessette holder via Tonya Staab
Jar turned fabric scraps holder via Craft Gossip
Per sapere se la febbre del cucito vi ha già contagiato controllate questi sintomi:
  • Comprate stoffe dovunque andiate
  • Quando vedete una stoffa che vi piace la comprate nonostante non sappiate ancora cosa farci
  •  Avete delle visioni sui vestiti che realizzerete
Se vi riconoscete in queste descrizioni siete ormai in uno stato acuto della malattia, uno stato dal quale non si può tornare indietro facilmente. Le conseguenze di questo disturbo sono principalmente l'accumulo di rotoli di stoffa per la casa. Vi capiterà di riempire mobili e scaffali. Sebbene non ci sia una cura precisa possiamo sempre curare i sintomi. Ecco a voi delle soluzioni creative ed economiche ai vostri cronici problemi di spazio. 

1. Portadocumenti
L'autrice di Sew many ways ha trovato un metodo intelligente per catalogare le sue stoffe usando nientemeno che dei portadocumenti. Le stoffe rimarranno così ordinate in un cassetto o in uno schedario.
2. Stampelle
Ebbene si usate le vostre stampelle per appendere le stoffe, quelle per le sciarpe vi auteranno ad utilizzare tutto lo spazio verticale  a vostra disposizione. Le stoffe, tenute lontano dalla luce del sole non scoloriranno e si conserveranno meglio.
3. Cartoncini
Questa è la soluzione che personalmente ho deciso di adottare: è semplice da realizzare in casa e praticamente a costo zero. Le stoffe vengono piegate ordinatamente intorno ad un cartoncino e poi riposte negli scaffali. Il cartone rende la stoffa rigida quindi facile da estrarre da una pila. The Quilt board ci illustra le dimensioni del cartoncino mentre Treasure for Tots ci mostra come aggiungere delle alette che tengano ferma la stoffa.

Le soluzioni 4,5,6 sono per riporre ordinatamente pezzi di stoffa più piccoli, i cosidetti scampoli, rimanenze dei vostri progetti di cucito o materia prima per tecniche come il patchwork. L'autrice di Living with kids ripone gli scampoli in un portalettere mentre Tonya Staab opta per un vecchio portacassette. E che ne dite di riporre i pezzetti di stoffa nei barattoli? Diventeranno dei colorati elementi d'arredo.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Show your bad girl glam : make a punk studded headband

punk, studded headband, studs,studded diy, fashion diy
DIY studded headband

 Bad girls are always glamourous. If your style is glam rock this headband is thought to bring a touch of aggressiveness in your everyday look while remaining chic. Try to wear this studded headband with a boucle, chanelesque jacket and a pair of black thight jeans.

This is a very quick diy and I'm going to insert it in a new diy category you can now browse from the navigation bar under the title called 10 minutes DIY.
It collects all my diy tutorials that can be completed quickly so you don't have to wait to wear your new diy must have!

To make this spiky headband you'll need:
  • gold metallic headband 1 cm wide (this one is from H&M)
  • cone stud beads (yes they're beads! they can be sewed or glued)
  • glue

 Kate Moss ci insegna: le bad girls hanno sempre il loro fascino. Per voi che amate lo stile glam rock e non volete rinunciare ad un tocco di aggressività anche nel look di tutti i giorni oggi vi mostrerò un tutorial per realizzare un cerchietto decorato con le borchie. Provate ad indossarlo con una giacca di ispirazione Chanel e un paio di skinny jeans neri. 
Questo è un tutorial davvero veloce che inserirò in una nuova categoria chiamata 10 minutes DIY. La trovate nella barra di navigazione sotto al titolo e raccoglierà tutti i tutorial che possono essere completati velocemente, così non dovrete aspettare per indossare il vostro nuovo must have fai da te!

Per realizzare il cerchietto avete bisogno di:
  • un cerchietto di metallo (trovato a H&M)
  • perline a forma di borchia (eh si sono delle perline, si possono cucire o incollare, la versione più comoda delle borchie che si sia mai vista! Cercatele online)
  • colla

    Put some glue behind the stud cone beads
     Versate una goccia di colla sul retro delle perline

    then glue them onto the headband.
    Start from the centre and glue one stud,
    then glue 3 studs on each side 
    at a distance of 3cm from each other.

    e incollatele sul cerchietto metallico.
    Partendo dal centro, incollate una borchia.
    Aggiungetene 3 per lato distanziate circa 3 cm l'una dall'altra.

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Glitters are (on the) back on fall shoes

    miu miu, glitter shoes, glitter soles
    Back to glitters! Miu Miu fall 2012
    lanvin, jimmy choo, glitter shoes, glitter soles
    Cristals on the soles : Lanvin fall 2012 - Jimmy Choo crystal shoes

    When red soles became synonymous of exclusive and famous shoes we learned to notice the sole!
    It's the most hidden part of the shoe and the one with the shortest life since it's in touch with the floor but it's also the protagonist of fall collections. Glitters are back on Miu Miu shoes while Lanvin and Jimmy Choo choose more expensive and precious crystals. If you want special effects on your soles get your white glue and a pot of glitters then click here!
    To see how to apply glitters click here.

    Dal quando le suole rosse sono diventate il tratto distintivo di scarpe famose e ambite abbiamo imparato a dare importanza anche a lei, la suola. E' la parte meno in vista della scarpa, quella a contatto con l'asfalto e destinata a rovinarsi per prima.Oggi ha smesso di essere anonima e diventa addirittura protagonista di alcune collezioni invernali. Come lo scorso inverno i glitter adornano le scarpe Miu Miu mentre Lanvin e Jimmy Choo scelgono i più preziosi cristalli. Se anche voi volete stupire con effetti speciali sulle suole non vi resta che armarvi di colla vinilica e porporina e cliccare qui.

    Wednesday, September 5, 2012

    Selecting Best Dog Names

    If you are going to buy a new dog or just purchased a dog, now its time to think of an exclusive name for it. Considering of an exclusive name for your dog can be quite challenging but there are many ways to make the process easier. There are many methods by which you can get best dog names without much effort. When you choose a name, it's essential to choose an excellent one as that name will be with your dog for lifetime. You don't want to provide a big powerful men dog name or in the same way a men name to a sensitive women dog. To get those creative names easily, you have to make a research. Below are some tips which help you to select good and attractive dog names in less span of time.

    The primary factor to consider when trying choosing exclusive dog names for your dog is whether your dog will be able to understand his or her name from your regular daily usage of the name. If you think about it for a second, calling your dog 'Joe' or 'Boe' may very well mix up your pet. Try and choose an exclusive name that is possible for your dog to understand easily from your voice. Usually one or two syllable terms are simpler especially when your dog gets difficult of listening to. Another factor to consider when selecting a name is whether you would experience calling your dog in the middle of your speech and the dog identifies it clearly and comes near you. Unique names may be audio attractive at first but can create you problems while calling as such names are not that much easy to pronounce if you want to call from long distance. As you have to call much louder, it makes somewhat difficult for you.

    Waiting for few days after buying a new dog before selecting a name for it can make the procedure much simpler. By this you can make a good research to select excellent dog names. The purpose for this is that you may choose up on little features of your new dog that provides you with some motivation. Maybe your new dog is courageous and has the ability and personality of a lion; maybe 'Leo' would fit your new dog. Or else you can name it "Tiger" which is one of the most common names which most people uses for their dog.

    Another excellent resource of exclusive dog names is from guides and tv. There are lots of ways to get best dog names other than this. The most popular method is to make an online research. You can get many websites providing better dog names which you can make use of. Selecting an exclusive dog name is something funny as it gives the dog with a new identification within your household. Take a little time to do a bit of analysis and you will easily get the ideal name for your new pet.

    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Turn everything into gold : How to use metallic foil

    beetle brooch, diy, fashion diy, metallic foil
    Insect brooches covered with gold foil

    Everything is a diy here: the jacket, the top and the brooches :D

    Unusual brooches with the shape of beetles are not very easy come by. You may need to visit more than a vintage shop to find them or browse a lot around the web. If you, like me, can't wait to have something you like, I hope you'll appreciate this diy solution. I took some plastic toy insects and transformed them into shiny gold beetle brooches.

     To recreate the look I was after, a good imitation of gold, I mean shiny and mirrory I used gold metallic foil. It's a thin film  that can be transfered to any surface very easily. You only need a specific glue for foiling. 
    I like the result and now I'm tempted to use this foil over pretty much everything around the house.

    Spille uniche come quelle a forma d'insetto non sono molto facili da trovare. Dovrete scovarle nei negozi vintage o cercare molto sul web. Per fortuna possiamo evitare l'estenuante ricerca nel modo che ci diverte di più. Realizzeremo delle spille dall'appeal vintage partendo da degli insetti in plastica giocattolo.
    Per ottenere una buona imitazione dell'oro, riflettente e luccicante utilizzeremo la foglia metallica. E' un sottile fim dorato che, usato in combinazione con una colla specifica,  può essere trasferito su ogni superficie. Questa tecnica è semplice da realizzare ed il risultato è effettivamente simile al metallo. 

    Plastic toy insects

    You'll need:
    •  Metallic foil 
    • glue for foiling 
    • plastic toy 
    • brooch base
    • glue
    Vi serviranno:
    • Foglia metallica
    • colla per doratura
    • animali in plastica
    • base per le spille
    • colla
      Apply the white glue
       Cover the beetle with the special glue for foiling and let it dry for 5 to 10 minutes. When it becomes transparent and sticky you're ready to apply the gold foil.

      Spennellate l'oggetto con la colla per doratura. Lasciatela asciugare per 5-10 minuti. Quando sarà diventata trasparente siete pronti per procedere all'applicazione del film metallico.

       Cut tiny pieces of foil with scissors to be able to wrap it around curved surfaces easily. Press the foil over the scarab. Apply some pressure with the finger over the whole surface and the gold will stick on it. Peel off the film and you've done.

      Ritagliate il film dorato in piccoli pezzi così sarà più semplice stenderlo su superfici rotonde. Premete con il dito la pellicola sull'oggetto da dorare per traferire l'oro sulla sua superficie. Rimuovete la pellicola.

       Repeat the process untill the whole object is covered.
      Continuate a ripetere l'operazione fino a quando tutto l'oggetto non sarà ricoperto.

       Some insects have beautiful, iridescent bright colors. In order to reproduce those shades I used the diyer secret weapon and painted some of the toys with nail polish.

      Alcuni insetti come gli scarabei hanno una corazza cangiante. Per riprodurre quei bellissimi colori possiamo sfoderare la nostra arma segreta e dipingere alcuni insetti con lo smalto.

      Glue a brooch base behind the beetles.

      The finished brooches are very nice. To prevent them from tarnish you can apply an alcohol based varnish. You can buy a specific one or use clear nail polish. I tried this but in my opinion it ruins a little the gold finish so I'll leave my brooches without any top coat. We'll see if they'll tarnish or not. If they do we can always apply a new film of metallic foil over them and they'll look like new.

      Infine incollate la base per le spille sul retro degli insetti. Una volta terminate le spille possono essere protette dall'ossidazione con una vernice a base di alcol. Potete acquistarne una specifica o usare dello smalto trasparente. Personalmente trovo che questa finitura renda la doratura leggermente opaca, quindi non la utilizzerò per le mie spille. Dopotutto se dovessero ossidarsi basterà dorarle di nuovo!